Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP™)

The Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP™) uses project-based learning to empower students to use technology to learn and achieve.

An appointed school coordinator guides students to create products, provide services or carry out projects that help the school and community.

STLP is open to all students in P-16. No student should be turned away from being part of a school’s STLP. Restricting membership is not part of an active recruitment and retention process.


The Mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP™) is to advance the individual capabilities of students; to motivate all students; and to create leadership opportunities through the use of technology.

Six Goals

1.  The STLP will develop activities that enhance the academic, social and emotional growth of the student.

2.  The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students.

3.  The STLP will experience multi-age collaboration by forming innovative learning partnerships.

4.  The STLP will form learning partnerships between students with different technology skills.

5.  The STLP will develop activities that benefit communities.

6.  The STLP will develop instructional activities, which integrate technology and benefit the school and support the Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS).

Why would I want my students to participate in STLP?

·  Students’ skills impact post-secondary choices.

·  STLP allows students to come together, share, learn and achieve.

·  STLP is project driven. Projects should be selected by need and interest.

·  Students and teachers learn from other performing students.

·  The school gains recognition with an active program.

·  Students gain team building and leadership skills by creating and completing authentic projects.

·  Students participate in student involvement categories; produce products and services.

·  Parents and the community are active partners.

Web Site and enter STLP in the Search box

or Google STLP or

School Involvement

Students in elementary, middle and high school, with support of the school and district technology leaders, create projects, quality products and provide services to the school and community.

Regional and State Involvement

Schools can elect to attend two other events: Regional Fall Showcase and State Championship.

Students show what they know and can do with technology to learn and achieve.

Fall Showcase 2011: In the fall, students bring projects to be seen by other schools. The best projects, based upon a rubric, are invited to the STLP State Championship in March.

Nov. 3 Exposition Center, Pikeville

Nov. 9 Murray State University, Curris Center

Nov. 10 University of Kentucky, Student Center Ballroom

Nov. 15 The Center for Rural Development, Somerset

Nov. 18 Northern Kentucky University, Student Center

Nov. 22 University of Louisville, Student Activities Center (SAC)

Nov. 29 Western Kentucky University Showcase, Diddle Arena

Nov. 30 Morehead State University, Adron Doran University Center (ADUC)

State Championship 2012

March 22 Rupp Arena and Lexington Convention Center (Pending)

EILA Credit is given to judges and school persons that assist at the state event.

Contact: Elaine Harrison Lane| Kentucky Department of Education| Office of Education Technology

15 Fountain Place | Frankfort, KY 40601 | | 502.564.2020 x 236



Engineer: a student presents a resume, references, and is interviewed at fall showcase for technical positions

Project: up to four students create and present their work in a tabletop format for judges (Community Service, Instruction, Techical Expertise*)


Art: a student creates an original digital art piece

*Cyber Shorts Service: a student posts skills and experience online for a position to film and produce the state video shown at Awards

Documentary: one team creates an original documentary video

Feature: one team creates a feature video

*Fundraiser/Entrepreneur Service: one team creates and markets a product to raise money; explains process

Gazette Reporter Service: a student posts a story about Fall Showcase for a Gazette position at State

*Geek Squad Ready: a student will generate a web page concerning a topic, interview at State, go to Geek City

Graphic Design: a student creates an original graphic design piece

*Live Reporting Service: a student posts skills and experience online for a position at State

Manipulated Image: a student takes their original photo and manipulates it into a new image and posts both

Music: a student creates an original digital music piece

*Newscast Service: one team documents and explains the school’s news program and includes sample video

*Original Content: a student uses tools to create original learning by combining at least three: animation, audio, design software, images, interactive device, text, and video. All content is original and produced by the student.

Photo: a student takes an original image with a camera

*Poster Theme: a student creates an original poster with the theme ‘The Future of Me’. Print poster size at state

*Presenter Service: one to two students post skills, experience and a three minute video sample on one topic for State: Video Conferencing, Software, or Hardware Use;

Production Company Service: a student posts skills and experience online. Selected students are part of the state camera crew.

PSA: one team creates a PSA video (30 or 60 sec.)

Storytelling: a student writes an original story

Technical Writing: a student creates a technical piece

*Twitter Service: a student posts skills and experience online for a position to Tweet at State


Bench Challenge: two students must apply; reply to questions, best scorers troubleshoot a computer onsite

Cinemania: using a given prompt, one team creates and posts a video within 48 hours of the state event

Dell & Microsoft Gaming: onsite a student plays a game

EKU Aviation: a student uses flight sim, plans a flight

Enterasys Networking: a student takes a written test and best scorers troubleshoot network issues onsite

Game Design Challenge: one team plans, designs and presents an original video game

Georgetown College Robot Use: a robot performs a task and a team of 1-2 students discuss the task

*GeoTechnologies/Geospatial Literacy: a student uses GIS/GPS/Remote Sensing to find a solution to a problem

Help Desk Service: one team presents and markets the school/district help desk to judges

Heritage Council: one team completes and presents one Heritage Council project

Proven Learning Quick Tech Recall: a student quickly replies to general technology questions using clickers

Racing to the Future: a student’s car will race on a slot car track for fastest speed, best design using STEM skills

RCX (Robo Challenge Xreme): the regional team winners are invited to compete for the RCX state title

Scripting with Windows: a student finds a solution to a prompt by creating a Windows script one team submits one: TQ Website Project, Digital Media, or Application Development

UK Computer Science: two students learn a programming language onsite and complete a task

*UK Minds On Innovation: one team creates, designs an original product or process that solves a problem

UL Podcasting Service: one team uploads podcasts to UL server for judging

Web Site Design: a student using their own laptop and choice software, designs a web page using the prompt