Dispel myths and stigma
· Likelihood of violence is not greater in a student with psychosis.
· Keep hurtful words like ‘psycho’ or ‘crazy’ out of the classroom.
Remember that brain diseases cause psychosis
· Difficulties learning and socializing are often because of illness, rather than poor character, attitude, or parenting.
· Motivation, thinking, fitting in, confidence, and spontaneity are all affected.
· Improvement will be gradual, with temporary set-backs.
Allow for difficulties with concentration and thinking
· Reduce homework demands if possible, especially initially.
· Provide a quiet room and/or more time for exams.
· Allow the student enough time to respond to questions or instructions.
· Use varied instructional techniques and modalities.
Provide breaks
· Modify schedules, if possible, to allow for 1 or more study blocks.
· Find a low-stimulation ‘safe place’ where the student can take breaks.
· Strike a balance between encouraging the student to stay in the classroom and also providing a refuge if he or she is very overwhelmed or anxious.
Consider the effect of medications
· Most students will take psychiatric medications that are very helpful.
· Medication side-effects are often troublesome, usually lessening with time.
· Using gum or hard candy can help with dry mouth side-effects.
· Drowsiness may not be from late nights or lack of interest, but from side-effects. Suggest the student/family talk to their doctor if extreme drowsiness lasts for more than a few weeks.
Support re-integration
· Have a designated staff person, such as a counsellor or youth worker, check in with the student; do not expect the student to take the initiative.
· Anticipate that the student may be embarrassed about psychosis.
· Remind the student that he or she does not need to discuss the psychosis experience with everyone who asks; help the student with what to say to maintain privacy.
· Suggest that the student confide in trusted friends, if comfortable.