The root cause of degeneration in mankindAnd it's solution
By Dr. Rebati Mohan Biswas M.A. B.Sc. (Cal), Ph.D. (New York)
Science admits that nothing happens without a definite cause behind it. Man is said to have been created by God himself. The Bible says, “God created man after his own image”. “Hence it is a fact that as God is pure, so man is pure, God is perfect and benignant, so man is perfect and benignant”. God is unique and without second, man is also unique and without any one like him in the creation.
But the reality that is evident in the world does not corroborate with the above maxim. Human beings ever confront, with savaging attitude, atrocity, inhuman cruelty displayed through forceful raping, burglary, unadjusted and unsympathetic behavior from the people in man's own environment. Man seems to have lost the last drop of love, mercy, decorum of life and the sense of humanity ingrained in his very being itself. Moreover, wherever we survey we come across innumerable people burdened with frustration, a sense of insecurity sense of self-alienation and an unprecedented dark desolation in the depth of almost every human being. Science and technology have done their best to provide man with comfort and amenities. But yet man seems to have been tossed in the current and eddies of excruciating pain due to disharmony, anomaly, treachery, ungratefulness and dragonic sense of despair and despondency in personal life, conjugal life, social life and in every sphere of life itself.
Why does this happen in man who is the offspring of God himself? Why does the heavenly nature in Man who is said to be the replica of the supreme divine term to be hellish one?
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra, popularly known as Sri Sri Thakur, founder of 'SATSANG', and the best fulfiller of all the prophets, firmly believes that every human being is pure, perfect, and replica of the Source. The apparent degeneration in man is due to deceased condition of nature in him.
If a man is cured of his disease in nature through proper treatment, he will shine in his pristine purity and display his very intrinsic divinity ever entwined with his very existence itself; this may be called curative measure. We are also told that “prevention is better than cure”
The virus of degeneration that causes disease in nature primarily permeates in man through his inception. If an adequate measure is taken to check this permeation of the virus through inception, the man is expected to shine in his pristine purity. This may be called preventive measure. Let us deal with the preventive measure first.
An individual being is born through inception. Inception implies the very moment when a sperm of father fertilizes an ovum in mother and thus zygote impregnated with a life thrill or 'soul' is formed in the womb of the mother. The character, conduct behavior as well as his efficiency, achievement and the very nature of the individual grown out of this zygote depend basically on the intrinsic nature of the 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' (biological make-up) in the individual. Modern eugenic science ascribes the above-mentioned attributes mainly to the genes contributed by the parents. Sri Sri Thakur does not deny the role of genes, but he ascribes all the credit to the 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' in the individual being.
The 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' (biological make-up) in an individual is determined at the time of inception. It is the intensity of the cohesive urge with which a sperm is attracted towards the ovum, compatibility among the genes contributed by both sperm and ovum, and the extent of eagerness with which the ovum receives the sperm with all its inner attributes and potentiality that determine the very intrinsic nature of 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti'. It is this 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' that governs how the individual being will happen to display his 'self'. Hence inception plays a paramount role in producing a better individual 'being' with richer instinct, sublime nature and unadulterated 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' (biological make-up)
Sri Sri Thakur defines 'Jaivi- Sangsthiti' as follows;
“The sprouting essence (Satta)
latent in the seed in which
all the natural characteristics of germination
being ingrained in functional attributes
sprout into a living entity---
through proper nurture and nutrition
with the conglomeration of stability, nature,
attributes and function—
that conglomeration of the very essence (satta) latent in the seed
may be called 'Jaive-Sangsthiti'. “
That Bengali word 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti may be translated in English as 'Biological-make-up. With an example from botanical world Sri Sri Thakur explains what he means by the term 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti (biological make-up). Sri Sri Thakur says:
“Let us suppose two oleander trees
grow up side by side
in the same place.
One oleander tree ever yields white flowers,
the other oleander tree ever produces red flowers.
Thus oleander of two different colors
have been blooming in two different plants
year after year---
There never occurs any alteration of it.
Now the plant grown
from the seed of the white oleander
also yields oleander flower of white color:
and that grown
from the seed of red oleander
ever produces oleander flower of red color.
Why this different oleander plants
ever produce particularly white and red flowers
generation after generation ?
The particular orientation (arrangement)
in the Jaivi-Sangasthiti latent in the two
different plants
are of such types
that one type yields white oleander
and the other type produces red oleander—
though the two oleander trees outwardly look identical”. 2
Inception plays paramount Role;
In our modern civilization there is plenty of provision for the betterment of human condition. Theories and concepts in education, economics, social science, politics are developing and then changing, yielding place to a new one only with a view to giving man better condition and congenial atmosphere for living. But better environmental condition---educational economical, social or political—can not help man evolve with peaceful and balanced progress towards eternal becoming. For advancement in evolutionary progress man also needs to be intrinsically better with unadulterated 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti, higher instincts and greater potentiality. If a man is not born with these wealth and attributes, desired and essential, the created congenial atmosphere will be polluted. Man will fail to move an inch towards his progress.
If a man is born with lame or defective legs', can he walk forward on the road paved with white marble or smooth pavement? He cannot advance more than few steps; similarly, if that which leads man from more to more in his evolutionary progress, that is his 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti' higher instincts and greater potentiality be of inferior order, then how will he advance in his evolutionary progress? Man picks up from his environment according to the nature of his instincts and his Jaivi-Sangsthiti utilizes them as it can maneuver what is picked up. But the better Jaivi-Sangsthiti, sublime instincts and greater potentiality man acquires through the total process of fertilization of an ovum. Hence inception plays a paramount role in human life.
Sri Sri Thakur does not deny the role of education and environment. But he declines to agree with the statement of an educationist like Mr. Haldon, that it is the impact of environment that can render an ordinary person uncommonly great. In his opinion, “environment will work no doubt, but it works always on the 'Jaivi-sangsthiti' of the man.
The function of education and environment in developing a child may be compared with function of soil and atmosphere in developing a seed. Without proper soil and good seed fails to yield desired fruits. Similarly, without proper education and congenial environment a human being cannot bloom into his full potentiality.
But if the seed is of inferior variety, then however fertile may be the soil, we can never obtain superior quality of fruits from that variety of seed. Similarly, if a child is born with infected “Jaivi-Sangsthiti”, anomalous instincts and less potentiality, we can never develop the child into a man of integrated personality, balanced exposition, enriched with greater potentiality and inexhaustible urge to run towards Eternal Becoming.
We know that the same soil nurtures seeds to sprout into various plants with their specific botanical properties. It is in the same soil and atmosphere that different seeds sprout into varieties of seedlings and then into plants to yield different fruits with varieties of tastes, flavor, chemical properties, medicinal values and nutritive efficiency for human health. But it is neither the soil nor the atmosphere that differentiates one plant from another; it is the latent specifics lying in the seeds themselves that make this differentiation in tastes, flavor, and nutritive properties. Similarly, the same education and environment provide different individual with nurture and nutrition. But men of different 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti', instincts and potentiality grow up in different types of personalities. Hence Sri Sri Thakur posits, “Birth is more important determinant than environment. In the process of growth a man picks up necessary nourishment from his environment. But he picks up according to his inherent instincts.”
Sri Sri Thakur is so confident of this truth that he comments: “If science does not know this fact, it will know if it investigates. If better progeny is not born with better instincts and unadulterated 'Jaivi Sangsthiti', whatever may be the arrangement for education or religious teachings, the man will fail to respond to it.”
How to effect the birth of better progeny
Individual beings born with unadulterated Jaivi-Sangsthiti, sublime instincts and greater potentiality may be called better progeny. But all these above-referred attributes do not grow in any tree nor do it sprout from soil. All these develop into man through the stream of blood. So to enrich each and every individual 'being' with above mentioned attributes through inception, proper eugenic adjustment is essential. Without proper eugenic adjustment and happy conjugal relation between husband and wife, better and flawless inception of an individual being lies far behind possibility.
Factors to be considered for eugenic adjustment:
1) Compatible marriage relation:
Sri Sri Thakur says, “ to marry is a normal hankering in human beings. The very inner instinct in man is to be rendered into multiple individuals. And from this instinctive hankering there grows the tendency of unification between man and woman. This tendency of unification between man and woman must be well adjusted in such a way that the appearance of super efficient embodiment on this plane of matter comes to be most normal and natural.” 5
Marriage is neither a contract for mutual co-operation, nor is it an agreement for the appeasement of mutual biological hankering. Through marriage the stream of man's biological evolution and developments remains unhindered. Hence, “The primary object of marriage is genetic enrichment. This is the first and the foremost purpose. The next is cultural enrichment. So it is essential to observe if there is consistency and compatibility among the heredity, personal habit, behavior and temperament of both the bridegroom and the bride. Along with this, physical enrichment is also required.” 6
In the opinion of Sri Sri Thakur, “In the matter of marriage, the more biological, social, psychological, temperamental and physiochemical compatibility between bridegroom and bride is maintained, the greater remains the possibility of better progeny there”. 7
Sri Sri Thakur posits that the compatibility in marriage is indispensably associated with the function of both husband and wife. Both the husband and wife play a definite important role in bringing a child on this plane of matter.
He says:
“Father sows,
mother nurtures, begets
and nourishes -- thus their characteristics
are different;
their marriage so
should be of
compatible combination
of similar clans; ” 8
All-round compatibility in marriage helps to create compatible unison in between the sperm and the ovum to a great extent. The compatibility in between the sperm and ovum may be compared with the compatibility between seed and soil in the botanical world.
If soil is not befitting to seed sown in it, the seed fails to sprout with all its latent probabilities. On the other hand, if the soil happens to be too good and rich, many good qualities in the seed burn out and we cannot have desired fruits from the seed.
Father sows the seed of life (sperm) in the soil (ovum) in the mother's womb. Mother nurtures the seed with nutrition and nourishment and turns this seed into a human form. The wealth and attributes latent in the seed of life (sperm) comes to be embodied in the child to the extent of nurture and nutrition provided by the soil (ovum). So in order to have a child enriched with unadulterated “Jaivi-Sangsthiti”, sublime instincts and greater potentiality, compatible combination of the seed and soil (sperm and ovum) is a must. In the opinion of Sri Sri Thakur, “bio vigoured seed must be sown into the bio-eagered soil”. 9
As to bio-vigoured seed and bio-eagered soil, Sri Sri Thakur maintains: “If the male possesses an active attachment and eagerness to fulfill his Ideal (like Christ, Krishna, Buddha or Hazrat Rasul, etc.), then the very existence in the form of sperm comes to be illuminated with a living luster of vigor and energetic growth. On the other hand, if the female happens to have an overwhelming attachment for her equal and opposite entity -- her husband, then an inviting faculty of receptive eagerness grow up in her physique, mind and particularly in her ovum. In that condition she can conceive her husband's sperm cordially and can nurture it thoroughly. The probabilities ingrained in the sperm get a greater scope of being manifested in the progeny. 10
Happy and harmonious conjugal life
Next to compatible marriage, we need happy and harmonious conjugal relation between husband and wife. Without happy and harmonious conjugal relation, between father and mother better progeny with desired attributes lies beyond the range of possibility. Mere sex-relation can never produce a desired child.
The validity of the above statement may be found correct, if we analyze the mechanism of how a life comes to be embodied on this plane of matter.
We see a life comes to be materialized on this plane of matter; it must come from some where in the unseen world or world beyond death. Moreover, if we admit the term “evolution”, we must recognize that the life within our vision and life after death in the beyond are two separate states of the same life. Hence life is a continuous stream of existence.
In order to ascertain the relation between these two steps of life and make it comprehensible to our human understanding, we have to explore: “what is death, how life exists after death in the beyond and how it comes again into this material world?” in the light of Sri Sri Thakur. That means, we have to find out the relation between the birth and death of an individual.
How individual being dies
From the very beginning of his birth, man wants self-protection, self-preservation and self-procreation. In an attempt to full-fill these instinctive hankerings man proceeds through continual conflicts with environmental impulses. As he moves on, he resists what is unfavorable to his existence and adopts the favorable ones. In this continuous process of resisting unfavorable and adopting the favorable ones, his action and reaction in and with the environmental impulses create a kind of “Bhaba” in the man and this “Bhaba” gets imprinted in his brain. When due to circumstantial impact or some variable cause, the man experiences or undergoes through the deepest of these imprinted “Bhabas”, he loses the link with other “Bhabas” and becomes disconnected from all other “Bhabas”, of his being. When a man becomes disconnected from all other “Bhabas”, the environmental impulses can produce no reaction in the man. The man fails to respond to anything in the environment. The man dies: he leaves his mortal body. { Pls see the footnote at the bottom of the article for meaning of the term ‘Bhaba’}
“The man goes off from his mortal body with the Bhaba” he got absorbed in. The Bhaba with which the individual passes away from his cellular conglomeration is called the “Carrier-Bhaba” of the departed soul of the individual. The departed soul exists in the plane of 'Bhaba' corresponding to the “Carrier-Bhaba”. The “Carrier-Bhaba” maintains the existence of the departed individual as a discrete and distinct entity. The departed soul remains in a body unlike the body of flesh and blood. This is called “Bhaba-Deha” or 'ecto-plasmic body'. The individual can feel every thing in his own way as is possible in an ecto-plasmic body. “ 11
How does the manifestation of human being take place
So far the eugenic science has explored the mystery of human inception, it is exposed that a several thousands of sperms of husband enter into the womb of his wife during union. These sperms begin to knock at the door of the uterus. Some sperms enter into the uterus and run towards the fallopian tube. On the other hand, just 14 days before the beginning of the next menstrual period, the wife releases a single ovum from her ovary and this ovum enters directly into fallopian tube. If in the fallopian tube, the ovum comes across a sperm and if the ovum gets fertilized by that particular sperm, then pregnancy occurs.