Regular Village of Lyons Falls Board of Trustee Meeting

March 28, 2016

Held at the Village Offices, 4059 Cherry Street, Lyons Falls, NY

Attendance: Mayor Catherine Liendecker

Trustees: Donna Dolhof, Anne Huntress, Michael Skorupa, Ron Dorrity

Clerk, Tasha Arthur;

Treasurer, Denielle Bailey;

Past treasurer, Wendy Ward;

DPW Superintendent, Todd Ossont
6pm Mayor opened the meeting with pledge allegiance to the USA flag.

  • Review & accept minutes of the regular board meeting February 22, 2016; motion to accept minutes by Trustee Huntress, second by Trustee Dolhof, carried.
  • Review & accept minutes of the garbage/recycling information meeting of March 5, 2016; motion to accept minutes by Trustee Huntress, second by Trustee Dolhof, carried.
  • Review & accept minutes of the special/budget meeting of March 14, 2016; motion to accept minutes by Trustee Dorrity, second by Trustee Dolhof, carried.
  • Review & accept February financial report; motion to accept by Trustee Huntress, second by Trustee Skorupa, carried
  • Reconciliation/financial report for February (Anne Huntress); motion by Trustee Dolhof, second by Trustee Dorrity, carried.
  • Motion to pay the monthly DANC mill site invoice after we receive the check from LCDC by Trustee Huntress, second by Trustee Dolhof, carried.
  • Audit bills and abstracts:
  1. Motion by Trustee Dolhof to approve payment of the Dock St. project, contractor’s application for Payment No.3 for $111,767.50, payment to North Country Contractors, LLC, and authorization of Mayor Liendecker to sign application for payment; second by Trustee Skorupa, carried. Resolution # 21-2016 attached.
  2. Motion by Trustee Huntress to pay Dolhof bill, second by Trustee Dorrity, Trustee Dolhof abstained, motion carried.
  3. Motion by Trustee Dolhof to pay the rest of the bills, second by Trustee Huntress, carried.
  • General Fund Vouchers G160301 to G160314 in the amount of $8,583.43
  • Water Fund Vouchers W160301 to W160302 in the amount of $26.79
  • Sewer Fund Vouchers S160301to S160305 in the amount of $ 9,186.63
  • Old Business:
  1. Treasurer Bailey:
  1. Reviewed the proposed 2016-2017 budget. Mayor Liendecker reported that Justin Hall has agreed to be provide dog control service at $30 per visit and mileage. The suggested $300 for the service for the coming year.
  1. Will need to have the proposed budget put our website too.

Wendy and Deneille left at 6:35pm

  1. DPW Report:
  1. The Dock Street Pump Station: North Country Contractors removed the old pipes and pumps; they still need to put up the fencing.
  2. Park vandalism: Todd Talked about getting cameras put up at the park
  3. Dig Safe Seminar was attended on different days by Todd, Shane and Jeremy. It was a free seminar and very informative.
  1. Mayor Liendecker:
  1. BOA step 3 update
  1. Will need to do in-kind in the amount of $20,700. The mayor, trustees, clerk, treasurer, DPW and volunteer stakeholders will have to do monthly time sheets and submit to Michele at DANC. The mayor has created a time sheet for us to use.
  2. Kruger, the hydro plant, has requested soil testing on the site they’ll be expanding to. DANC will be submitting this request to DOS (Dept. of State).
  3. Monday, April 4th, at 1 pm, at the library there will be a scoping meeting with the Dept. of State.
  1. Dock Street Pump Station grant update: The mayor received an email from Sarah Antonacci, of DASNY, that our file is in the process of a final desk audit. Hopefully we’ll be able to submit our bills soon.
  1. United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) update: The UCP project on Park Place are looking into applying for a CDBG, the village would have to be the recipient. Eric Virkler will keep us informed.
  1. CDBG High Falls Apt. update: Trustee Dorrity has been working with Snow Belt Housing on the Environmental documents. She just has two more parts to complete, should be finished by summer.
  1. Garbage/recycling:
  1. The Mayor suggested we look into flex bill for next year’s garbage billing. The non-profits are using the service now and they do not pay taxes. If we did the flex bill method, it would be another line item along with water and sewer.
  1. Household Hazardous Waste Collection day, September 10, Sat. 8 am to 12 noon at the Lewis Co. Transfer Station, sponsored by DANC
  1. Haul-A-Waste will pick up on Fridays, they will pick-up even if a holiday. We are expecting their certificate of insurance, then we can sign the agreement.
  1. Mill site update:
  1. The water tower will be taken down when Kruger shuts down the racks for a week. No date for this yet.
  2. LCDC will be starting phase 3 at the mill site before school is out. They are requesting the Village provide technical services again. Motion by Trustee Dolhof to provide technical services for engineering and redevelopment planning for the phase 3 project for LCDC and authorize Mayor Liendecker to sign said agreement for $50,000, second by Trustee Skorupa, approved. Resolution # 22-2016 attached.
  3. Motion by Trustee Huntress to have DANC (Development Authority of the North Country) to provide technical services for engineering and redevelopment planning for the phase 3 mill site project and to authorize Mayor Liendecker to sign said agreement, second by Trustee Dolhof, approved. Resolution # 23-2016 attached.
  1. Water district study meeting: the first official meeting since the award is this Wednesday, March 30th at 6:00 pm. The Mayor can only attend until 6:30 pm and requested another board member to attend too. Trustee Dolhof plans to also attend. Will discuss at the meeting what we need to do to get water main over on Park Place.
  1. Trustee Skorupa:

Brought the agreement for Al Scouten to walk the area and review the trees this. This will cost $250.00 A Motion to approve Al to survey by Trustee Huntress seconded by Trustee Skorupa, approved.

New Business:

  1. Treasurer Bailey:
  1. Budget Public Hearing April 07, 2016, 7pm, at the library
  2. The approval of proposed budget will be at the next regular board meeting April 25th.
  1. Clerk Arthur:
  1. Building permits: none
  2. Property changes & sales: none
  3. New email addresses were given to each board member and Treasurer Bailey.
  4. Presented the revised Village brochure for the board to review
  1. Mayor Liendecker:
  1. The Lewis County Legislators will be having their May meeting at our Lyons Falls Library, 5 pm, Tuesday, May 3rd. The Mayor is requesting the board attend. Lyons Falls ALIVE will be preparing a light meal for them prior to the meeting. The legislators and the public are invited to tour the mill site and other areas of interest prior to the meeting.
  2. Motion by Trustee Dolhof to provide a Port-a-potty from Double B again for the park, second by Trustee Skorupa, approved.
  3. The Mayor brought to our attention that we will need an amendment to the Leyden Water district agreement with effective date for the July billing regarding the $5 increase/unit, theirs will be $7.50/unit or increase from $220 annual to $240. Once our budget is accepted next month then we can pursue the amendment.
  1. Superintendent Ossont
  1. We now have Carbon Monoxide detectors in all village buildings, it’s a new buildings code
  2. The DPW have Installed catch basins at the park and on Markham Street by the Huntress residence.
  1. Trustee Skorupa:presented a list of nominations for the elections for fire department, this was reviewed by the board. A motion to approve the nomination list by Trustee Huntress, second by Trustee Dorrity, approved.
  • Next regular board meeting scheduled for April 25, 2016, at 6:00 pm at the Village Office.
  • A reminder that the Budget Public Hearing is April 7 at 7:00 pm at the library
  • And the Water Law Public Hearing is April 7 at 7:30 pm at the library.
  • Trustee Huntress motioned to adjourn the meeting, second by Trustee Dolhof, carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Tasha Arthur, Clerk