
Dear Parent/Carer,

The maths department would just like to tell you that we have put a task on mathswatch.vle that covers all the work done this academic year for each year group.

If your child has the opportunity over the summer, we would appreciate it if they could access the year-appropriate task. The task will automatically appear when your child logs into the site.

Login : firstnamelastname@roytoncrompton

Password: revise

Y7 Task

-Y7 Foundation summer end of year exam

-Y7 Higher summer end of year exam

Y8 Task

-Y8 Foundation summer end of year exam

-Y8 Higher summer end of year exam

Y9 Task

-Y9 Summer EOY exam foundation

-Y9 End of Year exam higher

Y10 Task

-Y10 Higher End of Year Exam Revision

-Y10 Foundation End of Year Exam Revision

Further information for parents of pupils who will be in Y11 in September 2017

In October, the year group will sit their first full set of mock examinations and completing these tasks on mathswtach.vle will significantly help them improve upon their end of Y10 grade. The mocks in October will consist of three papers, each lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes to mirror the final examination in June 2018. The first paper is non-calculator and the remaining two will require a calculator. We recommend purchasing a Casio or Sharp calculator for these examinations.

If you have any enquires regarding this or any other matter regarding your child in Mathematics, please contact school and I will be more than happy to speak to you.

In addition we are also ordering Pearson revision guides and workbooks that can be purchased from school for a total cost of £5. A letter will be circulated early in September when they arrive in school.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs E Downing

Head of Mathematics