Education Leading the Way for Owners, Coaches, Judge’s & Gymnasts!

2017 USA Gymnastics Washington State Congress July 21-23, 2017

Athlete clinics: Thursday July 20th

Site: Emerald City Gymnastics 17969 NE 65th Str. Redmond, WA 98052

National and Collegiate Clinicians

Connie Maloney National Office, Ivan Alexov National Staff, Dan & Julie Wittenstein Arizona Sunrays, Patty Resnick Boise State, Chris Swerick Stanford University, John Carney University of Missouri, Oregon State TBA, U of WA TBA, Linda Mulvihill R2 RTC, Laurie Reid R2 JO Rep, Randy Parrish: Rec & Pre-school. Yulia Metropolitan: Dance. University Courses: Rec 103 and M 200 Beth Gardner. (R103 – School Age Hands-on-Training. M200- Men’s Essential Elements (perfect for anyone coaches that teach beg. boys classes). Unconfirmed: Tammy Biggs

·  Tentative Changes for this year’s 2017 congress - NEW top ten Level 6 - 7 state all-around finishers and top to level 8 – 10 finishers at regionals as congress demonstrators. Level 6/7’s will be invited for morning sessions only, all WA Regional Gymnasts Lv. 8-10 will be invited for the afternoon sessions on Saturday and Sunday. We are also extending an invitation to top two place finishers at each level at XCEL State to be demonstrators on Friday, 9 – 4:00.
XCEL Demonstrators 1:00 – 4:00 Friday. Lv. 6-10 Demonstrators: Warm-up 12:30 Friday, 7:40 Saturday and Sunday

Friday July 21 7:30 AM Registration: Tent
8 AM - 12:00 Coaches Instructional Hot Shot's Developmental Clinic – Free for Hot Shots (age 7 -11)
(Tentative Tammy Biggs Clinician: Developmental training session for very young (b. layout, front pike, str. arm kip, giants)
9:00 - 4:00 XCEL Sessions for Coaches: Connie Maloney, Dianne Palmer & Jan Urfer

12:15- 12:50 Clinicians Lunch

8:30 - 4:00 R 103 Beth Gardner (great for all pre-school, recreation coaches & beg. team coaches) Register thru Nat’l office
1:00 - 5:00 Level 6-10 Optional Sessions

5:05 – 6:00 Future Leaders/Coaches Roundtable Discussion (Implementing an Educational Plan for our Future Young Coaches)

6:15 Clinicians Dinner

Saturday July 22 7:20 Registration
7:30 – 8:00 JO Update: Connie Maloney W. Gym Rm. 1

8:15 - 12:15 Level 6-10 Optional Sessions (15 minute break between rotations for questions on each event)
8:00 - 12:00 Optional Level 6-10 Judging/Coaches (Classroom)

8:30 – 4:00 M200 Essential Course for all club’s that offer boy’s programs. Register thru Nat’l office

9:00 - 4:00 Recreation Sessions: Randy Parrish

12:45 – 1:15 NCAA Meeting with athletes/parents/coaches tentative after athlete recognition
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch and State Recognition Program and Membership Meeting

2:00 – 3:30 NCAA & High School Coaches / Judges Meeting/Rules
1:30 - 4:30 Level 8-Regional Gymnasts Sessions (15 minute break between rotations for questions on each event)
1:30 - 4:30 Optional Live Judging (on floor)

2:00 – 4:00 Coaching Techniques on bars, tumbling and vault in classroom with John Carney Lv. 6 -10
1:30 - 4:30 Compulsory Sessions Drills and More Drills for all levels and all events
5:00 - 7:30 Coaching and Judges Coming Together / Interactive Session, Dinner,

Sunday July 23

8:30 – 10:30 Roundtable on How to Start and Implement a Special Needs Program: Beth Gardner and Carrie Spender/Lennox

8:30 - 12:00 Level 6-10 Optional Sessions (15 minute break between rotations for questions on each event)
8:30 – 9:30 How and Why Compulsories Lead to Great Optionals Dan Wittenstein

8:30 – 12:00 Pre-school Session: Randy Parrish

9:40 – 12:00 Live Compulsory Sessions on text, techniques Lv. 2-5). Coaches please bring 2 gymnasts/per club, it’s free
9:45 - 12:00 Compulsory Judging/Coaches Sessions (Classroom)
9:00 - 12:00 Business Forum with Dan and Julie Wittenstein
12:15 - 12:50 Lunch

1:00 – 2:30 Classroom Lecture Sessions on Mental Training to Enhancement Performance & Practice: John Carney
1:00 - 4:30 Level 8-Regional Gymnasts Sessions. 15 minute break between rotation for open discussions with coaches.
1:00 - 4:30 Live Participation for Compulsory Gymnasts Level 2-5Text, Technique, Judging of Live Routines. 15 minute break between rotations for open discussion between clinicians & coaches. 2 gymnasts per level, pre club, free for registered clubs.
1:00 - 3:30 Business Owners Open Roundtable Discussion: Dan & Julie Wittenstein


Early Registration
Fee Schedule:
Paid by 5/15/2017 / Payment after May 15th / On-Site / Non/USAG Member / HS Coach Assoc.
3- day: Individual / $150 / $170 / $190
One Day / $80 / $100 / $120
Small club (6 or less members of the same club) / $575 / $775 / $855
Medium Club (7-11 from any club location) / $875 / $1125 / $1155
Large club (12-18 staff from any location) / $1375 / $1575 / $1595
X-Large Clubs (19-25 or more staff from any number of locations) / $1575
*Note: $75.00 for each additional registration
over 25. / $1775 / $1795
Athlete Clinics: Opt. #______.Comp. #______. Total Enclosed:______.
Make Checks Payable to USAG WA. Register Early and Save.
Mail to Nola Ayres 675 East Lake Samish DR Bellingham, WA 98229
*High School and Middle School Coaches as well as NAWGJWA, may register at the group rate!
Additionally we will be offering the following Athlete Clinics
Date: Thursday th Site: July 20th Emerald CityGymnastics Redmond ( site: Tentative)
$70.00 pre-register by July 1st $60.00.
Learn Lv. 2-5 Compulsories Routines, Strength / Flex: Thursday 10:00 – 3:30 Clinicians: Laurie Reid, Trey DuVal, TBA
Two Sessions: Athlete Optional Clinics
Optional Clinicians: Ivan Alexov, Patty Resnick, Chris Swerick, John Carney, Nola Ayres
Thursday: Session 1: Level 6-7 8:30 – 1:30. Session 2: Level 8 – 10 2:30 – 7:30
$80.00 pre-register by July 1st $70.00 Register Early & Save $'s & your Spot.
Please list your gymnasts on separate sheet of paper. (Note Below) Compulsory Clinic: Include Name and Level 2-5.
Beginning Optionals: Session 1 Preparing for Level 6 and 7. Session 2 Preparing for Level 8,9,10.
No registrations will be accepted without names and money prepaid by July 10th. Early bird registration for clinics ends July 1st. Questions please contact: Nola 360-920-6259 /

Clinic Registration Form

Thursday, July 20

Club: ______Cell #:______

Contact:______E-mail: ______

Note: You must send a minimum of one coach with each level. All coaches must be actively involved on the floor assisting with their athletes. Thank you.

Name: Compulsory Site: TBA

1.______Lv.______. 2.______Lv.______

3.______Lv.______. 4.______Lv.______

5.______Lv.______. 6.______Lv.______

7.______Lv.______. 8.______Lv.______

9.______Lv.______. 10.______Lv.______






Total: # x $60 (if before July 1st) = ______. $70 if received after July 1st. . # = ______.

Name: Beginning Optional Level 6 / 7 Site: Emerald City East Gym

1.______Lv.______. 2.______Lv.______

3.______Lv.______. 4.______Lv.______

5.______Lv.______. 6.______Lv.______

7.______Lv.______. 8.______Lv.______

9.______Lv.______. 10.______Lv.______






Total: # x $70 (if before July 1st) = ______. $80 if received after July 1st. . # = ______.

Name: Advanced Optional Level 8 – 10 Site Emerald City East Gym

1.______Lv.______. 2.______Lv.______

3.______Lv.______. 4.______Lv.______

5.______Lv.______. 6.______Lv.______

7.______Lv.______. 8.______Lv.______

9.______Lv.______. 10.______Lv.______






Total: # x $70 (if before July 1st) = ______. $80 if received after July 1st. # = ______

Make payable to USAG WA

Send to Nola Ayres

675 East Lake Samish DR

Bellingham, WA 98229