TO:Elementary Principals and Vice-Principals
FROM:Dorothy Baker, Superintendent of Curriculum
Wendy Jewell, System Principal, School Effectiveness
DATE:03 October 2017
RE:Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Initial Observation 2017
“Communication with parents about a child’s learning should be ongoing throughout the school year and should include a variety of formal and informal means, ranging from formal written reports to informal notes, conversations, and discussions.”
2016, Growing Success: The Kindergarten Addendum, p.12.
The District’s teachers will issue a Communication of Learning: Initial Observation for the first time on November 9, 2017. The purpose and structure of the Initial Observation are consistent with those of the Communication of Learning (issued in 2016-2017): to report on children’s key learning, growth in learning and next steps in learning.
“For the Initial Observations report, educators will provide an overview of the child’s key learning and growth in learning during the fall of the school year, along with information about next steps in learning. This overview will serve as the basis for discussion with parents and as a support for parents’ ongoing participation in their child’s learning.” 2016, Growing Success: The Kindergarten Addendum, p.15.
Preparing for the Initial Observation
Given the intent of the Initial Observation to provide an overview of early evidence of growth, homeroom Kindergarten teachers will be responsible for writing the Initial Observation for the children in their own homeroom, with the input of their teaching partner(s), including those providing coverage, and Early Childhood Educator(s) through shared documentation of student learning and assessment data.
Content of the Initial Observation
The Initial Observation template provides 40 lines of text within a single text box. There is no requirement to report on all four frames of the Kindergarten Program 2016 in the Initial Observation, nor to fill the text box. Teachers will use the documentation of student learning compiled by the educator team, and their professional judgement to report on the key learning, growth in learning and next steps for learning for each child. For all children, commenting on key learning, growth in learning and next steps could be connected to any of the four frames, with a focus on one or more of the most significant for each child. It is important to report on the most significant learning for each child, no matter the frame(s). For children in Year One, it may be appropriate to focus on Self-Regulation and Well-being and/or Belonging and Contributing, but any of the frames may hold significant learning for a Year One child.
The Communication of Learning Initial Observations template has been installed in TWEAK and office administrators will be attending setup working sessions between September 26 and October 12. Once the setup is complete, teachers will have access to the template through TWEAK.
Resources for Educators
The instructional coaches have created a resource for the implementation of the Initial Observation, using Ministry examples and learning from Ministry sessions to support teachers in their first preparation of the Initial Observation. The resource is entitled Growing our Understanding: Digging Deeper into the Initial Observation &Communication of Learning This resource includes examples to reflect the 50/50 Bilingual Kindergarten Program, with the understanding that all educators are teaching language. This module will also support administrator learning, as principals and vice principals prepare to read Kindergarten Initial Observations for the first time.
In support of the first implementation of the Initial Observation, the Ministry of Education has also prepared supporting materials for educators. They can be found on Edugains:
Additionally, the Student Achievement Division of the Ministry of Education is offering webinars on the topic of Making Pedagogical Documentation Come Alive. This 90 minute session supports teachers in moving from writing comments from an ‘achievement stance’ into a ‘growth stance’, making effective use of documentation. There is no release time to support participation in the webinar, being held at 6 times on October 13 and October 20. Archived sessions may be available after the live sessions, for viewing at a later date.
The Draft Educator’s Guide developed in December 2016, Communicating with Parents About Children's Learning, continues to be available to support educator teams with on-going communication about children’s learning in Kindergarten..
Resources for Parents
The following publication may be helpful to administrators and educators in communicating with parents about the Communication of Learning.
Full Day Kindergarten: Understanding Your Child's Reports
The Communication of Learning: Initial Observation will be issued following the timelines that apply for progress reports for Grades 1 - 8. See below. Please allow for the maximum amount of time for Kindergarten teachers to prepare their reports, asking for submission on November 2, 2017.
Term Dates / Teachers Submit Report Cards / Reporting Periods for Attendance (Days Absent/ Times Late) / Printing of Reports / Reports are Issued and Sent HomeInitial Observation Year 1 and
Year 2 Students / Sept. 5
-Oct. 27 / Oct.30-Nov.2 / Sept. 5-Oct. 27 / Nov. 6 / Nov. 9
Please do not hesitate to contact Wendy Jewell, School Effectiveness and Early Years Lead, at 613-596-8211 ext 8144, with any questions you or your educator teams may have.
cc: School Operations Council
Janet Fraser, President, OCETFO
Cheryl CAvell, President, SSP