Social Deviance CORR/SOC 441 Final Exam Role Play Assignment

In addition to meeting this specific corrections program goal, this course also provides opportunities for students to think critically about how Deviants are treated in Society. As a group, students will be assigned a chapter in the text, “Sociology of Deviant Behavior” to present to their fellow classmates.

The Final will be a role play based on assigned chapters in the text, “Sociology of Deviant Behavior”

Role Play Instructions

1)Select a possible situation or issue related to your group’s “Sociology of Deviant Behavior” Chapter that can be acted out in a one act scenario caught on tape and DVD. (Confrontation, Conflict, Suicide, Drugs etc.) What led up to it will be explained by the group’s spokesperson.

2)Decide what characters will be included and who will play the part of each. Select fictitious names for the characters.

3)The outcome must not be decided in advance. The characters must be left free to pursue options and solutions. Let the actors play it out.

4)Select a director who is the spokesperson for the exercise. Then select the cast. The director should use creativity to lead the group in making a scenario and as spokesperson should introduce the play and set up the scene for the class by (all this should be on tape) :

a) Explain what has gone on before the role play starts

b) Provide the names of the characters and the real names of the students playing the role

c) How each character is feeling at the beginning of the role play

d) Place of the scene, description of location and other properties.

5)At the end of the role play, the director yells “cut” and processes the scene while actors are still in role/character ( all on tape) . Questions include:

6)i) How do you feel right now, ii) What was running through your mind when…, iii. How did you feel when… iv. Are you satisfied with what happened?

7)The actors shake off their roles/character and the director asks the actors to process the scene as MSU Social Deviance students (all on tape).

8)The director will then end the DVD and lead a general discussion, calling for comments from the audience.

Possible Scenes in the Deviance Text

Group 1 Chapter 14 Gays, Lesbians, and Homophobia

Come up with a scene depicting the relationship or lack of relationship between these groups. Or any scenario you can think of.

Group 2 Chapter 12 Suicide

Use the theme of suicide to depict an issue out of the chapter or any scenario you can think of.

Group 3 Chapters 11 Heterosexual Deviance

Create a scene that depicts one of the dimensions brought out in the chapter, i.e. prostitution, pornography, computer sex orany scenario you can think of.

Group 4 Drunkenness and Alcoholism

Create a scene that depicts one of the dimensions brought out in the chapter, i.e. alcohol related crime, the cost of alcoholism, drunk drivingorany scenario you can think of.

Group 5 Chapter 9 Drug Use and Addiction

Create a scene that depicts one of the dimensions brought out in the chapter, i.e. the war on drugs, your brain on drugs etc. orany scenario you can think of.

Group 6 Chapter 8 White Collar Crime

Create a scene that depicts one of the dimensions brought out in the chapterorany scenario you can think of.

Visual Ethnography ( i-movie)

______Assignment Instructions_____

DVD must be 15 minutes in length or more

All students must appear in the DVD

1)Select a Social Deviance Topic

2)Assign Responsibilities for Project possibly including:

a)Someone to keep a journal throughout the project.

b)A scriptwriter

c)A Videographer

d)An interviewer

e)Group leader to plan/organize project

3)Determine the focus and boundaries of study for the project out of the Chapter.

  • -Consider why you chose the specific topic?
  • -Where can you find visual representation of the topic?
  • -What are the fundamental concepts involved and their definitions?
  • -How will your project depict these concepts?

4)Storyboarding your general plan of presentation using yellow post-its

In other words:

  • -What sequence will your movie take?
  • -What is your map or film schedule?
  • -When will you practice role-play?
  • -How will you practice role-play?
  • -Where will you practice role-play?

5)Conduct Background Research on your topic using as many resources as possible. Some examples of resources include:

  • -Books
  • -Class Discussion
  • -Personal Experience
  • -Web Sources
  • -Journals
  • -Interviews

6)List and contact key informants (people to interview) and other ingredients for footage, such as key web sites.

7)Obtain permission from those people that you plan to videotape/interview with a signed consent form.

Protection of Subjects’ Rights

Informed consent

Purpose of this research

You are invited to voluntarily participate in a Corrections 441, Social Deviance, imovie student project. You are free to discontinue participation at any time without penalty. Therefore, your decision not to participate will not affect your relationship with the researchers or the university. By signing the research release below you are implying your consent.Thanks for your voluntary participation in the interview.

What you will do in this research

Participation in this imovie project involves a simple interview conversation on tape, with the possibility of follow-up conversation. There are no right or wrong answers or proper way for the conversation to go. It is hoped that your personal insights may lead the discussion in a number of directions. You will be asked to share your reflections on a number of issues concerning Deviance. The conversation is meant to be comfortable and pleasant.

Research Release

I, grant Minnesota State University, Mankato, the right to use, modify, reproduce, distribute and publicly and/or display, in any form, the materials below in this release.

_____Interview Results

_____Audio/Video Tapes



The interview will be recorded and written down and will not be anonymous. There is no way to protect your identity in the video. Your comments may be included in the final report so we need consent to use your name and image. The recordings and transcripts of all interviews will be the researcher’s property, held by the Department of Sociology/Corrections for the duration of the study with access given only to the researcher and the Department’s Administrative Assistant. If you do not wish your name to be used in the final paper, check here_____.We realize that in giving information about yourself, you do so in a relationship of trust. The researcher will respect your trust and not betray your confidence.


It is not expected that you will experience any risks, stigma or discomfort during this interview, however some benefits are listed under the Project Description.


There is no compensation for your participation in this study. If you wish, you may contact the researcher or provide the researcher with your address and a copy of the final report will be made available to you upon completion.


If at any time you have questions about this research, please contact:

James Burnett

37 Armstrong Hall

MSU, Mankato

Mankato, MN 56001


I understand and agree that I am of full legal age and have read this Release and am fully familiar with its contents. The nature and purpose of this research has been sufficiently explained and I agree to a recorded interview and conversation, in which I may refuse to answer any questions at any time.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______Age: ______

To ensure informed consent is understood by participants the following steps will be taken:

First, participants, who can read and write in English, will simply read the above statement. In case the document is too technical, I will interpret the meaning for the participants and they will sign. Secondly, for participants who are not fluent in English, I will read, translate and interpret the meaning of the document

Contact information

The Institutional Review Board can answer questions regarding approval of the study. Please feel free to contact the office via email: or par Toll-Free: 1-800-722-0544

Only the project researcher will have access to the consent forms. After signatures are secured, these consent documents will be maintained in the Sociology/Corrections Office.

8)Video and Photo Data Collection process

( visits, observations, interviews, etc.)

*While collecting data, you should describe and take into account:

  • physical setting (weather, nature, architecture)
  • everyday interactions, life
  • people and their exchanges with others
  • signs and symbols
  • social situations
  • ideas and changes
  • activities and movement

9)Throughout the entire project, it is necessary to log everything that has occurred in a journal. The log should include dates and times, as well asparticipants and their actions. One log per group will be turned in.

10)Make and Keep an appointment with Cliff Colby in the ERC (located in the basement of the library). Cliff will train you in the process of making an i-movie, which includes:

  • importing and editing footage (audio and visual)
  • inserting titles, transitions, subtitles
  • credits, & more

**Do not forget to keep a log and notes of this activity


11. Group Presentation of Project Showing Evidence of:

Group Interaction

(everyone participated in presentation)

Group Planning

(organized presentation)

Group Engagement of Learning

(displayed by conclusions drawn)

Logged Participation of Actions

(displayed by flow of description of process)

Individual Participation

(displayed by how well you did your role)