From: OIC boat, name, OSTS Block x

To: OSTS Awards Board


1.  MIDN Xxxx is an exceptional midshipman and has excellent potential as a future Naval Officer. His performance and leadership during this OSTS cruise were outstanding in every respect. It is an honor and a pleasure to nominate him for the McWethy award.

2.  Onboard WARRIOR, MIDN Xxxx was assigned as the Bosun for the boat. Although this was his primary duty, he made significant contributions to every evolution on the boat from day one. From initial chart preparation and preliminary underway periods to the time the boat was cleaned and turned over back in Santee Basin, MIDN Xxxx was a consistent leader, trainer, and model midshipman onboard. Despite the fact that MIDN Xxxx came into the program with little sailing experience, he immediately took charge of his responsibilities, working tirelessly to learn not only his own position, but also to learn the responsibilities and requirements for the other billets.

3.  MIDN Xxxx took great pride and ownership in his primary duties. Anyone with sailing experience can appreciate how a well-organized and well-maintained sail inventory can be critical to the success of a voyage. From the onset, MIDN Xxxx ensured that his equipment, to include all sails and rigging, was in good shape and properly maintained. His enthusiasm and positive attitude toward his assigned billet were critical in both preparation and execution of our voyage. MIDN Xxxx worked tirelessly with both the XO and me to ensure that he was well informed on his billet responsibilities, always asking questions, soliciting advice, and looking up information.

4.  However, MIDN Xxxx really stood out while conducting his watchstanding duties. Despite his minimal sailing experience, MIDN Xxxx was first to volunteer for any tasks, and performed superbly. If his Watch Captain was involved in another evolution, he would immediately step up, take charge, and get things done. His attention to detail while standing watch was unparalleled. Regardless of the weather conditions or time of day, he was engaged, involved, and setting the example for his shipmates every single watch. At each position, his situational awareness was phenomenal and he was fully engaged in his duties; he planned and anticipated well ahead of his shipmates, and was ready to respond to any changes in weather, navigation, crew, or equipment status. By the end of the cruise, he was serving as an instructor to his shipmates for everything from topside and below-deck gear, to lookout, to sail trimming, to navigation. His guidance and leadership to both watch sections was critical to safe and proper sailing throughout the voyage.

5.  On WARRIOR, we were fortunate to have an outstanding group of six 3/C midshipmen. For MIDN Xxxx to stand out among such a fine group is an achievement in itself. Despite just completing his Plebe year, it was really impressive how MIDN Xxxx took the initiative, stayed focused, and became an effective peer-leader. His development during Block 2 is exactly what we strive for in the leadership development of midshipmen. He earned my recommendation for further training and XO Qualification. MIDN Xxxx was always very respectful and ready to take on any task, at any time. My XO, a career Surface Warfare Officer, noted that MIDN Xxxx possesses the exact traits required to be a successful Junior Officer in the Fleet today. He is a solid leader, and most deserving of the Captain Robert D. McWethy Award.

xxxx, Skipper