Goshen Girls Basketball
Rules and Guidelines
- Be on time to all practices, meetings, departures, etc.
- Early practices start at 3:35. All players are expected to be on the floor shooting at that time unless they are receiving treatment in the training room. We will stretch together at 3:50.
- Late practice time listed on the calendar is the time we will start practice, all stretching is expected to take place prior to the start of the scheduled start time.
- Players are expected to wear this year’s practice gear to all practices.
- When a coach is talking stop all action and hold the basketballs. Show respect to all coaches by making eye contact and listening to what they are saying.
- We expect two to three hours of COMPLETE CONCENTRATION.
- Work at game tempo. All out effort during practice is demanded and will make game habits automatic. Work faithfully regardless of whether you are being observed or not.
- Do what you are asked to do, to the best of your ability, as if it where your own idea.
- No sitting down during practice.
- No foul language will be tolerated.
- Let Coach Krebs know if you are going to miss practice and why. There may be a consequence for missed practices. Consequences could include additional conditioning, loss of playing time, or game suspensions.
- Accept criticism and profit from it, which is why it is given.
- Compliment and acknowledge teammates on good play.
Locker Rooms:
- Absolutely NO HORSEPLAY!
- Make sure your valuables are locked up at all times.
- Make sure all trash is picked up and the locker room is neat. Any trash picked up by the coaching staff will result in additional conditioning at the next practice.
- Hazing of any sort will not be tolerated and will result in automatic removal from the squad.
- All players are expected to ride the bus to and from away games.
- Travel sweats will be worn to all away games.
- While traveling we leave an impression upon everyone whom we come into contact. Many people do not see us play and the only impression they have of us is when we pass them by. Handle yourself with CLASS!
- No cell phones may only be used for listening to music. Texting and phone calls are not allowed. The coaching staff will give verbal cue when players may use phone to call parents when we are close to the school. Infractions of this offense will be as follows:
- First Offense – Entire team runs a 7 in 56
- Second Offense – 1 game suspension
- Third Offense – 2 game additional suspension
Bench/Game Behavior:
- Enthusiasm is very important during a game. It must come from everyone.
- When being replaced on the floor, hustle off the floor and give all coaches and teammates a hand slap or something of that nature. Then have a seat next to a coach.
- Foul language will not be tolerated.
- Players should applaud “plus” plays – such as taking a charge, diving on the floor for a loose ball, etc.
- While on the bench, study the game; know where you should be, what you would be doing, and how you would be doing it if you were in the game.
- During the Varsity/JV game, the team not playing will be sitting directly behind the team bench. During time outs and quarter breaks, the team sitting behind the bench will stand to block out the crowd from the huddle.
Miscellaneous Items:
- No other games or sports during the season without the coaching staff’s permission.
- If in doubt – DON’T! Ask questions when in doubt…this is a sign of intelligence.
I have read the Goshen Girls Basketball Rules and Guidelines Handbook for the 2012 – 2013 season.
Player’s Signature:______Date______
Parent’s Signature:______Date______
Parents Email Address:______
Player Information:
Player’s Cell Phone #______
Player’s Email Address______
Please list other activities such as choir, orchestra, etc. with which you may have conflicts: Please list specific dates and times for each conflict.