ENGLISH 1510: College Composition I

Falconer High SchoolFall 2016


Course Listing: ENG1510 Office Hours:Prep, 9th period or by appt

CRN:4379 Contact Information:

Course Instructor: D. Luce Phone: 665-6624 ext 4133

Office Location: Rm 133 Email:

Course Description:

Students will learn to write precise, clear, substantive essays. Students will work with multi-page papers, organization, and mechanics. Emphasis will be placed on critical thinking, reading, and writing.

Course Student Learning Outcomes:

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

1. Develop and support a thesis in an essay format by organizing specific facts and reasoned insights in clear, coherent language;

2. Interpret, evaluate, and respond critically in written form to assigned texts from a variety of disciplines, modes, and writing styles;

3. Evaluate, edit, and revise written work.

4. Produce at least 5000 words of both high and low stakes writing.

Topical Outline:

  • Library overview
  • Critical reading and analysis
  • Essay structures and modes
  • Thesis statement and topic sentences
  • The use of academic/formal language
  • Essay annotation and evaluation
  • Revision
  • Editing – grammar, sentence structure

For actual course schedule, please refer to the week-by-week semester plan

Textbook/Required Materials

  • Textbooks: SCW 3rd ed. (provided)
  • An ORGANIZED 3-ring binder! (Or a notebook AND folder for handouts…)
  • Textbook and/or current reading materials (and any related work)
  • Blue or black pens for all written assignments. Always have a writing utensil!

Attendance Policy

For many of you, this is simultaneously a JCC and a Falconer credit-bearing course. Attendance is expected whenever possible. In addition, you are required to make up any work missed, and it is your responsibility to see me before/after class or at another appropriate time in order to obtain missed work. JCC requires a minimum of 2,250 minutes of seat time per 3 credit course.

Specific components of grade

  • Modal papers:
  • narrative/descriptive
  • process analysis & presentation
  • classification & division
  • definition or illustration
  • compare & contrast
  • argumentative
  • thematic paper
  • Participation assignments (participation/assignments/quizzes/ homework/ effort, etc)
  • Benchmark Writings
  • Weekly reading days and related papers
  • Final exam

Number of points or average needed for each letter grade

A = 90-100B+ = 88-89C+ = 78-79D+ = 68-69

B = 80-87C = 70-77D = 65-67

Late Assignment Policy

Your grade in this class will be reflective not only of your ability, but also of the exhibited amount of consistent effort you choose to provide. All work is due at the beginning of class on the date established, or it is considered as late. Papers are expected to be submitted to TurnItIn prior to entering class on the day in which each is due. Late assignments are accepted only under the guidelines of Falconer’s policy. Work not present will be assessed as not completed.


We will not be utilizing JCC’s BLACKBOARD system this semester.

Communicating changes in syllabus or policy

As circumstances arise, the expected dates may be altered slightly. You will be notified prior to any changes both verbally and by what is listed on the agenda/assignment board under the EN1510 heading.

Emergency Closing Procedures

Snow days/closings may occur. Expect to adhere to the existing deadlines unless notified otherwise.

Expectations of Students

  • Civility Statement (
  • Student Responsibility Statement (
  • Academic Integrity (

Disability/Special Services

Any IEP/504 accommodations will be provided and adhered to for those who qualify.

Calendar of Important Dates/Classes/Assignments/Deadlines

Please refer to your week-by-week semester plan, in addition to the EN1510 paper schedule provided.

Relationship of this course to high school and college:

  • This course fulfills the English 12 component for graduation, a mandatory prerequisite for high school graduation in New York State.
  • Upon successful completion, this course also will earn the student 3 credits, transferable to most SUNY and New York State schools, along with various other universities. Refer to your intended college for exact course transfer acknowledgement.

What the student can expect from the instructor

  • Integrity and ethics
  • Content knowledge and mastery
  • Effort and preparation
  • Timeliness and impartiality in grading
  • An open door of communication and positive attitude

What the students can do to give themselves the best chance of success in the course

  • Study and Application
  • Ethics, Integrity, and Accountability
  • Positive Attitude
  • Consistency of Effort
  • Positive Communication

Conduct Expectations:

  • It is your responsibility to obtain work assigned during your absence, in a timely and appropriate manner. Any work not completed is a 0%.
  • Falconer’s attendance policy will be implemented.
  • All assignments are expected to be completed prior to entering the classroom on the due date and turned in via TurnItIn.com. None are optional, unless otherwise stated.
  • Be on time, prepared, and mentally present for class, as well!
  • Respectful behavior is a necessity at all levels: with teacher(s), guests, and with one another. This includes control of your mouth, your attitude, your actions and all of your decisions! That which you give, you also shall expect to receive.
  • Proper manners and a sense of maturity are expected. Collegiate caliber behavior is also an unspoken expectation. Negative attitudes are prohibited! Think before you act/speak!
  • PMA… Positive Mental Attitude… REQUIRED daily…