Memo- 3rd January 2016

Dear all,

I often jest about wanting to lose a stone in a week – I have found over Christmas it is incredibly easy to put on a stone in a week.

Firstly, Happy New Year everyone! It will now take me only half the year to stop writing 2016! I do hope that you have had a lovely break, a rest and some time to relax. Huge apologies if I have missed anything in this memo.

Special Thanks and well done!

Well done to Liam for completing his first term!

Well done to everyone for the fabulous Christmas events prepared for the children – I thought it went really well!

Well done to Sue for not retiring!

Assessments and Planning

All planning for Autumn 2 and Spring 1 to me ASAP. Also, please upload all data onto SIMS – I am going to give Stuart some time out of class to support you with this during the next week for those of you who need it. I will also be requesting data meetings with class teachers who need one. I am going to do the data analysis and present to the govs within the next couple of weeks.


I have completed the monitoring timetable for the Spring term and this will be emailed out to you all, alongside the Spring staff meeting timetable.

Performance Management review meetings will take place this half term. Please come to the meetings with evidence for your PM objectives. Reviewers are not meant to sign off the PM unless they see sufficient evidence.

Work Scrutiny

Feedback is out for all classes now at Yarmouth – I am half way through Shalfleet. Please read, digest and look at the points for development. When I take the books in again I will be looking at the points for development have been acted upon. Thank you for the hard work you have put into this.

Interventions and SEN update

Please ensure all IEP’s and GEP’s are updated and on the T-Drive – thanks!


Please let Michelle and Sarah know of any CPD or courses you are attending as they are keeping a record of all the CPD for me.

Ian Troup Shalfleet Visit

Ian will be doing his annual visit to Shalfleet on the 10th of Jan. I had to change the date due to the Mayflower trip. He will decide about the level of support to be offered to the school. He will complete a learning walk/possible obs and talk with me and Sue. I will provide further details about what he will expect to see. Please do not worry about this I just wanted to make you aware.

Key Reports for the Govs – Thank you to those of you who have sent me the Key Reports for the govs meeting in Jan, just a reminder to those who still need to send them in. I would have emailed you about this if it was you…

Position Statements – Please could I have the subject leader reports in asap for all subjects (if you haven’t sent it to me in the lead up to Christmas). This is really important as I need to show the subject leaders have a handle of their subject across the schools. Thank you

These are the subjects I would like:

  • Maths
  • Literacy
  • Computing
  • Science
  • Foundation Subjects
  • Early Years
  • RE

Date / Shalfleet / Yarmouth / Both
03.01 / Development Day
04.01 / Children Back
09.01 / Learning Walk - SLT
10.01 / Ian Troup Annual Review / Year 4 Swimming
12.01 / Primary Heads
Community Gov Meeting

Where’s Lizzie?

  • 03.01 – Yarmouth DD
  • 04.01 – Both schools
  • 05.01 – Yarmouth/Shalfleet
  • 06.01 – Shalfleet/Yarmouth