IE LITERACYELWriting: Bringing Narratives to Life Rubric (E16)

Student Name: Date: ______

To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes. (TSW’s)

To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on 5 of the 6 available and ‘B’ level mastery on all remaining TSW’s.

TSW / ‘A’ Level / ‘B’ Level / P-Notes
1. Participate in the revision process of a sample personal narrative where details are added that help the characters move, talk and feel. / I helped my teacher add details to a class story by giving ideas of how to make the characters move, talk, and feel.
2. Use quotation marks around dialogue in his/her writing. / I used quotation marks when someone was talking in my story.
3. Create a list of quality action verbs that show character movement and emotional expressions and use some in his/her writing. / I used verbs in my writing that described exact and interesting actions, movements, and facial expressions. / I made a list of great verbs that show actions and feelings. I used some of these words in my writing.
4. Publish a personal narrative, using the writing process, that includes illustrations, dialogue, and details that express the characters thoughts, feelings, and actions. / In my story, I added lots of details that made my characters move, talk, and come alive. / I wrote a story about something that happened to me that has drawings, talking, feelings, and actions. I used correct sentence structure and age-appropriate spelling. I edited for commas, verb tense, and verb agreement.
5. Use a variety of idea-generating techniques during the revision process for adding details, such as acting it out, creating finger puppet plays, or reading it out loud with different voices and feeling. / I used these ideas to add voice, movement, and feeling to my story. / I got ideas for how to add details to my story by acting it out, making finger puppet plays, or reading it aloud with feeling to a partner.
6. Use a variety of techniques to improve the sentence fluency of his/her narrative, such as reading the story out loud to a peer and editing to improve flow, using short and long sentences with conjunctions, using transitions, and varying sentence structure. / After revising my writing to improve fluency, my writing flows smoothly when I read it. I also used great action verbs to add descriptive detail to my writing. / I read my story out loud to a classmate and made changes so that it would flow better. I used short and long sentences. My sentences start in different ways, and I used transition words. My writing may still sound a bit choppy when I read it.
7. Explain the difference between past, present, and future tense, write regular verbs and the verb “to be” in these tenses correctly, and amend verb tense errors in his/her narrative. / I am able to find and correct verb tense mistakes in my writing and/or other’s writings. / I can explain the difference between past, present, and future tenses. I can write regular verbs and the verb “to be” in these tenses. I checked for correct verb tense in my writing.
8. Identify and capitalize proper nouns in his/her writing. / I can point out proper nouns that should be capitalized. I usually remember to capitalize these words when I write.
9. Use a rubric or checklist to evaluate his/her own writing. / I used a checklist or rubric to see if my writing has all the necessary parts. I can point out examples of areas in my writing where the characters come alive by moving, thinking and feeling. I can give ideas of how I will improve my writing next time. / I used a checklist or rubric to see if my writing has all the necessary parts.



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