Post-Test / 2007

Manners Matter Boot Camp
Just do your best and answer the questions as honestly as possible.
You DO NOT have to put your name on this test. Good Luck!

True/False- Write a “T” if you think the statement is true or an “F” if you think the statement is false.

____When an American Flag is worn out, it should be burned instead of being thrown in the garbage.

____When you introduce someone, you should introduce the younger person to the older person.

____It’s okay to pull dirty clothes out of the hamper and wear them again if they are your favorites

____It’s good manners to talk to a stranger as long as he or she looks like a nice person

____ When you are done eating, you should place your napkin on your plate.

Multiple Choice- circle the best answer
You should wash your hands with warm water and soap for:
a. Thirty seconds
b. Fifteen seconds
c. As long as it takes you to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice

If you are introducing your mom, Jane Smith, to your friend Sam, you should say:
a. Sam, meet my Mom, Mrs. Smith
b. Mom, meet my friend Sam.
c. Mom, this is my friend Sam. Sam this is my mom, Mrs. Smith.

At the table, you should pass food:
a. From right to left
b. From left to right
c. Just reach and grab whatever you want.

If you are having a birthday party, and you are only inviting some of your friends in your class, the best way to send invitations is:
a. Just pass them out at school.
b. Just call and tell them they are invited.
c. Mail the invitations two weeks before the party.

When someone calls and the call is for someone who is not home, you should say:
a. I’m sorry, but he is not home right now.
b. I’m sorry, but he is not available right now. May I take a message?
c. Just hand up.

Matching- write the letter of the word that best matches the definition

_____ Internet etiquette

_____Being considerate of others

_____A set of social guidelines to help you get along with others

_____Please respond either way

_____Being a gracious winner or looser

What was your favorite thing that you learned at camp?

What was your least favorite thing about camp?

If you could, what would you change about camp?

Why is having good manners important?

Label the diagram below as best you can. You can use the words in the box to help you.