SP DfE LCM Work Group Conference Call
January 21, 2005
DRAFT Summary
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Suppliers Partnership for the Environment
DfE LCM Work Group Conference Call
January 21, 2005
DRAFT Summary
Mr. Brad Strohm, Delphi Corporation, called the conference call to order at 11:00am EST with the following individuals participating on the call:
Mr. John Resslar, General Motors
Ms. Robin Richey, General Motors
Mr. Paul Chalmer, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
Mr. Ron Lang, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
Ms. Amy Goldman, SP
Ms. Courtney Hagen, SP
Mr. Steve Hellem, SP
Mr. Tom Murray, U.S. EPA
Ms. Verena Radulovic, U.S. EPA
Mr. Joe Rinkevich, U.S. EPA
Mr. Strohm welcomed and thanked everyone for participating on the call. Mr. Steve Hellem, SP, reviewed the SP antitrust guidelines and asked participants to indicate in their notes that they had been reviewed.
Mr. Strohm provided an overview of the Life Cycle Methodology (LCM) Work Group and its recent conference calls. He noted that the Work Group decided to move forward on an LCM project with the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) and the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA). Mr. Strohm noted that the Work Group planned to refocus its efforts on developing the tools necessary for the remanufacture and reuse of parts.
Mr. Strohm reviewed the objectives for the Work Group meeting on February 2. The agenda and discussion on February 2 would include an explanation of the NCMS grant opportunity , a discussion of the partners involved in the project and what they provide, a decision as to whether or not SP should to move forward with the project and next steps on the project. In order to accomplish these objectives, Mr. Strohm reviewed the following proposed agenda for the meeting:
- An introduction of SP and the LCM Work Group by Mr. Strohm and Mr. Tom Murray, U.S. EPA;
- An introduction by Mr. Paul Chalmer, NCMS, on the “Sustainable Product Initiative”;
- Presentations by SP members on their companies current reuse and remanufacture activities, plans, opportunities and challenges;
- Discussion of a possible focus for the project, including deliverables from the study; and
- A summary and decision to move forward, including outlining next steps.
The group then reviewed and discussed the proposed objectives and agenda for the meeting. The Work Group agreed that the agenda was substantive and addressed any issues that could be anticipated. Mr. Chalmer offered to prepare slides for his portion of the meeting, and will have those distributed to the Work Group prior to the meeting for review and comments. Mr. John Resslar, GM, offered to meet with Mr. Ross Good, DaimlerChrysler, to discuss any sensitivities either OEM may have to issues addressed in this meeting, and will report back to the Work Group prior to the February 2 meeting. Mr. Resslar also offered to present on GM’s current recycling program, Powertrain. Mr. Dave Duesterberg, Johnson Controls, will be presenting a case study on JCI’s reuse of batteries and Mr. Strohm will follow up with Mr. Duesterberg. It was also suggested that a deliverable for the study could be to work towards quantifying the environmental benefits of reuse and remanufacture since this has not been done to date.
The Work Group agreed to schedule a call for Friday, January 28, 2005 at 9:00am EST to review presentations and to discuss any issues that need to be addressed prior to the meeting.
- Mr. Strohm will confirm Mr. Duesterberg’s presentation on battery recycling at the February 2 meeting.
- Mr. Resslar will present on GM’s Powertrain recycling program.
- Mr. Resslar and will meet with Mr. Good will to discuss potential OEM sensitivities to this project.
- Mr. Chalmer will send slides for his presentation to the Work Group for review during the January 28 call.
- Ms. Hagen will send to the presenters a list of attendees for the February 2 meeting.
- Ms. Hagen will send a memo to the meeting attendees soliciting 5-10 minute presentations on reuse and remanufacturing examples from member companies.
The conference call was adjourned at 11:45am EST.