Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors

Chapter 3 - Hiawathaland

Minutes of Chapter 3 Meeting on November 18, 2010

Meeting place: Riverview Greens, Stewartville, MN

Meeting called to order at 7:21 P.M. with 7 members present.

Treasurer’s Report:

Beginning Balance (8-19-2010) $2953.84

Deposits $150.00

Withdrawals $2.50

Ending Balance (12-20-2010) $3089.24

Motion by Doug to accept Minutes. Seconded by Mark. Motion passed

Motion by Tony to accept Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mark. Motion passed

Motion to adjourn by Doug. Seconded by Dave at 9:00 P.M. Motion passed


Short discussion informing members about the Initial Point Presentation.


The chapter is in search of a new candidate for the secretary/treasurer position for 2011. Some potential candidates were: Mike Fangman, Keith Kallin, Jeff Boots.

The present members also discussed how much the chapter should donate to MSPS this year at the convention. Doug made a motion for 600 dollars to be donated. The motion was seconded by Pat. After further discussion a motion to amend was made by Mark Severtson to donate 500 dollars instead of 600. (In anticipation we are asked for more donations for the door prizes) Motion was seconded by Scott and passed.

For concern of low involvement and support a suggestion was made to email all chapter 3 members to remind them of 2010 dues. It was also decided to send out a “Thank You” email for all the members who had paid their 2010 dues thus far.

The chapter is trying to update all retired LS and or lost email addresses for past and present members.

Pat had these board updates to share:

MSPS has resigned Lobbyist Messeler & Kramer

Rod Square’s book is coming in December

Amed Elesscar will be the new head of surveying department at SCSU starting next year (SCSU is cutting staff)

MSPS is voting on new ALTA standards (no new changes)

“A project which the MSPS Past President Committee has taken on is the installation of NSPS “FINAL POINT” Monuments in recognition of MLSA and MSPS Past Presidents. The following is the list of all past presidents with: 1). the number of MLSA or MSPS president, 2). the past presidents name, 3). the year the president served, 4). the chapter they represented, 5). the year they were deceased and 6). The year the monument was delivered. This schedule includes all past presidents through 2014, the year we plan to complete this project.” –Theodore D. Kemna, RLS

As of 1-5-2011 Keith Kallin has volunteered to be the new secretary/treasure. Thanks Keith!

The next meeting will be this Thursday, Jan 27th at MSPS Convention at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Tuchtenhagen

MSPS Chapter 3 Secretary/Treasurer

Please submit your dues if you haven’t already done so.

MEMBERSHIP DUES 2010 for ______

The dues are: $30.00 for LS

$15.00 for LSIT, Tech (Make checks payable to MSPS Chapter 3)

Please mail your check to: McGhie & Betts, Inc.

c/o Scott Tuchtenhagen

1648 3rd Ave SE

Rochester, MN 55904