Benefits of Membership

The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) is an educational charity and is mainly a Club based Association.

You can become a member of NAFAS by joining a Flower Club in your local area. When you become a member of NAFAS affiliated society there are benefits available to you.

·  Friendship through flowers. Social contact with people who share a love of flowers and plant material, as well as an artistic inclination.

·  Access to education in floral art and design.

·  Your subscription contributes towards the charity, which provides education in the art of flower arrangement.

·  Subscription to The Flower Arranger magazine at a privileged rate.

·  Automatic membership of WAFA, the World Association of Flower Arrangers.

·  Access to NAFAS trained and qualified judges, demonstrators, speakers and teachers.

·  The opportunity to train as a judge, demonstrator or speaker at Area or National level.

·  Information about National and International events in the world of floral art and design.

·  The opportunity to compete an the annual NAFAS National Show.

·  The chance to exhibit at the WAFA Show, which is held every three years in a different country.

·  The opportunity to learn more about gardening, plants and flowers.

·  The chance to share in the conservation of rare species of plants and flowers.


Club membership rates vary, depending upon the subscription levied by each individual society.

Individual membership is available from NAFAS Headquarters at a cost of £35 per annum. This type of membership allows members to compete at the National Show and includes an annual subscription to The Flower Arranger magazine and2 Newsletters per year. Individual membership of NAFAS is of particular benefit to people who do not wish to join a Flower Club, but still wish to enjoy the benefits of NAFASmembership.