Tuesday, May 22, 2007

City Hall Conference Room

301 South Leroy Street

Chairman Rauch called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Present:Brown, Griggs, Hammond, Primeau, Rauch, Walker.


Others Present:Carmine Avantini, LSL Planning; Nancy Padgett, Secretary Building/Zoning Department.


Motionby Rauch, seconded byHammond, to approve the April 24, 2007regular minutes as presented.

VARIANCE REQUEST – Mega Coney Island – Public Hearing (Remove from Table)

Motion by Hammond, seconded by Walker, to remove the item from the table. Voice vote, motion carried.

Mr. Carmine Avantini, LSL Planning, went over the May 18, 2007 review letter from Brad Hissong. Mr. Avantini pointed out that the variance request is for three (3) separate variances:

(A) to permit the installation of one (1) new wall sign to the south side of the building where only one wall sign is permitted, unless walls are located on a City Street corner lot; (B) to allow the proposed sign to extend out to thirty-four (34) inches when a maximum of twelve (12) inches is permitted; and (C) to allow the proposed sign to be 154 square feet in area when 100 square feet is permitted, resulting in a variance request of fifty-four (54) square feet. Mr. Avantini further explained that the reason behind the request is to create increased visibility from the Target site and thus give Mega Coney Island greater exposure to US-23 and the surrounding area. Mr. Avantini explained that due to the fact the restaurant is not within a Planned Unit Development, the variance request goes before the Zoning Board of Appeals, rather than the Planning Commission. Mr. Avantini also informed the Board that the proposed sign would be directly above the main entrance no more than twelve (12) inches from the façade of the building.

There was discussion amongst the Board. Nick Trifon, Signs by Crannie, 4160 Commerce Drive, Flushing, MI 48433, representing Zef Dedivanaj, answered questions from the Board. Rocky Dedivanaj, son of Mega Coney Island owner, also answered questions and addressed concerns from the Board.

Chairman Rauch opened the Public Hearing. Being no items from the public, Chairman Rauch closed the Public Hearing and brought the item back before the Board and asked for a motion.

Motion byWalker, seconded by Hammond,to approve in part, the variance request for Mega Coney Island, based on the memo from Brad Hissong, dated May 18, 2007, to approve a

Zoning Board of Appeals

May 22, 2007

Page 2

variance to permitthe installation of one (1) new wall sign on the south side of the building where only one wall sign is permitted;to deny the request that the proposed sign extend out thirty-four (34) inches, when a maximum of twelve (12) inches is permitted; and to allow the

proposed sign to be 154 square feet in area, when 100 square feet is permitted, resulting in a variance request of fifty-four (54) square feet.

YEAS: Brown, Griggs, Hammond, Rauch, Walker.

NAYS: Primeau.

Motion carried.






It was confirmed that Griggs would serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals as an alternate until a new member was appointed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:53p.m.

Nancy M. Padgett

Recording Secretary