General Instructions:
The Change Order Request (COR) form must be used to cancel or make the following changes to approved purchase orders:
- Cancel Check Request in its entirety
- Cancel Purchase Order in its entirety (All Orders)
- Change Purchase Order Line Item (All Orders)
- Change Purchase Order Line Unit Price (Except RU Exchange, Quick Orders and Check Requests)
- Cancel Purchase Order Remaining Balance (All Orders)
- Change Deliver to Address (Except Check Requests)
- Decrease Quantity (Except Check Requests)
Commitment balances in the Online Financial Information System (OFIS) will be adjusted to reflect the change(s) made.
This form cannot be used to add new items or supplement purchase orders. This can be accomplished through the submission of a new requisition to complete the following types of transactions:
- Supplement an existing purchase order (Except RU Exchange, Quick Orders, Check Requests and Internal Purchase Orders). Please reference the original purchase order number in the Note to Buyer on the new requisition
- Increase Quantity on existing line(s). Please reference the original purchase order number in the Note to Buyer on the new requisition
- Increase Blanket or Amount based amount purchase order. Please reference the original purchase order number in the Note to Buyer on the new requisition
- Change Fund Source - Prepare a new requisition entering correct Fund Source(s) and reference the original purchase order number in the Note to Buyer on the new requisition. Also prepare a COR form to cancel the original PO line that includes the incorrect account distribution. If necessary, prepare a Journal Entry Form to adjust actual invoice expenditures. The Journal Entry Form can be found in the Forms Repository at http:/
- Change Supplier Name - Prepare a new requisition entering correct supplier name and site and prepare a COR form to cancel the original Purchase Order
A Change Order Request Form is not required for the following:
- To initiate payment, for an invoice which is up to $1,000 over the purchase order amount. Indicate your approval of the overage by completing the Invoice Certification Form found in the Forms Repository at
- Unit price on invoice is not more than 25% more than the purchase order unit price
- Up to $100 on a purchase order line
Instructions for Preparers:
- Go to the Forms Repository and select either the Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat version of the COR form.
- Complete all information in Section 1
Note: Multiple purchase order numbers may be referenced on the COR form, or as an attachment, if the type of change selected in Section 2 is the same for all purchase orders.
- Indicate the type of change requested in Section 2
- Provide specific line item information in Section 3 (if required)
- Provide notes and comments in Section 4 (if necessary)
- Save and attach the completed form to an email and forward to the appropriate Approver.
- On the “subject line” of the email type “Change Order Request to PO ######” (e.g., Change Order Request to PO 159174).
- In the body of the email type the following:
“Please review and approve the attached change order and forward to the buyer’s address listed below:
Insert buyer’s name and e-mail address>”
To find the appropriate Buyer’s name:
- From the Internet Procurement main menu page, click View PO’s, Receipts, Invoices and Payment Information link
- Select PO number using the drop down arrow
- Enter the PO number you wish to search
Please note that if this is a change order for a check request, internal purchase order or your form references multiple purchase order numbers insert in place of the buyer’s name and email address.
- Send email to Approver.
Instructions for Approvers:
- Open the e-mail and review the attached COR form.
- If the requested change is approved, hit the forward button to obtain a new email screen and type “Approved” in the body of the email.
- Copy the buyer’s email address provided by the Preparer and forward to the buyer. Please note that if this is a change order for a check request, internal purchase order or the form references multiple purchase order numbers, the Preparer should have substituted in place of the buyer’s name and email address.
- If the requested change is not approved, return the email to the Preparer with the reason for the rejection.