The University of Exeter is committed to improving the Sustainability of its estate and to Sustainable and Ethical practice through its procurement of goods, services and works. The University can use its spending power to reduce the impact it has on the environment by selecting products carefully and influencing its customers and suppliers to improve their sustainability.
Sustainable procurement is:
The process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life-cycle basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst significantly reducing negative impact on the environment.”
This policy supports the University policies on Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility. The University aims to:
- provide appropriate trainingto ensure all staff are aware of the principles of sustainable procurement and how to apply these in practice;
- use a risk and opportunity based approach to identify prioritiesforhigh-risk and high-expenditure commodities;
- seek assurance in tender documents that high-risk and high-expenditure suppliers comply with all relevant environmental legislation;
- encourage all staff to question the need for new items, the quantity purchased, and to consider alternative solutions such as reuse, rental and sharing resources so that specifications are functional and not over-specified;
- consider opportunities, within specifications, for green innovation and products that are made from recycled materials and/or recyclable;
- engage suppliers to improve awareness of the University’s Sustainable Procurement Policy and to encourage them to improve and report on their environmental performance;
- encourage suppliers to develop practical and proactive Corporate Responsibility (CR);
- seek assurance in tender documents that suppliers are not engaged in or supporting through their commercial activities unethical practices with regard to people, animals and materials, including (but not limited to) modern slavery and conflict minerals.
- assist suppliers (including SMEs, local and unorthodox enterprises) to understand our procurement processes so they can compete on equal terms;
- apply whole life-cycle costing (WLC) to procurement decisions where the project value is
above £50,000. WLC will include costs (acquisition, operating, maintenance and disposal) and impacts (energy, water and other resourceconsumption) of products;
- communicate the aims of the sustainability procurement policy to appropriate stakeholders;
- ensure the results of sustainable procurement activities are measured and reported to all
relevant stakeholders;
- conduct an annual review of the policy through the Dual Assurance process.
The Deputy Director Operations & Procurementis accountable for this policy and will ensure that it is adoptedwithin colleges and services. Everyone who specifies, authorises or procuresgoods, services, works and utilities is responsible for supporting the objectives listed above. The Dual Assurance group will approve significant amendments and the Ethics Committee will comment as necessary.
How will the University implement this policy?
Successful implementation of this policy will support the delivery of the University’s overall Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Policy and Strategy.
Procurement Services shall apply this policy to all procurement that it manages and encourage its use by all other purchasers. This approach should cover most of the University’s expenditure.
Training will be attended by members of the Procurement Services team and they will produce training materials to be made available to all staff.
Procurement Services will consider sustainability factors arising from EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria, University specialists, the Sustainability Advisor, project stakeholders and Legislation for inclusion within product & service specifications.
The Sustainability Group (SVCCG) plans to issueoperational control processes on key commodities and services, and other topics. Procurement Services will use these processes in procurement planning.
Tender document Selection Questionnaires provide the opportunity to check supplier’s compliance with environmental legislation and Modern Slavery Act.
Communication through the University procurement webpages to establish the commitment to Sustainable procurement.
Issue communication to suppliers through the e-tendering portal with latest sustainability news.
Monitor the policy and measure progress on its implementation reporting results to the SVCCG.