Cyngor Cymuned Llangynyw

Llangyniew Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held onTuesday15thSeptember2015

at the Village Hall, Pontrobert at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr H Gwalchmai(Chair),Cllr H Davies,Cllr M Watkins, Cllr B Thomasand

Cllr T Isaac.

Mr Adrian Jervis (CSP Local Environment Powys CC) was in attendance to discuss highways matters

pertaining to Pontrobert and Llangyniew areas. The council expressed it concerns for the safety of children walking on the roads to school in Pontrobert and requested Powys CC to implement speed restrictions. Mr Jervis Stated that Road Signs would be posted in the locations either on poles or on the road and that Powys CC would arrange with the school a visit by the Road Safety Officer. Mr Jarvis requested that all outstanding highways observations be emailed to his office. Clerk to Action. The subject of the new BT pole on the B4389 by junction of A495 pole number CP5AA was also discussed. The council were updated on the situation so far and that BT by Powys CC and BT are undertaking a risk assessment, a site meeting has happened and BT are of the opinion that it is not a safety problem. Discussions are still on-going and Powys CC is awaiting a decision from BT. The Chairman thanked Mr Jervis for his visit to the council meeting.

Apologies(078)CllrD Evans,Cllr G Watkins andCllr B Humphreys

Declaration of Interest(079)

Cllr B Thomas declared an interest in the letter from Mr M Edwards.


Council RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting of 28th July 2015werea true record .

Matters Arising(081)

a. (072) Letter from Mr Edwards. The council were informed of the replies sent to Mr Edwards on the subjects of Public foot paths and Japanese Knotweed. Council then discussed the third point raised in the letter referring to The Old Wishing Well. Cllr Thomas left the room during the conversation. It was RESOLVED by Council that a letter be written to Mr Edwards expressing its support in principle for enhancements of the well but pointing out that he consult the land owner and church for their authority in the first instance. Action Clerk

b. (072) Letter from Llanfyllin Group Practice PPG- Public Meeting in Llanrhaeadr YM on 23 Sep at 7pm to hear Dr Caron Morton speak on the Future Fit Programme which involves potential changes to services at Shrewsbury & Telford’s Hospital.

c. BT Pole in Hedge – See Mr Jervis statement above.

Service Delivery (082)

Council was informed that it is still awaiting date of Llanfyllin Cluster meeting.


E Mail from Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales – Invite to reception of Best Kept Village in Montgomeryshire Competition. The competition is being reinstated and further information will be given at the reception on 16 October 2015 at the Welshpool livestock market at 6pm. Chairman and Cllr Davies will represent the council. Clerk to Action RSVPs

External Audit Report (084)

The External Audit Report was read to the council and is available on the website and Noticeboards.

The Council RESOLVED to approve and accept the annual return.

Finance (085)

The account balances were readout to the council.

Account balances Current £8793.66

Deposit £2271.05


Precept- £1931.00


Clerks Wages & Expenses - £87.75

HMRC (Bank Transfer) - £19.80

John Hughes Chapel, Pontrobert- £150.00

It was RESOLVED by Council that the invoices and payments be honored.

137 Application for Funding (086)

Applications are invited for 137 grants and notification will be posted on the Notice Board andWebsite, returns invited by 31st October 2015.

(Section 137(1) of the 1972 Act permits a community council to spend on activities for which it has no other specific powers if the council considers that the expenditure is in the interest of and will bring direct benefit to the area or any part of it or all of some of its inhabitants, providing that the benefit is commensurate with the expenditure. Community Councils are also permitted under section 137(3) to incur expenditure for certain charitable and other purposes.)

Planning (087)

P/2015/0754 section 73: Variation of Condition 11 of planning consent P/2012/0948 to remove the

size limitation of static caravans at Pen y Pentre Caravan Park, Llangyniew, Welshpool, Powys.

Council RESOLVED to support application.


Council were asked by Mr Jervis to submit outstanding issues to his office via email.

Members’ Points of Information (089)

a. Council were reminded to order Poppies for Remembrance Sunday. Clerk to Action

b. Arrange for School Council to visit council at next meeting. Clerk to Action

Date of Next Meeting is at 7.00pm onTuesday 20 October2015 and will be held intheOld School Hall, Llangyniew.

The meeting closed at8.45pm

These minutes are available in Welsh by request.


Signed...... Dated ......