School based training Phase 2

Subject: Religious Education
Weeks: / 23 - 27 / Date: / 27th February – 31st March 2017
Student Teacher:
Summary of first six weeks of SBT Phase 2 / ·  Induction into new School (for week 22 – see induction training plan)
·  Observation and team teaching of those classes they will be taking – leading to solo teaching of full classes as soon as mentor is happy that student teacher is ‘ready’. Please contact Elicia if there are any queries
·  Allocation of a 50% timetable and access to RE departmental policies, locally agreed syllabus and Schemes of Work
·  Guidance on work to be covered by classes
·  To plan a sequence of lessons and lesson plans for at least one class and locate and create teaching materials. This can be adapted from the department’s materials.
·  To plan lesson plans for all classes and locate, create teaching materials from the department’s medium term plans or lesson objectives.
·  Checking/developing student teacher has skills for teaching the topics required in this School Based Training
·  Discussion of Subject Knowledge audit, leading to filling in next steps for subject knowledge in the Week 23 meeting (W/C 27/2) and the potential for addressing the ‘gaps’ in SBT2
·  Discussion of the Action Plan for STB2 in the first mentor meeting
·  Student teachers should share with their mentors their SBT Report 2 and profile (with grades)
·  The student teacher needs to gain experience in delivering right across the different key stages and breadth of religions/topics
·  Focus on formative assessment and its supporting pupil progress
·  Student teachers to continue observations across a range of classes & subjects including other humanities subjects, e.g. History, English, Geography and practical subjects, such as Drama.
·  Continuation of formative observations using the UEL lesson observation forms by Mentor/class teacher with prompt feedback- within 24 hours. Ensure Teacher Standards are referred to.
·  Students to complete two long lesson evaluations a week, which should be shown to the mentor during the meeting. It is sometimes helpful for a trainee to evaluate a lesson that the mentor has observed prior to feedback.
·  Prepare and discuss School Based Training Report 3. To prepare for this student teachers will self-assess, set 3 targets for development and complete the ‘student teacher’ column in their profile report prior to the discussion. Ensure grade descriptors have been read and understood. The grades will be moderated by the mentor. Student Teachers will add a comment to the report and sign after discussion. Ensure this is accompanied by 3 formal lesson observations and a completed Profile form (student to supply this). Email copies of the SBT Report & Profile 3 and 3 lesson observation summary forms by 31st March 2017 to , with Elicia copied in
·  From Week 26, W/C 13/3, students should teach at least one lesson a week outside of RE. The maximum time teaching a second subject should be 30% of their timetable. Students will have identified a preferred second subject to teach.
·  Identify the additional teaching the student teacher will take on from Week 28 (up to 60% of a normal teacher’s timetable).
·  Student teachers have a securing Pupil Progress assignment has a deadline of 12 April and they may ask to use evidence (anonymized) to support this piece of work.

Training to be provided by RE Mentor

Mentor Meetings
The Weekly Training Plan is the focus of the weekly mentor meeting. Trainees should review the week with the mentor, reflecting on the student teachers’ progress, and also the progress of the pupils. Targets should be negotiated during this meeting, and should refer to the Standards. It is helpful if this document is filled in during the meeting, although some mentors like student teachers to bring the document to the meeting filled in as much as possible for review.
Trainees often forget to fill in their reading log. Please could you check this has been done and that their reading informs their subject knowledge development targets.
Lesson evaluations (long X 2 a week) should be checked by the mentor. It is a good idea to ask trainees to evaluate a lesson prior to giving them feedback.
During a meeting in the first two weeks, subject knowledge development targets for the first half of SBT2, should be filled in on their subject knowledge audit. This should be shared with you.
Standards’ trackers should be checked before Easter, also the audit of pupil opportunities and their highlighted grade tracker
Training for Planning (TS4)
Mentors should guide the student teacher to plan their own medium term plans (units of work) for the period up to Easter. Student teachers are expected to adapt, plan and research for the period up to Easter as directed by the mentor. Student teachers should use the Religious Education departmental Schemes of Work and resources but it would be helpful to their development if they could use their own ideas within the prescribed planning. Trainees have been directed to plan creative and varied lessons. Trainees have a subject knowledge assignment after Easter, which will require them to plan and teach some enquiry learning based lessons. However, these lessons can be taught before Easter, if wished.
Some student teachers will be able to plan work almost independently; others will require more training and guidance to plan effectively.
During these weeks, the student teacher should give the mentor:
·  Detailed medium term plans adapted from department schemes of work for at least one class. This will be written with guidance from mentors. This will help to prepare student teachers for creating their own scheme of work after Easter.
·  Lesson plans for every lesson, at least 24 hours in advance
·  Creation or adaptation of resources for lessons
Mentors need to ensure that they have read the plans, checking particularly:
·  That the plans are situated within the departmental Schemes of Work
·  That the learning outcomes, activities and timings etc. are relevant and realistic
·  That resources are identified/available
·  Following teaching that short (every lesson) and full lesson evaluations (two a week) are being completed promptly
If the Mentor has any concerns or reservations about any of these areas, this should be discussed and resolved with the student teacher before the start of solo teaching.
Training for Teaching & Class Management (TS4 & 7)
Student teachers should be given guidance on how to teach any lesson or aspect of a lesson which they are required to teach at this stage. The student teachers have developed some teaching and classroom management skills in the course so far, however they have just changed school and there is often an apparent regression as they come to terms with a new environment. Mentors should check that the student teacher is confident to teach the lesson beforehand. This could involve talking through the lesson and establishing that the student teacher has the knowledge, skills and previous experience which would indicate that they are able to teach the lesson effectively.
Observe teaching towards Easter in order to see if student teachers are:
·  Giving pupils a variety of challenging learning activities, using a range of teaching styles in lessons not just practice and command style, managing transitions well, positioning themselves in the appropriate place, using their voice effectively to manage the group and convey enthusiasm, adopting confident body posture & language, ensuring concise & clear explanations/demonstrations to pupils
·  Developing positive relationships with pupils based on high expectations of work and behaviour
·  Using established school/departmental routines and a variety of behaviour management strategies
Training for Assessment (TS6)
Mentors should ensure that student teachers observe some examples of assessed work/performances across the National Curriculum and/or examination classes, which show the standards achieved by pupils at the school and the level they should expect. Student teachers also need to set up their assessment records, so that they can begin to monitor pupils’ work from the start of teaching. They have been advised to keep progress/target comments for all pupils, selecting 3-5 per lesson; rotating the pupils chosen in subsequent lessons. For a one class they will focus on the progress of 5 pupils each lesson.
Monitoring the Student Teacher’s Progress
Mentors should monitor the student teacher’s achievements very carefully in this early stage of School Based Training in a new environment and they, or the normal class teacher should stay in lessons so as to provide formative feedback for the teaching observed. The weekly training meetings should focus on the quality of the planning and teaching so far and the planning for future lessons. Use the ‘Grade Descriptors’ (within the Assessment Toolkit) to assess progress and ensure that student teachers record strengths and targets in their Weekly Training Plans.
Student teachers will also be monitoring their own progress. They will be updating their Standards Tracker regularly, subject audit, audit of pupil opportunities and their grade tracker (highlighting progress on their grade descriptors to identify areas for development.
Student Teacher’s Preparation and Teaching
Student teachers should research, prepare and make teaching materials for classes the will teach. This includes preparing medium term plans (units of work) for a minimum of 2 classes for the period up until Easter.
Student Teacher’s Observation/Research
Student teachers to continue observations across a range of classes & subjects including History, English, PSHE and Drama.
During observations student teachers should note elements such as:
·  Class ethos and groupings within the class
·  Organisation of the teaching space
·  Teaching styles and methods used
·  Pupils with Special Needs, including Gifted and Talented
Please ask to see the student teachers’ observational notes. Trainees should also have targeted observations based on their personal targets. E.g. a trainee who is ‘3’ in TS6, will benefit from a targeted observation of a teacher who is skilled in assessment for learning.
Tutor Visit
Student teachers must send in their new timetable within the first week of SBT Phase 2. Elicia will aim to carry out an observation visit during Weeks 24 – 26. They will arrange to visit and observe the Student teacher with the Mentor or class teacher, to enable moderated feedback and judgements. The Mentor should always alert the Professional Coordinating Mentor and UEL Tutor, if there are any concerns at any time:
Elicia Lewis, Lead Tutor for Religious Education ITE