March 29, 2005


Present: Staff:

Ms. Judy McCarthy Ms. Kim Scully

Mr. Edward Mazur Mr. John Bresnahan

Ms. Helen Peveri

Ms. Kate Mullaley

Ms. Patrice Buchanan

Mr. Christopher Carroll

Absent: Ms. Kathy Carmell-Sirrico

Mr. Ralph Barile

Observer: Byron Blanchard

A sub committee meeting of the Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was held on Tuesday, March 29, 2005, at 239 Causeway Street, Boston, MA. The sub committee meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. with Mr. Mazur taking the role of Acting Chair.


The minutes of the March 15, 2005 meeting were circulated for review. A recommendation was made to accept the March 15, 2005 minutes.


The Sub Committee met with Daniel Hayes (lic #2202) of Graham, Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors and recommended that issuance of an apprentice embalmer registration be granted.

The Sub Committee also met apprentice applicants Robert Goode and Rowena Wesley of the JB Johnson Funeral Home. Mrs. Johnson accompanied Mr. Goode and Ms. Wesley. Mr. Goode advised the Sub Committee that he is in the process of completing his GED program. The Sub Committee informed Mr. Goode that all applicants must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent and that it would not again review his application until he received his GED. The Sub Committee reminded Mr. Goode that since he does not hold a license, he cannot perform the duties of an apprentice. The Sub Committee informed Ms. Wesley that it would not act upon her application until Mrs. Johnson comes into compliance with her funeral director license. Mr. Carroll was instructed to send Mrs. Johnson correspondence outlining the necessary requirements to bring her license into compliance.

Public Commentary:

Mr. Blanchard commented on the “interpretation” of ownership rules. Mr. Blanchard stated that individuals can hold shares of ownership, allowing them voting authority only, with no economic interest.

Case Review:

EM 05-032 The Sub Committee made a recommendation to invite in both Licensee and Complainant.

CEU Requests:

The Board received submission requests for continuing education. The Sub Committee made a recommendation that the following programs be approved.


Skull & Facial Restoration 3 credits

Kenmore Square Institute

Spring 2005 Seminars 8 credits


Diverse Operational Management Issues 1.5 credits

Technology for your Business 3.0 credits

How Much Do We Really Know About FTC Regulations? 1.5 credits

Compassionate Friends

Compassionate Friends Professional Day 6 credits


Religion and the Funeral Director 3 credits

HIV/AIDS & OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 3 credits

Professional Ethics 2 credits

NFDA Web Seminars

How to Get What You Need From Your Employees 2 credits

Preventing the Most Common OSHA Violations 2 credits

Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patrice Buchanan

Recording Secretary