April 24, 2008
Present: Dr. A. Tomlinson, N. Tan, M. Zankich, B. Englert, T. Grinberg, I. Clark, Carla Muldoon, Sergeant Van
Faculty: S. Fasteau, L. McKenzie
The meeting began at 12:00 noon in the Facilities Conference Room.
Everyone in attendance was given a draft of the program review for Administrative Services. Dr. Tomlinson gave an overview of the College Strategic Planning Goals for Administrative Services. She reviewed the Administrative Services Cluster goals and planning priorities. The planning and program reviews for each unit within the Administrative Services Cluster were discussed. Dr. Tomlinson asked that each manager exam the draft of the program review and “fill in the blanks” for their area. She emphasized listing current strengths, opportunities, and challenges and well as future plans.
When the managers met in November 2007, they listed four priorities for the Administrative Services units. Three of the priorities were hiring requests. Due to budget cuts and a hiring freeze, Dr. Tomlinson urged everyone to rethink their priorities and focus on goals for their area rather than their need for additional staff. Her future plans for Administrative Services will focus on doing business differently.
Dr. Tomlinson acknowledged the problems faced by facilities with six custodians on payroll but not working. Due to budget cuts, it not possible to hire a night-time custodial supervisor but two custodial positions will likely get approval to be filled. Mr. McKenzie noted that with so many senior positions there are not enough people to do the regular work. Classified work can not be contracted out.
Replacing the campus phone system will remain a priority, as well as providing a well lit campus.
Dr. Tomlinson announced the deduction of $419,000 from Harbor’s account due to a property tax shortfall. We have a $3M to $3.4M deficit. Next year we will start the year with a 10% cut in our allocation.
Drafting a new policy for key distribution for the new building was discussed. A new policy will control who has access to keys and provide better security than we currently have. Our locksmith is still provisional.
Improvements will continue in the Bookstore using their reserve money. Plans include redoing the outside patio area with a canopy, concrete tables and chairs, and wireless internet. Dr. Spink would like to see the Bookstore begin online book ordering by this August. The Bookstore will use their reserve improvement fund to purchase the $16,000 program needed for online ordering. The Bookstores concerns regarding the outdated fifteen day refund policy and the no minimum policy on debit purchases will be brought to the Board by the President.
Carla reported that “College for Kids” has a large enrollment this summer. The Bookstore will supply lunches for these students.
The Administrative Services office is currently up to date with their scanning; all old documents have been scanned. Payroll and Personnel are looking into scanning their files before moving into the new building.
The challenge of not having the Business office and Admissions and Records in one location was discussed.
Bill announced that Facilities will have online work orders in the near future. They will use the same program as the district.
Dr. Tomlinson reported that the electronic sign can not be repaired due to old technology. It is possible that advertisers may pay for a new sign. Other advertising opportunities to generate revenue were discussed.
The District is working on a district wide contract for ATM machines on campus and a land lease for credit union machines.
Reprographics is an area that is not growing. Copying may be decentralized in the future.
The meeting ended at 1:30pm.