(EDR 620) English as a Second Language Methodologies

Common Course Assessment: ESL Portfolio

(EDR 620) English as a Second Language Methodologies

Common Course Assessment:Common Course Outcomes (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards)

#2 Teachers Know Their Subjects and How to Teach Them

  • Appreciate how knowledge is created, organized and linked
  • Have specialized knowledge in how to convey subject
  • Generate multiple paths to knowledge

#3 Teachers Are Responsible for Managing Student Learning

  • Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Goals
  • Orchestrate Learning in Group Settings
  • Place a Premium on Student Engagement
  • Regularly Assess Student Progress
  • Are Mindful of Their Principle Objective

Directions to the Student: Teacher candidates will conduct a twenty-five hour field assignment outside their area of certification. The field assignment will be conducted in the Grand Rapids Public Schools (The second largest school district in the state of Michigan) within an ESL program. Moreover, students within assigned groups will: create representative samples of ESL lessons developed and present these lessons to their colleges; research articles and/or case studies that address strategies/skills and methodologies used when presenting lessons to second language learners; and present to the class. Furthermore, I portfolio will be compiled with:

Section #1: Class projects and graded materials

Section #2: Reflective logs of selected review and critical thinking questions, readings, practice lessons and presentations

Section #3: Class lecture notes

Section #4: This section of the portfolio will be dedicated exclusively to artifacts from ESL course such articles from the internet, pictures, maps, etc.

Rubric for Portfolio:

Elements / Distinguished
(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
Appreciate how knowledge is created, organized and linked. / Portfolio includes extensive developmental research and its practical implications for classroom and/or home use. / Portfolio includes appropriate amount of developmental research and its practical implications for classroom and/or home use. / Portfolio includes limited developmental research and its practical implications for classroom and/or home use. / Did not meet standard
Have specialized knowledge in how to convey the subject. / Portfolio demonstrates the candidate’s extensive awareness of difficulties and preconceptions that parents/educators may have in regards to child development and or what strategies/materials
might assist. / Portfolio demonstrates the candidate’s awareness of difficulties and preconceptions that parents/educators may have in regards to child development and or what strategies/materials
might assist. / Portfolio demonstrates the candidate’s minimal awareness of difficulties and preconceptions that parents/educators may have in regards to child development and or what strategies/materials
might assist. / Did not meet standard
Generate multiple paths to knowledge. / Portfolio includes varied strategies and materials that assist in the classroom or in the home. / Portfolio includes basic strategies and materials that assist in the classroom or in the home. / Portfolio includes a limited number of strategies and materials that assist in the classroom or in the home. / Did not meet standard
Call on multiple methods to meet goals. / Candidate is very effective in creating or altering instruction to generate/sustain interest, including drawing on students or colleagues. / Candidate is effective in creating instruction to generate and sustain interest; may also draw on others’ expertise. / Candidate is limited in instructional methods that generates or sustains interest. Rarely make use of multiple methods. / Did not meet standard
Orchestrate learning in-group settings. / Candidate is highly adept at organizing instruction and using time effectively to meet goals. / Candidate usually organizes instruction and uses time effectively to meet goals. / Candidate’s instruction is sometimes or often disorganized and time is not used effectively. / Did not meet standard


Place a premium on student engagement. / Candidate creates rich and engaging learning experiences that allow interaction between students and teachers. / Candidate creates learning experiences that allow interaction between students and teachers. / Candidate rarely creates engaging experiences; rarely allows interaction between students and teachers. / Did not meet standard
Regularly assess student progress. / Candidate uses multiple methods to assess individual and group progress. Communicates student progress to parents clearly and often. / Candidate uses traditional methods to assess individual and/or group progress. Communicates student progress to parents. / Candidate uses limited or ineffective methods to assess student progress. Does not always communicate student progress to parents. / Did not meet standard