CSCI 3131.01

Final Review

Chapter 7 Multiple Forms, Standard Modules and Menus

·  Add a form into a project and remove a form from the project

·  Add a menu to a form; how to add a submenu.

·  MenuStrip control

·  Associate a menu with code

·  Specify Startup form

·  Creating an object of a form class using the New keyword

·  Show a modal form using ShowDialog and a modeless form using Show

·  Close a form using the Close method and hide a form using the Hide method

·  Form’s Load event and Activate event

·  Form’s Closing event and Closed event

·  Class-level variable – how it is declared and its scope

·  Standard modules – store shared Sub procedures and Function procedures.

·  For standard modules, using Dim or Private to declare module-level variables and Public to declare global variables.

·  Sub Main may be used as the start up procedure for the application

Chapter 8 Arrays, Timers and More

·  Declare and initialize a one-dimensional array. This statement declares a six-element integer array:

Dim intHours(5) As Integer

·  Array can be initialized in the declaration statement:

Dim intNumbers() As Integer = {2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12}

·  Array subscript or index is zero-based

·  Search a one-dimensional array

·  Compute the sum and average of a one-dimensional array

·  Sort a one-dimensional array: descending and ascending

·  Copy between arrays

Dim a() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Dim b() As Integer = {2, 3, 4, 5}

Array.Copy(b, a, 4) '4 is the number of elements in b

' This makes array a contain:

{ 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8}

·  Using For Each … Next with array

·  Create and manipulate parallel one-dimensional arrays

·  Create dynamic array.

Dim Arrayname() As DataType

ReDim [Preserve] Arrayname(UpperSubscript)

·  Pass arrays to Sub or Function procedures ByRef or ByVal

·  Enabled property

·  Timer

·  Splash screen

·  Random number generation

Chapter 9 Files, Printing, and Structure

·  Create a sequential access file

Dim studentFile As StreamWriter

studentFile = File.CreateText("StudentData.txt")








·  Open a file for reading

Dim scoresFile As StreamReader

Dim strInput As String

scoresFile = File.OpenText("Scores.txt")

Do Until scoresFile.Peek() = -1

strInput = scoresFile.ReadLine()




·  Detecting end of file: objvar.EndOfStream() or when objvar.Peek() returns -1

·  ReadToEnd method

Dim textFile As StreamReader

Dim strInput As String

textFile = File.OpenText("names.txt")

strInput = textFile.ReadToEnd


·  The OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FontDialog, and ColorDialog Controls


·  Structures

[AccessSpecifier] Structure StructureName


End Structure

·  Passing structure to Sub or Function procedures.

Chapter 12 Classes, Collections and Scrollable Controls

·  Classes

o  Abstract Data Types

o  Objects

o  The Object class in .NET

·  Define a class

·  Instantiate an object from a class that you define

Private employeeTimeCard As TimeCard

employeeTimeCard = New TimeCard

Dim employeeTimeCard As New TimeCard

·  Add Property procedures to a class Properties (Read/Write, Read Only, Write Only)

·  Methods (Functions and Sub procedures)

·  Include data validation in a class

·  Create default and parameterized constructors

·  Include methods in a class

·  Overload the methods in a class

·  Exceptions

·  Scrollable Controls

·  Class Inheritance

Programming: Students will also need to complete a program which will be a simpler version of programming assignments done in class.