Professional Educator As A Reflective Decision Maker - 3 –
H&PE 360
Nicholls State University
MWF 11:50-12:45
137 Shaver
Professor: Dr. Tim Mead
Web page:
Office: 138 Stopher Gym
Telephone: 448-4295
Office Hours: TTH 10:30-1:30, MWF 10:45-11:45 or by appointment
“All parts of the NTE/Praxis must be passed prior to student teaching” ( – Praxis web site
Text:Powers, Scott & Howley, Edward (2001). Exercise Physiology: Theory and application to fitness and performance, 4th
edition. Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark
Additional readings obtained on reserve at library
Lab Manual - obtained from class lectures
1.0 Course Number, Title, Credit: H&PE 360, Exercise Physiology, 3-3-0
2.0 Prerequisite: Biology 114, Junior standing, C or better in
Math 101, English 101 and 102
3.0 Course Description: Exercise Physiology. 3-3-0. Biological adaptation to physical training. Physical Fitness, training methods, and body systems response to activity. Fa only.
4.0 Candidate Outcome Objectives: After completion of this course, the student will have followed the COE Conceptual Framework of the Professional Educator as a Reflective Decision Maker and be able to make effective decisions about: <NASPE> {LCET} [COE Unit Outcomes]
4.1) understanding the energy systems involved in
movement<1.5,1.7> {3.2a}
4.2) identifying the structural aspects of skeletal muscle and the mechanism of contraction <1.1,1.5,1.7>
4.3) creating sound physical training, assessment and exercise
programs for fit, unfit, athletic, and non athletic
populations in the real world<1.1,1.5,7.5> {3.6a} [1.1,
2.1, 5.1, 10]
4.4) knowing how to properly develop physical fitness and
prescribe fitness activities for a diverse population
<1.1> {3.2a} [2.1, 3.1, 5.1, 10, 14]
4.5) incorporating the components of health-related physical
fitness into one’s daily living over the course of a
lifetime <1.2,1.5 [13]
4.6) understanding how the body adapts to exercise across a
wide variety of sport skills and environmental
conditions <1.7> {3.2a}
4.7) identifying how various ergogenic aids and foodstuffs
affect metabolism and physical performance <1.7>
4.8) applying principles of exercise physiology into one’s
coaching and teaching in order to assess the potential
and safety of one’s athletes and students and provide appropriate feedback to ensure the healthy development of learners<1.1,1.2,7.1> [5.1, 14]
4.9) assessing work capacity across a number of exercise
protocols using the latest sport assessment technology
in order to make effective instructional decisions <1.7,7.5> {3.6b} [4.1]
5.0a Tentative Course Outline (lecture):
5.1) Introduction, Video on sport and physiology,
Exercising for health and fitness
Text: Chapter 15 & 16
5.2) Health and Fitness continued, Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility
5.3) Systems of body, Energy systems
Text: Chapters 3 & 4
5.4) Skeletal muscle structure and function
Text: Chapter 8
5.5) Cardiovascular system and blood flow
Text: Chapter 9
5.6) Nervous control of muscular movement
Text: Chapter 7
5.7) Ventilation, gas exchange and transport
Text: Chapter 10
5.8) Measurement of energy, work, and power
Text: Chapter 6 & 20
5.9) Exercise in the cold, heat, Differences in male and female adaptations to exercise
Text: Chapter 12
5.10) Physiology of drowning, scuba, altitude training
Text: Chapter 24
5.11) Nutrition and exercise performance
Text: Chapter 18
5.12) Methods of Physical Training
Text: Chapter 21 & 22
5.13) Physiological effects of Physical Training
Text: Chapter 13
5.14) Drugs and ergogenic aids
Text: Chapter 25
5.15) Body Composition and weight control
5.0b Library readings
Exam I Readings
Physical Fitness
The Hard Way: The Shaggy Tremendous Shape
The Hard Way: An Un-American Activity
The Hard Way: Better Shape Up
The Unknown Benefits of Long Distance Running
Women’s Running: Crash Course
Tinley Talks: We’ll all pay when there’s nowhere to play
I Did Not Love the Bike before I Got Sick
Absolutely Fabulous
Bodywork: E = You, Lean, and Mean
The Shape of Your Life
Exam II Readings
Environmental Aspects of Performance
Bodywork: Severe Conditioning
Into Thin Air
As Freezing Persons Recollect the Snow
Severe Conditioning
Nutrition and Athletic Performance
The Truth about Fat Burning
Too Slim, Amenorrheic, Fracture-Prone: The Female Athlete Triad
Weight Loss: What Works and What Doesn’t
Ed Burke’s Got a Rocket in His Pita Pocket
Exam III Readings
Methods of Physical Training
Welcome to Your Future, Sissy Boy
Bodies of Evidence
Bodywork: Myth Behavior
Ascent of The Athlete
Fit To Be Tied
Ergogenic Aids
Creatine Supplementation and Its Possible Role in Improving Physical Exertion
The Skinny on Weight Loss Supplements and Drugs
Untangling Nutrition Claims: Seven Facts About Performance Diets
5.0c Tentative Course Outline (lab): The labs that will be
scheduled include are <technology application>:
5.1) Fitness Parameters <body fat analyzers,
sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, Isokinetic machines>
5.2) Blood Pressure and Exercise < sphygmomanometers,
5.3) Cardiovascular Functioning I <heart rate monitors>
5.4) Energy Expenditure <caloric cost tables>
5.5) Cardiovascular Functioning II <Schwinn Monark
5.6) Pulmonary Function Capacities <spirometer>
5.7) Measurement of Work and Power <blood lactate analyzer>
5.8) Anaerobic Metabolism <Schwinn Monark ergometer>
5.9) Exercise Stress Testing <Precor ergometer>
5.10) Methods of Physical Training
6.0 Course Requirements (objective measured):
6.1) Dress appropriately on lab day otherwise points will be lost (4.9)
6.2) Attend all classes and participate in all labs (4.1-4.9)
6.3) Take all 3 written tests (4.1-4.8)
6.4) Students are expected to perform their own work and will
a zero for completing work dishonestly
7.0 Grading:
7.1) three written exams (60 points each)
7.2) Labs
7.3) course grading is based on the following percentages:
(90 -100%) A
(80 - 89.9%) B
(70 - 79.9%) C
(60 - 69.9%) D
60 F
8.0) Bibliography
8.1 Text
American College of Sports Medicine (2000). Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger
Howley, E.T. & Franks, B.D. (2000). Health/Fitness Instructor’s Handbook. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
8.2 Internet - American College of Sports Medicine Home Page
"If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you
will need to register with the Office of Disability Services for
coordination of your academic accommodations. The Office of
Disability Services is located in Peltier Hall, Room 100-A. The phone number is (985) 448-4430 (TDD 449-7002)."
Programs of study in the COE are grounded in the Conceptual Framework of “Professional Educators as Reflective Decision-Makers”. Candidates are prepared in the core knowledge and skills needed to become culturally responsive inquirers, acting as curriculum agents, and engaging in professional praxis. These core components educate candidates to develop and maintain the dispositions of openness to cultural diversity; an attitude of responsibility in the service of students, community, and profession; and a belief in the transformative potential of education. The College’s core components and dispositions represent the University’s commitment to transforming the lives of students by working to ensure that all students become successful life-long learners.
Accessing Reserve Articles on the Internet
H&PE 360
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Click ‘Reserve Readings’
Under the picture of the sunset, click the box Department View
Scroll down several pages until you get to H&PE 360 and click the blue arrow next to Mead
Scroll down to bottom of the page and select the topic heading (e.g. Ergogenic Aids) for the articles
Read the articles
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