[S1.FR] Wizard Spells, Forgotten Realms

LvlNameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

1Aura FireAlt80'1 T4L r-2 ACThay

1BarrierAbj(5*CL hp Armor spell)South

1BreatheAlt(Can breathe anywhere!)South

1CatapultAlt150'1 Obj0Can throw a large rock +3 TH, dmg=3d6+1FRA2


1CorpselightAlt,Nec30L'L TL tDead/Undead bodies glow; -1 AC penaltyFRA2

1Deny ColdAbj(Resist Cold)Thay

1Detho's DeliriumNec(Speak with Drunk)Thay

1Ignite FlameEvo3 r(1d3 dmg)South

1Know SchoolDiv360'1 T1 rKnow schools is specialized/opposite to targetFRA2


1ScattersprayAlt30L'10' r0Small objects fly about, dmg is 1d6 (save)FRA2

1Snilloc's SnowballEvo60L'1 T01d3 dmg snow (no save)FRA2

1Summon UndeadCnj;Nec(2d6 undead; HD<CL)Thay

1WardEnc(Wall: Save or want to leave)South

2Agannazar's ScorcherEvo60'60'x2'0Target takes 6d6 dmg fire (save:½); others 2d8FRA2

2BladethirstAltTouch1 Obj1 rWeapon gets +3/+0FRA2

2Cloak from UndeadAlt;AbjTouch1 CrL mInvisibility to UndeadFRA2

2Cloak UndeadNec;Abj10L'15' rL mUndead are invisible, also to Detect UndeadFRA2


2Damage MirrorAlt(All in 10' take dmg you take)South

2DecastaveEvo0Caster1+L rStaff: 1d6 dmg force + 1d4 dmg drainingFRA2

2Deny FireAbj(Resist Fire)Thay

2Detect PoisonDivThay

2Flame DaggerEvoThay

2FlashEvo(Blindness area)Thay

2Flying FistEvo30L'-L rFist attacks by self: +2 TH, dmg 1d2 & -2 THFRA2

2Ghost PipesAlt;NecTouch1 ObjConcInstrument plays itselfFRA2

2Move ObjectAltSouth

2Power Word SleepCnjThay

2Predict WeatherDivThay

2Pro. from Normal WeaponsAbjThay

2Pro. from PlantsAbjThay

2Pro. from PoisonAbjThay

2Pro. from Specific Lycan.AbjThay

2RunAlt(Move Rate 36)South

2Quimby's Enchaning GourmetCnj040' r6+L tSpecialized Unseen Servant: Cooking/CleaningFRA2

2Resist Energy DrainAbjThay

2Snilloc's Cream PieEvo60L'1 T01d3 dmg pie (no save)FRA2

2Snilloc's Snowball SwarmEvo30L'30' r0Ld3 dmg snow (save:½)FRA2

2ThunderballEvo(1d6+1 dmg ball, save or deaf)South


2Undead MountNec30'1 Cr2+L hAnimates a dead horse/mount, can carry 300 lbs.FRA2

2Speak with DeadNec;DivThay

2VocalizeAltTouch1 Cr5 mCan cast spells without Verbal componentsFRA2


3BlacklightAlt30L'20' rL mMagical darkness; save each round or effectedFRA2

3ChantEncAs Priest spellThay

3Charm UndeadEncThay

3Detect CharmDivThay

3Dire CharmEnc360'1 Cr4+L rTarget is charmed and berserked (save)FRA2

3Dispel SilenceAbj;Alt010L' rL mDispels silenceFRA2

3Find TrapsDivThay

3Fire GateAlt0Caster0Dimension Door from one fire to anotherThay


3Ghost ArmorCnj;AbjTouch1 CrL mAT +7 sourceFRA2

3Hold VaporAbj30L'10L' r1 hStops movement of cloud or vaporFRA2

3IcelanceAlt30L'1 Obj01 att at +4 TH: 5d6 dmg ice + stun 1d4 r (save)FRA2

3Laeral's Dancing DweomerIll30L'20' rL tConfuses Detect Magic effectsFRA2

3Mummy TouchNecTouch1+ CrL rMummy rot (caster is immune to Mummy rot)FRA2

3Nchaser's Glowing GlobeAltTouch60' rPermContinual Light; can be moved & dimmedFRA2

3NightscarIll90'1 TL dInvisible mark (can be seen w/ Nightscar spell) FRA2

3ParalyzeNecTouch1+ CrL rParalysis 2d4 r (save)FRA2

3Pro. from All LycanthropesAbjThay

3Pro. from ElectricityAbjThay

3Pro. from IllusionsAbjThay

3Pro. from Magic WeaponsAbjThay

3Pro. from ParalyzationAbjThay

3Pro. from Specific UndeadAbjThay

3Pro. from TelekinesisAbjSouth

3Pro. from WaterAbjThay

3Proof from TeleportationAbj030L' r2L hCannot teleport/gate/dim door into or out of areaFRA2

3RevenanceNecTouchL Cr1 dImmune to turning for one turn attemptFRA2

3Skull WatchNecTouch1800sq'1+L tAlarm that shrieks (can be heard ¼ mile away)FRA2

3Speak with DeadDiv;NecThay

3TargetAlt(all others get +2/+2 TH/dmg vs. target)South

3Ward Against UndeadAbj;Nec010L'L mUndead must save to enter areaFRA2

3Waves of WearinessEnc120'1 Cr1 rUnconscious (save)FRA2

3WitchweedEvo(area: cannot vocalize spells, 2 dmg/r)South

[S1.0] Wizard Spells, Level 0 (Cantrips)

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

1Arcane MarkMetaTouch¼' rPermPlace magical writings in areaPH3

2BeeCnj10'1 Cr0Honeybee appears; 90% likely to sting someoneUA1

3BelchEvo10'1 Cr1 sTarget belchesUA1

4Blink (cantrip)Evo10'1 Cr1 sTarget blinks its eyesUA1

5BluelightCnj10'¼' rConc5' radius dim lightUA1

6BugCnj10'1 Cr0Insect appears; Pinches if appears on someoneUA1

7ChangeAlt10'1 T1 tTurns one animal/plant into another (similar)UA1

8ChillEvo10'1 T0Chills one target -40 CUA1

9CleanAbj10'36 sq.'0Cleans one areaUA1

10ColorEvo10'1 T1 monColors one targetUA1

11Colored LightsAlt,Ill10'1-4 TConcOne 12", two 6", three 4", or four 3" dim lightsUA1

12CoughEvo10'1 Cr3 sTarget coughsUA1

13CreakEvo10'-1 sCreaking sound (like rusty door hinges)UA1

14CurdleEnc10'1 Obj0Hastens spoilage or wiltingUA1

15DampenEvo10'27 cu.'0Dampens one areaUA1

16Dancing Lights (cantrip)Ill90+10L'10' r1 m1-4 illusionary lights, you can move them aroundPH3

17DazeEnc22+3L'1 Cr1 sTarget makes no actions next segment (save)PH3

18Detect Magic (cantrip)Meta0CasterConcDetect magic (type/power require 1r to get) 60'PH3

19Detect PoisonDiv0Caster0Detect poisons within 22+3L' rPH3

20Detect RadiationDiv0Caster1 tDetect radiation (incl. RS rating) 30'DM

21DimAlt,Ill10'1 T1 rLight source sheds only half normal lightUA1

22DirtyEvo10'36 sq.'0Dirties an areaUA1

23Disrupt UndeadNec22+3L'1 Cr01d6 dmg positive (no save); Only affects undeadPH3

24DistractEncSight1+ Cr1 sAll within sight look at a spot within 10' of casterUA1

25DryAbj10'27 cu.'0Dries one areaUA1

26DustAbj10'10' r0Dusts (removes dirt) from an areaUA1

27DustyEvo10'10' r0Makes an area dustyUA1

28ExterminateAbj10'1 Cr01 dmg disintegration to a small creature (save)UA1

29FirefingerAlt,Evo½'1 T01 dmg fire (save)UA1

30FlareEvo22+3L'1 Cr1 m-1 TH (no save)PH3

31FlavorEnc10'1 T0Changes the flavor of a targetUA1

32FootfallIll10'-1 sFootsteps soundUA1

33FreshenEnc10'1 Obj1 hRefreshes spoiled food; stops spoilageUA1

34GatherAlt10'9 sq.'0Gathers (sorts) small objects in areaUA1

35Ghost SoundIll22+3L'-L mCan create sounds in areaPH3

36GiggleEnc10'1 Cr3 sTarget gigglesUA1

37GnatsCnj10'1 cu.'0Cloud of gnats; Distracts 1d4 s (save)UA1

38GroanIll10'-1 sGroaning soundUA1

39HairyAlt10'1 T0Causes hair / hair-like growth to thickenUA1

40HazeAlt,Ill10'10' cu0-1 TH; +1 saves; +5% Hide in Shadows in areaUA1

41HideIll10'1 Obj2 tHides one small object from viewUA1

42KnotAlt10'1 Obj0Rope-like object becomes (hard) knottedUA1

43Light (cantrip)EvoTouch1 ObjL tObject glows w/ light 20' r (No blindness/AC adj.)PH3

44Mage HandAlt22+3L'1 ObjConcTelekinesis 5 lbs.PH3

45MaskAlt,Ill10'1 Cr6 rTarget's face changes appearanceUA1

46Mending (cantrip)Alt10'1 Obj0Repairs a small tear or breakPH3

47MirageIll10'20 sq.'ConcTarget area appears as something elseUA1

48MoanIll10'-1 sMoaning soundUA1

49MouseCnj10'1 Cr0Mouse appearsUA1

50MuteAlt10'1 Obj1 rTurns one small mineral object into anotherUA1

51NodEvo10'1 Cr1 sTarget nodsUA1

52NoiseIll10'10' rConcSounds in area as caster choosesUA1

53Open/CloseAlt22+3L'1 Obj0Opens or closes a (unlocked) door or containerPH3

54PalmIllTouch1 Obj1 sCaster can hide an object in his handUA1

55PolishAlt10'1 Obj0Polishes (makes smooth) an objectUA1

56Prestidigitation (cantrip)Meta10'-1 hMinor "magic tricks" (hide objects,play music,…)PH3

57PresentAlt2'1 Obj0Teleports a small object to caster's handUA1

58Rainbow (cantrip)Alt,Ill10'30' x 1'1 rCreates a colorful rainbow; save or look at it 1-4sUA1

59RattleIll10'-2 sRattling sound (like chains)UA1

60RavelAlt10'1 Obj0Unravels / unstitches an objectUA1

61Ray of FrostCnj,Evo22+3L'1 T01d3 dmg cold (no save)PH3

62Read Magic (cantrip)Meta0CasterL tCan read magical writings at 1 page per minutePH3

63ResistanceAbjTouch1 T1 m+1 savesPH3

64SaltEvo10'1 T0Salts a targetUA1

65ScratchEvo10'1 Cr1 sTarget scratches himselfUA1

66ShineAlt10'1 Obj0Makes an object shine; remove rust, corrosionUA1

[S1.0] Wizard Spells, Level 0 (Cantrips)

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

67SmokepuffEvo10'½' r0Small cloud of smoke appearsUA1

68SneezeEvo10'1 Cr1 sTarget sneezesUA1

69SourEvo10'1 T0Makes a target taste sourUA1

70SpiceEvo10'1 Obj0Adds ginger, pepper, bay, garlic, parsely to objUA1

71SpiderCnj10'1 Cr0Spider appears; 5% chance of poisonousUA1

72SpillAlt10'1 Obj0Causes contents of a container to spill outUA1

73SproutAlt10'27 cu.'0Causes plants to sprout seeds/flowersUA1

74StitchAlt10'27 cu.'0Sew seams in cloth or leatherUA1

75SweetenEvo10'1 Obj0Adds suger, honey, syrup to objectUA1

76TangleAlt10'1 Obj0Rope-like object becomes tangledUA1

77TapEvo10'-1 sTapping/Rapping soundUA1

78TarnishAlt10'1 Obj0Object becomes tarnished (rusted/corroded)UA1

79ThumpIll10'-1 sThump sound (like something fell)UA1

80TieAlt10'1 Obj0Tie a (easy) knot in a rope or rope-like objectUA1

81TweakCnj10'1 Cr1 sUnseen finger/thumb pinches targetUA1

82TwitchEvo10'1 Cr0Target twitchesUA1

83Two-D'lusionIll10'40 sq.'ConcWall of illusion; static (non-changing)UA1

84UnlockCnj10'1 Obj0Unlocks a simple lockUA1

85UntieAlt10'1 Obj0Unties a rope object (nullifies Tie, Knot, Tangle)UA1

86Wacky Ball 0 / Normal / 0 Evo10'5' r0Ld2 dmg normal element (save: 0)DM

87Wacky Ball 0 / Normal / ½ Evo10'5' r0Ld1 dmg normal element (save: ½)DM

88Wacky Ball 0 / Normal / nsEvo10'5' r01 dmg normal element (no save)DM

89Wacky Bolt 0 / Normal / 0 Evo15'1 T0Ld4 dmg normal element (save: 0)DM

90Wacky Bolt 0 / Normal / ½ Evo15'1 T0Ld2 dmg normal element (save: ½)DM

91Wacky Bolt 0 / Normal / nsEvo15'1 T0Ld1 dmg normal element (no save)DM

92WarmEvo10'1 T0Warms one target +40 C UA1

93WhistleEvo10'-1 sWhistling sound (sharp or eerie, not a cat-call)UA1

94WiltEnc10'1 T0Wilts a plant; Plant creatures take 1 dmg (save)UA1

95WinkEnc10'1 Cr1 sTarget winksUA1

96WrapAlt10'27 cu.'0Wraps (bundles and secures) a group of objectsUA1

97YawnEvo10'1 Cr1 sTarget yawns; Vulnerable to Sleep 1rUA1

[S1.1] Wizard Spells, Level 1

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

1AccuracyEnc10'L ObjL mL missiles get double range categoriesOA1

2Affect Normal FiresAlt,Ele15L'2' rL rDouble or halve the effect of a firePH1

3Alarm (1)Evo30'20L sq.'8+L tAny creature who approaches triggers a soundUA1

4Alarm (3)Abj22+3L'25' r2L hSends mental alarm to you if creature approachPH3

5AnalyzeDivTouch1 Obj0Learn 1 characteristic of an item (magic/psi/tech)RC0

6Animate RopeAlt90+10L'1 ObjL r Animates 1 rope-like objectPH3

7Animate WoodAltTouch1 Obj1 tAnimates 1 wood objectOA1

8Armor (1)Cnj,AbjTouch1 Cr-AC 8 source; +8+L or +2L hp (even above max)UA1

9Armor (2)Cnj,AbjTouch1 Cr1 dAC 6 sourcePH2

10Audible GlamerIll60+10L'Hearing3L rMakes sounds at target locationPH1

11Bigby's Bookworm BaneEvo90'-L tKills bookworms in 100 books/scrolls per minuteGRA1

12Bigby's Feeling FingersEvo180'-6+L tDisembodied hand, can search for secret doorsGRA1

13Burning Hands (1)Alt,Ele03' cone1 rL dmg fire (no save)PH1

14Burning Hands (2)Alt,Ele05' cone01d3+2L dmg fire (save:½)PH2

15Burning Hands (3)Alt,Ele010'cone0Ld4 dmg fire (save:½)PH3

16CantripALL10'-L hCan cast 1 cantrip (Wiz 0) per round as Z actionPH2

17CatapultAlt150'1 Obj0Can throw a large rock +3 TH, dmg=3d6+1FRA2

18Cause FearNec22+3L'1 Cr1d4 rFear (save)PH3

19ChameleonIllTouch1 T2L rTarget matches surroundingsOA1

20Change SelfIll0Caster12+2LmChange appearance to anything +/- 1' in sizePH1

21Charm PersonEnc120'1 CrSpecialCharm 1 humanoidPH1

22Chill TouchNec0Caster3+L rAdd "Save or 1d4 dmg & 1 Str loss" to unarmedPH2

23Chromatic OrbEvo,Ill30'1 Cr0See [S1.N] for notes on this spellUA1

24Cloud LadderAlt010L'4+L mCreates a ladderOA1

25Color SprayAlt,Ill10L'1d6 Cr0Unc. if <L; Blind if <L+3; Stun if >L+2 (save if >6)PH1

26Comprehend LanguagesAltTouch1 Cr5L mRead/Write (not speak) 1 languagePH1

27Conjure Spell ComponentCnj0Caster1 rMaterial componenting costs 1Z instead of 1VTM2

28CopyEvo5'1 Obj0Copies 1 nonmagical book or 1 spellbook pagePHBR4

29Corpse VisageIll,NecTouch1 CrL rMakes target's face appears as a rotting corpsePHBR4

30CorpselightAlt,Nec30L'L TL tDead/Undead bodies glow; -1 AC penaltyFRA2

31DarknessAlt,Ill10L'15' r8+L rMagical darkness; can blind if targetted (save)PH1

32Delay ImageTim,IllTouch1 Cr5+L m+2 AC bonus; +1 savesChro2

33Detect DiseaseDiv0CasterL mDetect disease incl. type within 30'PHBR4

34Detect IllusionDiv,IllTouch1 Cr3+2L mCan detect and automatically disbelieve illusionsPH1

35Detect InvisibilityDiv,Ill10L'1 Cr5L mDet. invisible, astral, ethereal, hidden, out/phasePH1

36Detect Magic (1)Div0Caster2L mGives school and general power level within 60'PH1

37Detect PhaseDiv,Dim0Caster2L mDetects fully phased and ethereal creaturesS&M2

38Detect Secret DoorsDiv0CasterConcDetect secret/hidden/concealed doors/containersPH3

39Detect Secret Passage/PortalDiv0Caster1 tDetect secret/hidden/concealed doors/containersS&M2

40Detect Temporal AnomalyTim,Div0Caster2L mDetect time distrurbance & cause within 90'Chro2

41Detect UndeadDiv,Nec0Caster3 tDetects undead within 60+10L'PH2

42DictationEvo,Geo010' rL tAny words spoken in area appear on paperS&M2

43Divining RodDiv,Enc0CasterL mDetects 1 type of general objectPHBR4

44Drawmij's Beast of BurdenAlt90'1 Cr2L hHalves the effective weight a mount is carryingGRA1

45Drawmij's Light StepAltT1 Cr5L mTarget leaves no tracks; Walk across waterGRA1

46Drowsy InsectsCnj60'25L sq'0Swarm of Insects; save or slept 2d6 rOA1

47Elemental BurstCnj,Ele60'5' r01d8 dmg, choose a basic element (save:½)OA1

48Endure ElementsAbjTouch1 Cr1 d-5 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/soundPH3

49EnlargeAlt15L'1 TL t+/- 20L% sizePH1

50EraseAlt90'1 TPermRemoves writingPH1

51Expeditious RetreatAlt0Caster3+L mx3 move rate; Can jump 15'S&M2

52Feather FallAlt30L'1+ TL sMax = (L+1)*200 lbsPH1

53Fiery EyesCnj0Caster3L rGaze causes Fascination (save)OA1

54Find FamiliarCnj,EncL mi1 CrPermSee [S4], or finds your familiarPH1

55Fire BurstAlt,Evo15L'10' r0L dmg fire (save)TM2

56FirewaterAlt10'L pints1 rTurns water into a flammable (2d6) substanceUA1

57Fist of StoneAlt,Ele0CasterL rStr 18 with unarmed attacksTM2

58Floating DiscEvo6'2' r1 hCan carry 100L lbs.; Moves at caster's rateRC0

59FriendsEnc0Caster4+L m+2d4 ChrPH2

60Gaze ReflectionAlt,Ill0Caster2+L mAny gaze/eye attack reflection upon enemyPH2

61Ghost LightCnj120'100 sq'ConcGhostly light; Int<6 or HD<2 save or feared 1 rOA1

62GreaseEvo30'10 sq'PermSurface becomes greasy/slipperyUA1

63Hail of StoneCnj,Evo120'25L sq'0Ld3 dmg earth (two saves: 1make=½, 2make=0)OA1

64Hold PortalAlt60L'80L sq'L mMagically locks a doorPH1

65Hornung's GuessDiv,WMsight900' r0Know how many persons/objects of one typeTM2

66HypnotismEnc,Ill30'1d6 Cr1+L rSuggestion (two saves, fails if both fail)PH1

[S1.1] Wizard Spells, Level 1

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source 67 Identify Div 0 1 Obj L s Gives properties of an item PH1

68Jump (1)AltTouch1 CrSpecialCan jump 30'; Has 1+L/3 jumpsPH1

69Jump (2)AltTouch1 Cr3+L rCan jump 30'PH2

70Know HistoryDiv120'1 T0General information on history of targetOA1

71Know SchoolDiv360'1 T1 rKnow schools is specialized/opposite to targetFRA2

72Lasting BreathAlt15L'L Cr4+L mCan hold breath for durationTM2

73LightAlt,Ill180'20' rL tMagical light; can blind if targetted (save)PH1

74Mage ArmorCnj,AbjTouch1 CrL h+4 ACPH3

75Magic Missile (0)Evo150'1+ Cr0(2*L+3)/5 missiles; 1d6+1 dmg force (no save)RC0

76Magic Missile (1)Evo60+10L'1+ Cr0(L+1)/2 missiles; 1d4+1 dmg force (no save)PH1

77Magic WeaponAlt,EncTouch1 ObjL mWeapon has +1/+1 TH/dmgPH3

78MeltAlt30'9L cu'L rMelts snow or iceUA1

79MessageAlt30(L+6)'3' path5+L mSends a secret message to targetPH1

80Metamorphose LiquidsAltTouchL cu'PermTurns one liquid into another (nonmagical)TM2

81Mordenkainen's Pro. AviansAbjTouch1 Cr5L rAvians have -2 TH targetGRA1

82MountCnj30'1 Cr2+L hSummons a horse/camel/elephant mountUA1

83Murdock's Feathery FlyerAlt0CasterL mCan glideTM2

84Nahal's Reckless DweomerEvo,WM---L% desired spell you know; else Wild SurgeTM2

85Nystul's Dancing WerelightAlt60(L+3)'-2+½L hLight spell that follows caster, can dim/brightenGRA1

86Nystul's FlashEvo90+15L'10' r0Dazed 1d4 r (no save); Blind 1d4 r (save)GRA1

87Nystul's Magic AuraIllTouch1 TL dTarget is considered a magical itemPH1

88Nystul's Undetectable AuraIllTouch1 ObjL dObject immune to detect spellsPH3

89Obscuring MistCnj30'30' rL mEverything has cover to each otherPH3

90Otiluke's Bubbling BuoyancyAlt60L'-L tUp to 100L lbs float on a cloud of bubblesGRA1

91Otiluke's Smoky SphereEvo180'10' r0Smoke, save or coughing (-2 TH/saves) 1d4+1rGRA1

92Otto's Chime of ReleaseAlt180'1 Cr0All shackles/ropes on creature releasedGRA1

93PatternweaveDiv30'100 sq'0Know what jumble of objects is supposed to beTM2

94Phantasmal ForceIll30(L+6)'40+10L'ConcArea is sq'; Visual onlyPH1

95Phantom ArmorAlt,IllTouch1 Cr-AC 3 source; +L hp (even above max); +1 savesUA1

96PrecipitationAlt10L'15' rL sLight rain in areaUA1

97Precognitive SenseTim,Div0 Caster0Know an event which will occur within 6L hChro2

98Protection from ChaosAbjTouch1 CrL m+2 AC, +2 saves vs. evil; Prevents bodily contactPH3

99Protection from EvilAbjTouch1 CrL m+2 AC, +2 saves vs. evil; Prevents bodily contactPH3

100Protection from Hunger/ThirstAbjTouch1 CrL dRequires no food or water for durationPHBR4

101Protection from VerminAbjTouch1 Cr2L mProtection from creatures <1 HDS&M2

102PushCnj10+3L'1 T0Push up to 50L lbs.; Can knock over (save)PH1

103Rary's Empathic PerceptionDiv15L'1+ Cr3L rSense emotions, 1 creature per 5rGRA1

104Ray of Enfeeblement (3)Nec22+3L'1 CrL m-1d6-L/2 Str (save)PH3

105Ray of FatigueNec30+15L'1 CrL rTarget is fatigued (save)S&M2

106Read Illusionist MagicDiv,Ill0Caster2L mCan read/identify illusionist writings/scrollsUA1

107ReduceAlt22+3L'1 TL m-10L% size (max reduction = 50%)PH3

108RunEncTouch1+ Cr8 h(L+1)/2 targets; Move rate doublesUA1

109ScattersprayAlt30L'10' r0Small objects fly about, dmg is 1d6 (save)FRA2

110Secret SignsAlt0Caster+1 mCaster and 1 target can communicate secretlyOA1

111Shield (1)Evo,Abj0Caster5L rImmune Force; AC2 source; +1 savesPH1

112Shield (3)Abj0CasterL m+7 AC; +3 area savesPH3

113Shocking GraspAlt,EleTouch1 TTouch1d8+L dmg electricity (no save)PH1

114Silent ImageIll40(9+L)'(4+L)10'ConcArea is 10' cubes; Illusion sight component onlyPH3

115Sleep (0)Enc240'40' sq4d4 t2d8 HD slept (no save); max HD/creature=4+1RC0

116Sleep (1)Enc30+10L'15' r5L r4d4 HD slept (no save); max HD/creature=4+2PH1

117Slow MetabolismTim,AltTouch1 Cr½L dSlows poison; Needs to eat only once every 12hChro2

118Snilloc's SnowballEvo60L'1 T01d3 dmg snow (no save)FRA2

119Spider ClimbAltTouch1 Cr1+L rClimb Walls 200%; No Material componentingPH1

120SpookIll10'1 CrSpecialFear; Target gets a save each roundUA1

121Still WaterAlt10L'100Lsq'5L mStills (calms) water in areaOA1

122Summon Monster ICnj22+3L'1 CrL rSummons a DL 1 creature to fight for youPH3

123SwimAlt120'1 Cr3L mTarget can swim at move rate 12OA1

124TauntEnc180'30' r1 rOne or more creatures of 1 type taunted (save)PH2

125Tenser's Eye of the TigerAltTouch1 CrL mNight Vision; Has only -1 TH while blindGRA1

126Tenser's Floating DiscEvo60'2' r3+L tCan carry 100L lbs.; Moves at rate 6PH1

127Tenser's Steady AimAltSight1 CrL tTarget has no missile penalty TH while movingGRA1

128True StrikeDiv0Caster1 rYour next attack is at +20 THPH3

129Unseen ServantCnj030' r6+L tInvisible servant, can carry 40 lbs.PH1

130VentriloquismIll10L'1 T2+L rVentriloquismPH1

131Wacky Ball 1 / Normal / 0 Evo40'10' r0Ld4 dmg normal element (save: 0)DM

132Wacky Ball 1 / Normal / ½ Evo40'10' r0Ld2 dmg normal element (save: ½)DM

[S1.1] Wizard Spells, Level 1

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source 133 Wacky Ball 1 / Normal / ns Evo 40' 10' r 0 Ld1 dmg normal element (no save) DM

134Wacky Ball 1 / Para / 0 Evo40'10' r0Ld2 dmg para element (save: 0)DM

135Wacky Ball 1 / Para / ½ Evo40'10' r0Ld1 dmg para element (save: ½)DM

136Wacky Ball 1 / Para / nsEvo40'10' r01 dmg para element (no save)DM

137Wacky Bolt 1 / Normal / 0 Evo60'1 T0Ld6 dmg normal element (save: 0)DM

138Wacky Bolt 1 / Normal / ½ Evo60'1 T0Ld4 dmg normal element (save: ½)DM

139Wacky Bolt 1 / Normal / nsEvo60'1 T0Ld2 dmg normal element (no save)DM

140Wacky Bolt 1 / Para / 0 Evo60'1 T0Ld4 dmg para element (save: 0)DM

141Wacky Bolt 1 / Para / ½ Evo60'1 T0Ld2 dmg para element (save: ½)DM

142Wacky Bolt 1 / Para / nsEvo60'1 T0Ld1 dmg para element (no save)DM

143Wall of FogAlt,Ill90'20L' sq8+L rBlocks sight (incl. Infravision)PH1

144Warp WoodAlt10L'2L cu"8+L rWarps woodOA1

145Water ProtectionAlt,AbjT1 T3+L tImmune Drowning; Breathe UnderwaterOA1

146Wizard MarkAltT1 sq'PermMakes a permanent mark on target objectUA1

147WriteEvo01 ObjL hCan copy 1 page of magical writings per hourPH1

[S1.2] Wizard Spells, Level 2

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

1Accelerate Plant GrowthTim30L'100Lsq'PermAccelerates plant growth by L monthsChro2

2Agannazar's ScorcherEvo60'60'x2'0Target takes 6d6 dmg fire (save:½); others 2d8FRA2

3Animal CompanionEnc1 mi1 CrPermMake an animal your companion (not familiar)OA1

4Alter SelfAlt,Ill0Caster12+2LmAlter Appearance; +/- 50% size; Fly 3"; SwimUA1

5Animate WaterCnj,Enc60L'5' cuL mAnimates water, moves at 6", dmg Ld2 /attackOA1

6ApparitionIllTouch1 CrL r-L Cml; causes fear in others <1 HD (save)OA1

7Arcane LockAbjTouch1 ObjPermLocks a look/containerPH3

8Bigby's Dextrous DigitsEvo270'-3L tPair disembodied hands; Can use caster's NWPGRA1

9Bigby's Silencing HandEvo;Enc120'1 Cr2L rSilence (save)GRA1

10BindAlt,Enc90'1 ObjL mAnimates 1 rope-like objectUA1

11BladethirstAltTouch1 Obj1 rWeapon gets +3/+0FRA2

12BlindnessIll90+15L'1 CrPermBlindness (save); can be dispelled/curedPH2

13Blindness/DeafnessAlt90+10L'1 CrPermBlindness or Deafness (caster's choice) (save)PH3

14Blur (1)Ill0Caster3+L r+4 AC; +1 savesPH1

15Blur (3)Ill0CasterL m20% WR vs. creatures without True SightPH3

16Bull's StrengthAltTouch1 CrL h+1d4+1 StrPH3

17Chaos ShieldAbj0Caster10+2L rProtection from your own wild surges (get save)TM2

18Cat's GraceAltTouch1 CrL h+1d8 or +1d4+1 (your choice) DexS&M2

19ChokeNec;Cnj90'1 Cr0Ld4 dmg necromantic (save:½)PHBR4

20Cloak from UndeadAlt;AbjTouch1 CrL mInvisibility to UndeadFRA2

21Cloak UndeadNec;Abj10L'15' rL mUndead are invisible, also to Detect UndeadFRA2

22Continual FlameIllTouch1 ObjPermMagical flame (illusionary); no heatPH3

23Continual LightAlt180'60' rPermMagical light; can blind if targetted (save)PH1

24Darkness, 15' radiusAlt30L'15' r60+L rMagical darknessPH2

25DarkvisionAltTouch1 CrL hCan see in darknessPH3

26DaylightEvoTouch1 ObjL tObject sheds daylight 60' rPH3

27DeafnessIll180'1 CrPermDeafness (save); can be dispelled/curedPH1

28Death RecallNec;DivTouch1 Obj-Visualizes last few minutes of a corpse's deathPHBR4

29DecastaveEvo0Caster1+L rStaff: 1d6 dmg force + 1d4 dmg drainingFRA2

30DeeppocketsAlt,EncTouch1 Obj4+L hExtradimensional space (100 lbs.)UA1

31Detect Evil (0)Div0Caster2 tDetect evil / evil intent 60'RC0

32Detect Evil (2)Div0Caster5L mDetect evil / evil intent 180'PH2

33Detect LifeDiv0Caster5 mDetect life 10L'PHBR4

34Detect PsionicsDiv0Caster2L mDetect Psionics 60'DM

35Detect ThoughtsDiv0CasterL mDetect surface thoughts 60'PH3

36Dispel RadiationAbj180'30' r0Dispels Radiation (1 target = auto success)DM

37Displace SelfAlt;Dim0CasterL rDisplacedS&M2

38Drawmij's Adventurer's LuckAltTouch1 Cr3 tLuckstone effectGRA1

39Drawmij's Breath of LifeAlt300'L Cr5 tCannot drown, don't need air, immune to gasGRA1

40Drawmij's Scent MaskIllTouchL CrL tConceal all odors coming from creaturesGRA1

41Drawmij's Swift MountAltTouchL/2 Cr2+½L hDoubles movement rateGRA1

42Enchanted BladeEvo,EncTouch1 Cr1 tElectrical sword: +(L+3)/4 TH, total Ld6 dmgOA1

43EnduranceAltTouch1 CrL h+1d4+1 ConPH3

44Entangle (0)Enc30'1 ObjL mAnimates a rope; can entangle a creature (save)RC0

45ESP (0)Div60'1+ Cr12 tCan read surface thoughts (no save)RC0

46ESP (1)Div15L'1+ CrL rCan read surface thoughts (no save)PH1

47FascinateIll90'1 CrSpecialCharmed and Fascinated (save)UA1

48FilterAbjTouch10' rL tImmune Gas; takes ½ dmg from Chlorine GasPHBR4

49Fire ShurikenEvo180'1+ Cr0#=(L+5)/6, roll TH, 2d8 dmg fire (no save) & -2THOA1

50Flaming SphereEvo90+10L'3' rL rMove rate 3; 2d6 dmg fire (save if not directly hit)PH3

51Flying FistEvo30L'-L rFist attacks by self: +2 TH, dmg 1d2 & -2 THFRA2

52Fog CloudAlt,Ill90+10L'30' rL tBlocks sight (incl. infravision)PH3

53Fools' GoldAlt,Ill30'L cu'L h4000L gp valuePH1

54ForgetEnc90'20' sqPermForget (L+2)/3 minutes, or 1 specific memoryPH1

55Ghost PipesAlt;NecTouch1 ObjConcInstrument plays itselfFRA2

56Ghoul TouchNec0CasterL rTouch causes paralyzation (save)PHBR4

57Glitterdust (2)Cnj30L'20' cu0Blind 1d4+1 r (save)PH2

58Glitterdust (3)Cnj90+10L'10'cone0Blind L r (save)PH3

59Hornung's Baneful DeflectorEvoTouch1 Cr2L rMissile vs. you: it hits a random creature in 15'TM2

60Hypnotic Pattern (1)Ill030' sqConc24 HD looking at pattern are HypnotizedPH1

61Hypnotic Pattern (3)Ill90+10L'15' rConc2d4+L HD looking at pattern are FascinatedPH3

62Ice KnifeEvo360'1+ Cr0Roll TH, within 5' take 2d4 dmg ice & numb 1d3rOA1

63Improved Phantasmal ForceIll30(6+L)'40+10L'ConcArea is sq'; Sight and soundPH1

64Insatiable ThirstEnc15L'1 CrL rSave or drink anything nearbyTM2

65InvisibilityIllTouch1 T1 dInvisibility; attacking ends spellPH1

66IrritationAlt30L'1 Cr3 r-4 AC; -2 TH; -1 Dex; -1 Cml until 1V spentUA1

[S1.2] Wizard Spells, Level 2

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

67KnockAlt180'10L sq'SpecialOpen locked/barred/held/wizard locked doorsPH1

68Know AlignmentDiv01+ Cr1 tDetect alignment 30L' on 1 creature /rUA1

69Leomund's TrapIllTouch1 ObjPermIllusionary trap, can be "disarmed" to avoidPH1

70Levitate (0)Alt0Caster6+L tCan levitate up/down at normal movement rateRC0

71Levitate (1)Alt60L'1 CrL tCan levitate up/down at normal movement ratePH1

72Life SoundingTimTouch1 Cr0Know age of target, and how much lifespan leftChro2

73Locate Object (1)Div60L'1 ObjL mLocate one objectPH1

74Locate Object (3)Div400+40L'1 ObjL mLocate one objectPH3

75Magic MouthAltSight1 ObjPermObject speaks up to 25 words, can set up triggerPH1

76Maximillan's Earthen GraspAlt30+30L'1 Cr3+L rArm holds target, has double caster's hpTM2

77Melf's Acid Arrow (1)Evo90'1 T0Roll TH +1: (3+L/3)d4+1 dmg acid (no save)UA1

78Melf's Acid Arrow(3)Cnj400+40L'1 T0Roll TH: (2+2*L/3)d4 dmg acid (no save)PH3

79Metallic OrbEvo,Ill30'1 Cr0See [S1.N] for notes on this spellDM

80Minor ImageIll40(9+L)'(4+L)10'ConcArea is 10' cubes; Illusion: sight & soundPH3

81Mirror Image (0)Ill0Caster6 tCreates 1d4 images of yourselfRC0

82Mirror Image(3)Ill0CasterL mCreates 1d4+L/3 images of yourselfPH3

83MisdirectionIll22+3L'1 TL hRedirects divination spellsPH3

84Moon RuneAlt,Geo01 sq'PermWizard mark, not visible until condition reachedS&M2

85Mordenkainen's Encompassing VisionAltTouch1 CrL hAll-around sightGRA1

86Nahal's Nonsensical NullifierAbjTouch1 Cr6+L rKnow Align / Detect Evil/Lie give random resultsTM2

87Nystul's BlackmoteEvo90+15L'1 Cr02d6+L dmg darkness/cold (no save)GRA1

88Nystul's Blazing BeamEvo90+30L'1 Cr0Blind 2d4r, -4 TH, -4 AC (save); within 1' is ½ GRA1

89Nystul's Crystal DaggerEvo;Cnj0-2+L rDagger: 1d4 mineral, +2/+2, +3/+3 vs. undeadGRA1

90Obscure ObjectAbjTouch1 Obj8 hHides object from location/detection/scryingPH3

91OmenDiv0--Know general fortune of some major undertakingOA1

92Otiluke's Boiling Oil BathEvo;Cnj180'1 Cr03d4 dmg heat (save:0)GRA1

93Otto's Soothing VibrationsEnc180'20' rL rFriendship (save+2)GRA1

94Otto's Tones of ForgetfulnessEnc30L'1 CrL tForgets all Nonweapons (save)GRA1

95Past LifeDivTouch1 T1 rKnow dead's former appearance & last minuteTM2

96PreserveAbj,Tim10L'25L cu'PermPreserves freshnessChro2

97Protection from ArrowsAbjTouch1 CrL t-10 dmg /missile attack, unless +L/5+1 or betterPH3

98Protection from CantripsAbjTouch1 TL dImmune to 0 level spells (Cantrips or Orisons)UA1

99Protection from CharmAbjTouch1 CrL m+L/3 saves vs. charmOA1

100Protection from ParalysisAbjTouch1 CrL tImmune to paralysis, slow, holdTM2

101Protection from PoisonAbjTouch1 CrL mPoison-using creatures must save to attackS&M2

102PyrotechnicsAlt,Ele360'1 Fire0Blindness within 120' (save); obscures visionPH1

103Quimby's Enchaning GourmetCnj040' r6+L tSpecialized Unseen Servant: Cooking/CleaningFRA2

104Rary's Aptitude AppropriaterDiv;AltTouch1 CrL tKnow a proficiency the target knowsGRA1

105Ray of Enfeeblement (1)Enc30+8L'1 CrL rLoses 25+2L% Str and physical dmg donePH1

106Ray of Enfeeblement (2)Enc30+15L'1 CrL rStr goes to 5, -1 per die physical dmgPH2

107Resist ElementsAbjTouch1 Cr1 d-12 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/soundPH3

108Ride the WindAlt15L'L CrL tCarried by wind at 12" (save)TM2

109Rope TrickAlt002L tCreates 30' rope, top is extradimensional spacePH1

110Scare (1)Enc30'1 Cr12 rFear (save)PH1

111Scare (3)Nec90+10L'15' rL rFear (save); Creatures > 5 HD are immunePH3

112See InvisibilityDiv0CasterL tDetect invisible/astral/ethereal 100+10L'PH3

113Sense ShiftingAlt0Caster3 tSensory affects of your SL 1-3 spells changeTM2

114Shatter (1)Alt180'1 ObjPermObject destroyed (save vs. crushing blow)PH1

115Shatter (2)Alt90+30L'3' rPermObject(s) destroyed (save vs. crushing blow)PH2

116Smoke ShapeAltTouch1 cu' /LL mCan shape smoke into any shape (such as wall)OA1

117Smoky FormAltTouch1 CrL tPolymorph to cloud of smoke, +2 wpn to hitOA1

118Snilloc's Cream PieEvo60L'1 T01d3 dmg pie (no save)FRA2

119Snilloc's Snowball SwarmEvo30L'30' r0Ld3 dmg snow (save:½)FRA2

120Spectral HandNec90+15L'-2L rCan use 1 touch at range per round (roll TH+2)PH2

121Stinking CloudEvo90'20' cuL rNauseated (save)PH1

122StrengthAltTouch1 CrL h+1d8 StrPH1

123Summon Monster IICnj22+3L'1 CrL r1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 creatures to fight for youPH3

124Summon SwarmCnj180'10' cu-Summons rats,bats,spiders,etc. 1d4+L/3 dmg/rPH2

125Tasha's Hideous LaughterEnc22+3L'1 Cr1d3 rDo nothing (save)PH3

126Tasha's Uncont. Hideous LaughterEvo150'1 Cr1 r-2 Str and Dazed (save)UA1

127Tenser's BrawlAltTouch1 CrL r+2 TH; 10% chance to stun per attack (save)GRA1

128Tenser's Hunting HawkAltTouch1 ObjL mPolymorphs an arrow into a hunting hawkGRA1

129TimeslipTim0Caster0Disappear for 1r; teleport up to 10 mi at endChro2

130UltravisionAlt,IllTouch1 Cr6+L tUltravision 300'UA1

131Undead MountNec30'1 Cr2+L hAnimates a dead horse/mount, can carry 300 lbs.FRA2

132VocalizeAltTouch1 Cr5 mCan cast spells without Verbal componentsUA1

[S1.2] Wizard Spells, Level 2

#NameSchoolRangeAreaDur.Effect/Notes Source

133Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / 0 Evo90'15' r0Ld6 dmg normal element (save: 0)DM

134Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / ½ Evo90'15' r0Ld4 dmg normal element (save: ½)DM

135Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / nsEvo90'15' r0Ld2 dmg normal element (no save)DM

136Wacky Ball 2 / Para / 0 Evo90'15' r0Ld4 dmg para element (save: 0)DM

137Wacky Ball 2 / Para / ½ Evo90'15' r0Ld2 dmg para element (save: ½)DM

138Wacky Ball 2 / Para / nsEvo90'15' r0Ld1 dmg para element (no save)DM

139Wacky Ball 2 / Quasi / 0 Evo90'15' r0Ld2 dmg quasi element (save: 0)DM

140Wacky Ball 2 / Quasi / ½ Evo90'15' r0Ld1 dmg quasi element (save: ½)DM

141Wacky Ball 2 / Quasi / nsEvo90'15' r01 dmg quasi element (no save)DM

142Wacky Bolt 2 / Normal / 0 Evo135'1 T0Ld8 dmg normal element (save: 0)DM

143Wacky Bolt 2 / Normal / ½ Evo135'1 T0Ld6 dmg normal element (save: ½)DM

144Wacky Bolt 2 / Normal / nsEvo135'1 T0Ld4 dmg normal element (no save)DM

145Wacky Bolt 2 / Para / 0 Evo135'1 T0Ld6 dmg para element (save: 0)DM

146Wacky Bolt 2 / Para / ½ Evo135'1 T0Ld4 dmg para element (save: ½)DM

147Wacky Bolt 2 / Para / nsEvo135'1 T0Ld2 dmg para element (no save)DM

148Wacky Bolt 2 / Quasi / 0 Evo135'1 T0Ld4 dmg quasi element (save: 0)DM

149Wacky Bolt 2 / Quasi / ½ Evo135'1 T0Ld2 dmg quasi element (save: ½)DM

150Wacky Bolt 2 / Quasi / nsEvo135'1 T0Ld1 dmg quasi element (no save)DM

151WakefulnessEnc90'1 Cr8 hCancels a sleep effect; Resist sleepDK2

152Wall of GloomCnj;Sha90'10' cu /L8+L r-2 TH through wall; Fear (save)S&M2

153Web (0)Evo10'10' cu48 tSave & Str check: Miss 1 = Slow; Miss 2 = HeldRC0

154Web (1)Evo15L'400 sq'2L tSave & Str check: Miss 1 = Slow; Miss 2 = HeldPH1

155WhipEvo30'1 ObjL rWhip, 0,1/r to swing: Fear animals; Disarm (save)UA1

156Whispering WindAlt,IllL mi2' r2 sSend 12 word message or cause a soundUA1

157Wind BreathEvo060'cone05L mph wind; Can knock down objects/creaturesOA1

158Wizard LockAltTouch30L sq'PermMagically locks door/lockPH1

159ZephyrEvo010'x5L'1 sGentle breeze; holds back clouds/vaporUA1

[S1.N] Notes on Specific Wizard Spells

Chromatic Orb

Must roll to hit with Chromatic Orb (you get Str+Dex).

LvlColorDmgSpecial Power Effect

1Pearly1d4light in area; save or blinded for L r or until leaves area

2Ruby1d6save or -1 Str and -1 Dex for 1 r

3Flame1d8save or 2 fire dmg

4Amber1d10save or blinded 1d4+4 r

5Emerald1d12save or nauseated until leaves area

6Turquoise2d8save or magnetised 3d4 r

7Sapphire2d4save or paralyzed 5d4 r

10Amethyst0slowed 2d4 r (no save); save or petrified

12Ashen0paralyzed 1d4+1 r (no save); save or slain

Find Familiar

See [S4].

Metallic Orb

Must roll to hit with Metallic Orb (you get Str+Dex).

LvlColorDmgSpecial Power Effect

1 Lead 1d6 -3 to base movement rate (save)

2 Tin 1d8Chill L r (save)

3 Bronze 1d10Cold 2'r, dmg=1d6 (save:0)

4 Copper 1d12 Hypnotism L r (save)

6 Silver 2d6-2 Con 1 d (no save); Stun L r (save)

8 Electrum 2d8-20% MR 1 d (no save); -10% RR 1 d (no save); Feeblemind (save)

9 Gold 2d10Weakness (no save); Dispel Evil/Neutral/Good (save)

11 Steel 2d12Color Spray 5'r; Prismatic Spray 5'r

13Platinum 3d8Maze (no save); Imprisonment (save)

[S1.3] Wizard Spells, Level 3


5BlinkAlt0, 1/r: Uncontrolled Blink somewhere within 10'PH2

6Blink AltYou randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.PH3

7Bone ClubEnc;NecActs as a club +1, +4 vs. undeadPHBR4

8ClairaudienceDivSame planePH2

9Clairaudience/Clairvoyance DivHear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.PH3

10ClairvoyanceDivSame planePH2

11Delay DeathEnc;NecCan act normally at up to -10 hpPHBR4