Tiny Blessings Day Care & Learning Center
3500 Cardinal Lane
Dover, Pa 17315
Phone: (717)292-3137 Fax: (717)467-5724
Website: tinyblessingsdover.com
Co-Directors: Mindy Montenegro
Sheri Hamm
Jesus is our shining star, we follow Him wherever weare. “Let your light shine before all men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
2017 Handbook/Policy Agreement
Welcome to Tiny BlessingsDay Care & LearningCenter!
We are very excited for your family to grow with us.
Tiny Blessing has been open since 2005 providing a loving, nurturing Christian environment to children from ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We are a combination of five Cornerstone Bible Church families who wanted an outreach for the community to provide a quality setting for the children to learn through a caring, fully trained staff. Their hopes are that the children would lead their families into the church and learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our objective is to provide a safe and loving place for your child to grow,as well as to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. It will be done in a nurturing, positive Christian environment.
- We believe our environment is dedicated to a home-like atmosphere where children feel comfortable and secure in Christian surroundings.
- We believe that all children have the right to develop to their maximum abilities and teachers have the responsibility to provide a variety of opportunities for this development to occur.
- We believe we are committed to following the guiding principles of early childhood development by planning activities that meet all areas of growth and development needs of differing children.
- We believe every child is an individual with their own unique interest, gifts, talents and abilities. We hope by treating every child with love, acceptance and respect they will learn to love another with the same love, acceptance and respect.
- We believe that education is a partnership between parents and teachers based on open communication and mutual respect.
- We believe every family’s culture, beliefs, goals and concerns have value and we use them to create the ideal place for every child to learn and grow.
- We believe in the importance of maintaining on-going communication via phone, emails, and personal discussions as well as providing our families with daily notes, weekly newsletters, monthly calendars and family conferences throughout their child's early childhood instruction to discuss individual concerns and child assessments to maintain the parent-teacher relationship.
- We believe in providing our children with a warm and nurturing staff through teachers that are experienced and knowledgeable of early childhood education and receive comprehensive ongoing professional development. We work collectively to create engaging activities for all children.
- We believe in including multidisciplinary experiences including: children's literature, dramatic play, arts and crafts, music and movement, science discovery and nature, cooking and other sensory activities. Curriculum is based on guided discovery and hands-on learning.
- We believe daily schedules are to be consistent and predictable, yet flexible to meet individual needs while embracing every day experiences to prepare them for school.
Tiny Blessings reaffirms that it will not discriminate against any child, parent, or employee because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap. It will take affirmative action to ensure that ALL are treated fairly and equal.
At Tiny Blessing Daycare and Learning Center, we strive to provide a safe, caring, learning environment for children, staff and families. We believe in the equality and respect in diversity.
The following people are expected to behave in a respectful manner and comply with this code of conduct: This list includes, but is not limited to:
- owners, directors and staff members
- children
- parents/guardians of children enrolled
- all others involved with our center (e.g. board of directors, therapists, volunteers, students, maintenance/custodians, school personnel, courier drivers, child development professionals, church members)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a school environment that is conducive to learning. The underlying belief of this policy is that all children have the right to be educated in a safe and nurturing environment. Therefore, violations of these rights and violations of the atmosphere which supports sound education will not be tolerated.
Tiny Blessings Daycare and Learning Center hereby adopts this policy of zero tolerance for tobacco, drug, alcohol, weapons and violence in or on the premises of this school. The policy provides the power for directors to address potentially dangerous situations. It sets the tone for all to understand that weapons, violence and druguse is not tolerated and will not be allowed at theTiny Blessings facility.
See directors for a list of defined weapons
Tiny Blessings Daycare and Learning Center is a designated NO SMOKING AREA. Smoking is prohibited anywhere inside or outside this building during operational hours. This is a health and safety issue.
- TUITION & FEES (as of Jan 1, 2017)
- No credit days will be given for sick days. You are responsible and must pay for any days your child is not attending (illness, extra vacation days, visitations, etc.) This holds a spot when your child returns. We require parents to give a written notice two weeks prior of their vacations.
- Tiny Blessings has the right to withdraw your child for absences lasting more than TWO consecutive weeks without any notice of absence from the parent.
- We care for children from ages 6 Weeks to 5 Years. We also offer before and after school care, along with, a summer program for children ages 6 to 12 Years of age.
- Communication is the vital link for your child's happiness & welfare. We will be willing to listen to your request & ask that you be willing to listen to ours. We feel very strongly about positive communication, it is so important! To help with this we will have a bulletin board with all current information and upcoming events posted in the entry way and hallways.
- After 45 days of enrollment, you will be invited to a Staff/Parent meeting to discuss your child’s transition to daycare, as well as, an initial evaluation of your child’s growth and development.
- Every 6 months parents will meet with the director and/or teacher to discuss your child's progress in growth and development observed within our program. This information will be documented and kept within your child's file. DHS code §3270.123.Agreement
- Each child will have an evaluation by their classroom teacher in order to assist in their growth and development. The evaluations we use here at our center may be Ages and Stages, Child Service Report, PA Keys check lists, purchased check lists or in house check lists.
- We do value your questions and concerns. We will do our best to respond to any inquiry sent via email. Please allow at least 48 hours.
- Please feel free to address any and all concerns through the following steps…
1.Every parent question or complaint should first go to the teacher before the director, when it pertains to their child. If the problem is a matter of policy, please address the director(s) first. It is hopeful that within 3 days of the occurrence a satisfactory resolution will be established.
2.If the parent is not satisfied with the teacher’s/director’s resolution, the parent should address the owners/board of Tiny Blessings with the question or complaint. They will jointly evaluate the situation and render an answer or a decision.
- Our curriculum is based on a hands-on learning approach through various learning centers and daily activities. You will be provided a yearly calendar of themes and activities. We will be transitioning to the Creative Curriculum by the end of the year.
- Each day you will be provided with a daily sheet (infants thru two’s) or bulletin boards (three thru five) which explains your child's day. School age will have a weekly bulletin board posted.
- Infants schedule is based on each child's individual needs.
Ones & Twos daily schedule becomes more consistent and predictable, yet flexible to meet their individual needs while embracing everyday classroom experiences.
Threes& Fours & Fives daily schedule is semi-consistent. We provide many opportunities for your child to explore new learning experiences which can help them prepare for school.
School age schedule is child friendly within a relaxed, safe environment.
- Daily schedules will be posted in each individual classroom and are subject to change through the year. We encourage you to check them frequently. ** DHS code §3270.111.Daily Activities
- As part of our curriculum, every child will be expected to participate in our planned outdoor activities unless they have a medical plan that permits exclusion. PA KEYS guidelines for outdoor weather is Above 25* F wind chill and Below 90* F heat indexwith no precipitation.
- School age home work policy: Homework supervision shall be provided in accordance with arrangements determined by the parent and the teacher. We will provide a time and place for homework (time allotted is optional). We encourage homework be reviewed by parents for accuracy. ** DHS code §3270.116.School age children.
- Children will be made aware of any unacceptable behaviors and asked to make an alternative choice. At this time the teacher will help redirect the child. If the child does not choose a safe & positive alternative, they will be placed in time out. (1 min per age).
- If the child is endangering other children (or staff members) and/or disrupting the classroom, they will be removed immediately from the other children or the classroom until the problem is resolved. If the behavior problem is not resolved, the center has the right to notify parents and request that the child be sent home for the day. If behavior continues to be disruptive, the center reserves the rightof termination of care under TERMINATION OF CARE section 21b.
- If a child’s behavior requires staff to notify parents, the child is expected to be picked up within 2 hours. If not picked up within the 2 hours the late fee will go into effect.
- As a center, we use 1-2-3 Magic in our daily activities and teaching to aid in discipline and behavior.
- Continual unacceptable behavior will be dealt with in the following manner:
- The behavior is recorded, dated, and initialed by staff members involved
- Staff will meet with the director to discuss the situation and develop a plan to meet the child’s needs
- The parents of the child will be contacted for a conference to discuss this plan and to enlist their input and help
- If necessary, the Director will contact other appropriate professionals for guidance
- Any additional action will be taken with the written approval from the parents
- Unwillingness on parent’s part to participate in these procedures may result in termination from our program
***Tiny Blessings does work closely with other service agencies and are open to having additional support staff work in the classrooms with their assigned students***
- Parking: You may park in the front of the church. Handicap parking spaces may be used during Tiny Blessings Operational Hours. Additional parking is in the rear of building.
- All car engines MUST be OFF before exiting vehicle and entering building. If you need to leave your car/truck running you may park in the rear of the building or along the side. You MAY NOT leave a car running in the front of the building. (VEHICLE code 37§3701)
- ALL children under the age of 8 yrs. MUST be in a car seat per federal law.
- When you arrive, please walk your child safely from your vehicle to their classroom. We ask that you briefly share any information about your child with our staff to help build a healthy and happy relationship. School age children must be walked downstairs to ensure safety in the stairwell.
- For the safety of all our children, please keep children with you as you are dropping off siblings and DO NOT leave your other children unattended in hallways, etc. Please encourage your children to use walking feet while inside the building at all times.
- For the safety of your children, please use the sidewalk while entering and exiting the building. Cars may be moving in the parking area at all times.
- If you plan on having an older sibling pick up your child, that sibling must be 16 years or older.
- Please NOTE: Our center plans our staffing and activities based upon your designated times. Please make every effort to drop off and pick up at your scheduled times.
- Please do not leave any child under the age of 6 yrs unattended in a vehicle at any time.
- All weather closings will be announced on WGAL News 8. You will be responsible for obtaining closure information. Provider will NOT notify you by phone call.
- If provider needs to close for an emergency beyond our control, such as a power outage, water leak, gas leak, etc., we will notify you by phone as soon as possible.
- Full payment for the day(s) of closure will be required.
- Fire drills will be practiced on a regular basis to ensure your child's safety.
- A disaster plan will be posted in the center. As part of our disaster plan, if relocation is necessary in the event of an emergency situation, transportation will be provided by Tiny Blessings or Kelly Transit.
- In any emergency situation, 911 would be called immediately and parents would be notified thereafter.
- If the family has an emergency, a parent must call and tell the center who will pick up the child (the name of person picking your child up must be on the emergency form).
- If you have a restraining order that pertains to your child, we must have a copy in our file.
- At time of enrollment, you are required by the state of Pennsylvania (DHS) to return ALL necessary forms prior to your child's first day of attending child care.
- Youwill be asked to update files at a minimum of every six months or at the time of any changes in phone numbers, addresses or emergency contacts.
- Without the appropriate updates being completed,your child’s care can be terminated.
DHS code §3270.181. Individual records
- Parents may choose to participate in a variety of extra activities offered here at this location. All payments and communication must be made directly to the Operator of the Activity such as Monkey Bus,Soccer Shots, etc.
We recognize that family involvement plays a large role in your child’s development. With this in mind please consider the following …
- We offer an open door policy here at our center. You may come in at any time, during operating hours, to see what your child is learning.
- Families are encouraged to volunteer, bringing in information about their life experiences to supplement and enhance the children’s classroom learning experiences.
- Families may be asked to complete handouts and questionnaires to enhance your child’s experiences.
- We offer a PTO. Please feel free to join us with our many activities we offer.
- Throughout the year, events will be planned to involve families in our program. Evening events, such as Open House, Christmas programs, Graduation, etc., for example. Please see the office for a full list of ways you may help in one of our many events.
- Our PTO will hold up to 5 or 6 fund-raisers a year. The profit will help to provide craft supplies and other materials needed in the center. Your support in these fundraisers is not mandatory; however, it is greatly appreciated.
- Families are welcome to make any donations to the center. Monetary donations as well as donations of educational toys and materials will be accepted. Please check with your classroom teacher if you would like to make any type of donation.
- Our center makes every attempt to keep a safe and healthy environment for our children and staff.
- Children must have their immunization record up to date and on fileno later than 60 days following the first day of attendance. These forms must be kept updated. (Infants and ones every 6 months & 2 years and older once a year.) *Please note: your child’s care may be suspended if a current well child visit is not on file. ** DHS code §3270.131.Health Assessment
Illness Chart
Type of Illness / Time and requirements to allow a child to return to care
Temperature of 101 or higher / 24 hours after fever has returned to normal
Vomiting / 24 hours after last episode
Diarrhea (3 times in 8 hours) / 24 hours after last episode
Pink eye/Impetigo / 24 hours after 1st treatment with a Doctor's note
Lice/Ringworm / 24 hours after 1st treatment
Hand, Foot and Mouth disease / 24 hours after fever has returned to normal and blisters are not open and not causing pain.
Others / Please see director for requirements on other health issues
- If a child gets sick at the center we will notify parents and expect the sick child to be picked up within 2 hours. If not picked up within the 2 hours the late fee will go into effect.
- If you have an IEP, IFSP or written behavioral plan, Tiny Blessings must have a copy for your child's file in order to assist your child with their individual needs.
- If your child is in need of medical treatment due to special needs, arrangements will be made to administer medications according to DHS code §3270.133.Child medication and special diets.