Efis No.33/2008
July 2008
Range: Legal Aid
CDS6 -Contract Work Report Form
CLSCLAIM4A-Claim for payment on Account in Fixed fee(Public) Law Scheme
From 1st August, the Legal Services Commission’s computer systems will only pay VAT where legal aid firms have requested such payment when submitting a claim on CDS6 because the Legal Services Commission aims to bring crime reporting into line with civil reporting.
CDS6 has been revised to reflect these new VAT arrangements.
In particular, CDS6 incorporates two new fields for VAT, one for Profit Costs and the other for Disbursements. From 1st August, practitioners should report all costs exclusive of VAT and should indicate for each reported case whether VAT should be added to Profit Costs and to any Disbursements which are claimed.
Although this amended version of CDS6 can be completed for cases completed after 1st July, practitioners should notsubmit CDS6 to the Legal Services Commission before 1st August.
Please also find enclosed CLSCLAIM4A which has received minor macro and field amendments. This form can be used immediately.
Electronic SDLT data submission - 30 Day Free Trial.
Oyez Legal Software is now offering our new eSDLT form on a 30 dayFree Trial. This form combines the existing forms SDLT1-4, and enables SDLT data to be submitted electronically to HMRC, with automatic acceptance/validation/corrective advice being returned almost immediately. Upon successful submission, a copy of SDLT5 is filled with data ready for submission to the Land Registry.
If you wish to trial the new eSDLT form with Live submissions, please upgrade Oyezforms to V9.01+ or above and import the eSDLT form template from . Please call 08450 17 55 17 or email for guidance.
Once your 30 day trial period is over, the form will cost from £45 per year for a single license.
Case Management Notice
The recommended method for merging data with OyezForms is via 'Field Label' identities, rather than 'Field Numbers.' TOOLS>PRINT ID LABELS will print a list for each form.
OyezForms latest version 9.01+ or above Vista Compliant - Active Library
Once configured, this version of OyezForms downloads forms from the web and imports into your Master Library AUTOMATICALLY. A Broadband connection is required.
To obtain an upgrade, visit:
Importing Forms
1.Start the OyezForms software (if you are running a networked copy of the software only one user should have the software open at this point).
2.Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.
3.Select Admin and then Import new forms…
4.When the dialogue box appears, click Browse
5.Double-click on the CD-ROM drive labelled ‘OyezForms’ and select the EFIS folder which this document refers to. Click OK
6.The forms listed within this EFIS will appear in the dialogue box
7.Click Select All
8.Click Import
9.Click Done
If you have any problems please contact Oyez Legal Software Technical Support on 08450 17 55 17