Standard Stretching and Shrinking Unit Project

Name DateDue April 21, 2015 Class


This project is an opportunity to integrate arts into the math we do daily. Students will enlarge or shrink a photograph, picture or cartoon of their choice using the technique of coordinate system rules or grid dilation to produce a mathematically similar image.

Category / Got it! – 4 pts / Mostly Got it! – 3 pts / Kinda Got it! – 2 pts / Yikes! – 1 pt
(if included)
Part 1: Drawing
Original / An image, picture, photograph or picture created by at least 25 coordinates points with straight edge. / An image, picture, photograph or picture created by at least 20 coordinates points with straight edge.. / An image, picture, photograph or picture created by at least 10 coordinates points. / An image, picture, photograph or picture created by fewer than 10 coordinates points.
Enlargement or reduction / Identifies the scale factor. Enlargement scale factor is 4 or greater. Reduction is ¼ or smaller. Includes 2 calculations demonstrating the SF / Identifies enlargement scale factor is 4 or greater. Reduction is ¼ or smaller. Includes 1 calculation demonstrating the SF / Identifies the scale factor but it does not follow the guidelines for enlargement or reduction / Identifies the scale factor incorrectly or doesn’t identify it all (and the scale factor doesn’t follow the requirements)
Corresponding angles / Proves that at least 2 pairs of corresponding angles are congruent by labeling with their degree measures. / Proves that 1 pair of corresponding angles are congruent by labeling with their degree measures. / Discusses how corresponding angles are congruent but doesn’t label them with degree measure. / No mention of corresponding angles being congruent.
Corresponding areas / compares the area of at least two portions of the figures demonstrating the relationship between the sf and the area’s comparison / compares the area of one portion of the figure demonstrating the relationship between the scale factor and the area’s comparison / Compares the area of one or more portions of the figure but doesn’t mention the relationship between the scale factor and the area’s comparison / Does not compare any areas between the original image and it’s scale factor
Display / Neat, labeled, organized, and colorful / Three of the four / Two of the four / One of the four
written report
technique / explains technique used to create similar figure in a clear paragraph or more / Explains a large portion of the technique / Explains a small portion of the technique / Does not explain any of the technique used
Comparison / Compares the original to its image in a paragraph or more. Be sure to compare lengths, angles and areas using mathematical language. / Compares the original to its image in a paragraph or more. Compares 2 of the 3 (lengths, angles and areas using mathematical language.) / Compares the original to its image in a paragraph or more. Compares 1 of the 3 (lengths, angles and areas using mathematical language.) / Does not compare the original to its image in mathematical ways
Other details / Shares a paragraph or more on your experience or any interesting challenges you had to overcome in order to complete this assignment. / Shares some details on the experience of completing this assignment. / Shares very few details on the experience of completing the assignment / Shares absolutely no information on the experience.
Grammar / Five or fewer grammatical errors / Six or more grammatical errors
Spelling / Five or fewer spelling errors / Six or more spelling errors
Neat / Typed with student’s first and last name and class period / Typed with student’s first and last name missing class period / Not typed or missing last name and class period
rubric / Turns in the rubric when the project is turned in / Turns in the rubric after the project is turned in

Tardy projects will have a deduction of 2 POINTS PER DAY. Projects are due at the beginning of class.

Bonus Opportunity (2 points): Turn in project early. (You must have Mrs. Alston stamp/write the date in order to earn the bonus points!)

Grade /46