CANTEEN: Model 1858 regulation "smoothside", gray or brown wool or jean cloth cover (blue covers are acceptable, but probably not period), use of leather or string to hold the cork stopper to the canteen versus a chain (period suggestion), strap to be of light cotton, linen, or cotton tape, straps may also be leather. The strap will probably be too long to be worn comfortably, so it is suggested to hand stitch it to the proper length. Estimated cost: $40. (Stainless steel canteens aren't period,
but last longer, and are somewhat higher).
HAVERSACK: This bag holds your food and hangs from your shoulder. Features include: made of "tarred" canvas, painted black with oil based paint, check dimensions as many reproductions are too large, included may be a cotton or linen inner bag with two or three buttonholes to be buttoned to the interior of the haversack to keep foods separate, should have a buckle closure, belt and buckle should be black. Like the canteen, the strap may be too long, so it is suggested that you hand sew to the proper length for your comfort. Estimated cost: $25.
KNAPSACK: This is the alternative to the classic "bedroll". Instead of carrying everything rolled up in your blanket and around your neck, the knapsack will do it for you. Note that not all soldiers had them, and their may be events where bedrolls are preferred. The best choice is the M1855 "double bag" soft pack. Careful with size as some sutlers will carry oversized knapsacks. It is suggested you speak to a veteran first before purchasing this item. Estimated cost: $80.
TENTS: There are basically two types of tents used by the 6th OVI. The first being a 6'x9' "A" tent or wedge tent. These tents are used at most reenactments and living history events when the unit is portraying a semi-permanent or garrisoned camp scenario. With an "A" tent you will need to have tent stakes, a ridgepole and uprights. The stakes and poles can be bought where you purchase your tent, or you can make your own poles. The other style that is commonly used is the "dog tent" or shelter-half configuration which is used in a "campaign" scenario. Soldiers in the Civil War often carried one shelter half which could be paired up with another, tied together, and supported with simple uprights (sometimes with rifles) to create a small two man (or sometimes 3 or 4 man) shelter. Estimated cost of "A" tents: $150; Estimated cost of shelter-halves: $30.
GREAT COAT: This light blue, heavy overcoat was the typical coat worn by the infantryman in the field during cold weather. A must have in the Spring and Fall! Estimated cost: $180.