1. What type of rescue operation do you work for and what is the primary mission of that organization? How large an area are you responsible for? How many people work in the organization and are they paid or volunteers?
2. What are your primary job responsibilities? Are they more focused on actual safety and rescue operations, or are you primarily a leader, administrator or director? Describe your responsibilities in detail.
3. If you respond to emergency situations, what specific types of situations and how many average calls per week?
4. Are you responsible for training and supervision of other safety and rescue personnel? How many? What are their responsibilities? Do you also conduct performance evaluations and promotions?
5. Do you have any financial, budgeting, purchasing (uniforms, vehicles, equipment), financial reporting or related responsibilities? Are you in charge of fleet operations, vehicle maintenance, DMV checks and/or inspections?
6. What special training have you completed and what college degrees and/or certifications do you hold? From what organization, school or association did you earn them and when? Any academic honors or awards?
7. Do you have experience/certification working with HAZMAT (hazardous materials)? Do you respond to HAZMAT emergencies? Are you responsible for HAZMAT removal, transportation and/or disposal? HAZMAT training?
8. How extensive is your knowledge of OSHA regulations, fire codes, building codes and other regulations governing your operations? Do you have any experience in regulatory reporting and/or compliance?
9. Do you participate in investigative operations - forensic, fraud, criminal, arson, insurance or other investigations? If so, to what degree and with what specific responsibilities?
10. Do you work cooperatively with other rescue and safety organizations? Law enforcement organizations? Why, when and in what situations?
11. Do you work with local government officials (e.g., mayor, city council, emergency planning and preparedness)? Is this a typical part of your job responsibilities or is it only on special occasions? If so, why and when?
12. Have you won any honors or awards for your contributions to safety and rescue operations? If so, describe what the award is, who gave it to you, when and why.
13. Have you been involved in or led any rescue operations that received media coverage? If so, please describe the event(s) in detail. Do you have any other media experience?
14. Do you ever lead public presentations on safety, emergency rescue and similar topics? To what groups, when and why? Any other responsibilities for public relations/public affairs?
15. Do you serve on any work-related committees or special task forces? Who are the other members and what is the primary mission of the group?
16. Do you belong to any professional associations? Are you on any committees or hold any leadership positions?
17. Do you participate in any fundraising activities? To benefit your department or for charitable organizations?
18. Have you ever participated in the field testing of new safety and rescue equipment? If so, what type of equipment, who was the manufacturer, who led the study, what did you do and when?
19. Have you ever participated in the development and/or implementation of new safety and rescue policies or operations? Describe in detail.
20. Are there any specific physical requirements for the position you hold or the one you are applying for?
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