Vita for

George Kent

February 27, 2017

Latest Vita available at

Latest Publications list at

CURRENTLY:Adjunct Professor with the Departmentof Peace and Conflict Studies

at the University of Sydney, Australia.

Adjunct Professor with the Transformative Social Change

Program atSaybrook University in California.

PREVIOUSLY: Professor of Political Science, University of Hawai’i (1970 – 2010)



1.Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, 1960.

2.Boston University, School of Public Relations and Communications. Master of Science in Communications, 1961.

3.University of Illinois, Urbana. Doctor of Philosophy in Communications, 1965.


1.Systems Analyst, Scientific Analysis Corporation, Concord, Massachusetts, June 1962 - August 1962.

2.Research Fellow, Istituto "Agostino Gemelli" per lo Studio Sperimentale di Problemi Sociali dell'Informazione Visiva, Milan, Italy, March 1964 - May 1964.

3.Postdoctoral Fellow, Mershon Center for Education in National Security, Ohio State University, July 1965 - June 1966.

4.Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of International Relations, San Francisco State College, August 1966 - June 1970.

5.Teaching Fellow, Inter-University Consortium for Political Research, University of Michigan, Summer 1970.

6.Research Associate, Dimensionality of Nations Project, University of Hawai’i, September 1970 - August 1972.

7.Danforth Associate, The Danforth Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri (". . . to recognize and encourage good teaching and to strengthen the human element of the educational process."), September 1972 - .

8.Consultant, Hawai’i Coastal Zone Management Program, 1975.

9.Research Fellow, Social Science and Linguistics Institute, University of Hawai’i, 1976-1977, and Spring 1981.

10.Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawai’i (Joint Appointment), 1975 - 1981.

11.Awarded sabbatical for 1977-1978 to study fisheries as a model for global resource management.

12.Special Services Contract with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to prepare study on South Pacific fisheries management. September 1977 - February 1978.

13.Political adviser, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, March 1979.

14.Consultant, College of Tropical Agriculture, University of Hawai’i, to prepare study on Agriculture Development Planning for Pacific Islands, Summer 1981.

15.Adjunct Professor, Pacific Islands Studies Program, University of Hawai’i, 1981 - .

16.Adjunct Research Associate (Spring 1981), Research Fellow (1981-1982), Research Associate (1982-1984), Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center.

17.Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to prepare study on National Fisheries Policies and the Alleviation of Malnutrition in the Philippines and Thailand, Summer 1984.

18.Consultant, Department of Fisheries, Government of Thailand, "to assist with incorporation of specific nutrition objectives into fishery policies for inclusion in sixth national plan," with funding by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Summer 1985.

19.Member, University Advisory Council, Spark Matsunaga Institute for Peace, 1986 - .

20.Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to prepare a desk study on fish and nutrition in Southern Africa, and to visit India to follow up on efforts to incorporate a nutritional dimension into national planning, Summer 1986.

21.Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to investigate potential for enhancing contribution of fisheries to alleviating malnutrition in southern Africa, with field visits in Burundi, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania. Summer 1987.

22.Research Associate, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawai’i, fall 1987.

23.Chair, Planning Committee for Master of Peace and Conflict Resolution program, July 1988 - .

24.Consultant, Marshall Islands Ministry of Health Services and Marimed Foundation, to advise regarding Child Survival Initiative project and Ministry-Foundation relationships, July 1989.

25.Member, Executive Committee, Spark Matsunaga Institute for Peace, 1989 - 1991, 1992 - 95.

26.Co-director, Peace Studies Around the World (Faculty Leader, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China), January-May 1990.

27.Consultant, Marshall Islands Ministry of Health Services, to advise regarding conduct of Community Health Workshop in Jabwor, Jaluit, March 1990.

28.Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to prepare study on Impacts of Marine Fisheries Policy on Human Nutrition, with field visits to Indonesia and Thailand, Summer 1990.

29.Member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Children's Rights, 1992 - .

30.Member, Board of Directors, Campaign to End Hunger and Homelessness in Hawai’i, 1992.

31.Co-Convenor, Food Policy Study Group, International Peace Research Association, July 1992 - 95.

32.Coordinator, Task Force on Children's Nutrition Rights, December 1992 -

33.Member, Steering Committee, World Alliance for Nutrition and Human Rights, December 1992 - .

34.Special Services Agreement with United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to present paper on Children's Right to Adequate Nutrition to Council of the International Union of Nutrition Sciences, at UNICEF, New York, January 1993.

36.Awarded Certificate by the Honolulu City Council, in a ceremony at Honolulu Hale (City Hall), honoring my work on child survival, December 1, 1993.

37.Invited to speak on “Strategies for Implementing Children’s Nutrition Rights” to meeting of United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination/ Subcommittee on Nutrition, at UNICEF Headquarters, New York, March 5, 1994.

38.Invited to speak on “Implementing Children’s Nutrition Rights in India” to International Conference on Shaping the Future by Law: Children, Environment, Health, and Society, New Delhi, India, March 21-25, 1994.

  1. Invited to speak on “Children’s Rights: Meeting the Challenge,” in series on Vision and Hope for the 21st Century at Santa Barbara City College Adult Education Program, 1994.
  2. Member, Working Group on Nutrition, Ethics, and Human Rights, of the United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination/Sub-Committee on Nutrition, 1994 - .

40.Consultant, Greenpeace International, July-August 1994, to prepare study on Nutrition Rights and Fisheries.

41.Chair of the Graduate Program, Department of Political Science, U.H., 1995-97.

42.Guest Editor for a Special Issue of the International Journal of Children’s Rights, on Implementing Children’s Nutrition Rights, 1995 - 97.

43.Member, Planning Committee, Immigrant Center of Hawai’i, 1995 - 96.

45.Co-Convenor, Commission on International Human Rights, International Peace Research Association, 1995 - .

46.Member, Board of Directors, Immigrant Center of Hawai’i, 1996 - 98.

  1. Member, Wai’anae School Planning Committee, 1996 – 97.
  2. Invited Speaker, Hendricks Symposium on Human Rights, Lincoln, Nebraska, September 1996.
  3. Invited to lecture on Nutrition and Human Rights, University of Oslo, December 1997.
  4. Invited Participant, Expert Consultation on Social Mobilization for Nutrition and Human Rights, Bonn, Germany, December 1997.
  5. Invited Participant, Expert Consultation on the Right to Food, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 1998.
  6. Organized Symposium on Food Security and Governance in Southern Africa, Durban, South Africa, June 1998.
  7. Awarded Fulbright Fellowship for sabbatical research on human right to adequate food, at Norwegian Institute for Human Rights and the Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo, fall 1998.
  8. Invited Participant, Second Expert Consultation on the Right to Adequate Food, Rome, November 1998.
  9. Invited Participant, Day of General Discussion on the Human Right to Education, UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, November, 1998.
  10. Participated as an expert on human rights in a court hearing relating to breastfeeding and HIV, Eugene, Oregon, April 1999.
  11. Invited Speaker, Central European University, August 1999.
  12. Invited Speaker, conference on Local and Global Dimensions of Food Security held at University College Cork, Ireland, April 2000.
  13. Invited Speaker, International Center for Research on Women, Washington, D.C. April 2000.
  14. Invited Speaker, Conference on Higher Education for Peace, Trömso, Norway, May 2000.
  15. Invited Participant, Day of General Discussion on the Human right to Health, UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, May 2000.
  16. Invited Resource Person, UNICEF conference on ethics and humanitarian assistance, Nairobi, August 2000.
  17. Chair, Board of Directors, Full Plate, Inc. (a civil society organizations devoted to ending food insecurity in Hawai’i), 2001 -
  18. Member, Advisory Committee, AnotherLook (civil society organization concerned with the issue of infant feeding in the context of HIV/AIDS).
  19. Invited Speaker, “The Human Rights Approach to Reducing Malnutrition,” Society for Nutrition Education, Oakland, California, July 23, 2001.
  20. Course Director, “The Human Right to Food and Nutrition: Policies and Principles,” Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, June 30 – August 10, 2001.
  21. Invited Participant, Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Human Rights Education, University of Minnesota, August 15-19, 2001.
  22. Invited Guest, Norwegian Institute for Human Rights and Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo. April 2002.
  23. Course Director, “The Human right to Food and Nutrition: Policies and Principles”. Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, July 22 – August 2, 2002.
  24. Organized workshops on breastfeeding and human rights for Global Forum of World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, Arusha, Tanzania, September 21-27, 2002.
  25. Invited Participant, Expert Group, Fish Trade and Food Security, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, December 2002.
  26. Invited Participant, Expert Consultation on Fish Trade and Food Security, Casablanca, Morocco, January 2003.
  27. Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, on “Ethical Dimensions of the Globalization of Food and Agriculture,” 2003.
  28. Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, on “Responsible Fish Trade,” 2003-2004.
  29. Invited Participant, Conference on “Cuisine and Health: The Zhejiang Experience,” Hangzhou, China, October 2003.
  30. Advisor on Food Security for online Development Gateway February 2005 - .
  31. Invited speaker, Conference on Health and Human Rights, Emory University, Atlanta, April 2005.
  32. Consultant, Human Rights Commission, New Zealand, on drafting of infant feeding law. May 2005.
  33. Invited speaker, national conference of La Leche League International, Washington, D.C. July 2005.
  34. Awarded grant for a collaborative project on Global Food Security: Obligations of the International Community, by the Toda Institute. November 2006.
  35. Elected to four-year term on the Council of the International Peace Research Association. July 2006.
  36. Invited to give President’s Lecture at national conference of American Dietetic Association. September 2006.
  37. Invited by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to serve on the Advisory Board for its annual World Disasters Report in February 2007.
  38. Participated in the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Day of General Discussion held at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva on September 21, 2007.
  39. Offered five-day online course on the right to food for staff of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations throughout the world, in October 2007.
  40. Invited to give presentation on food security at the American Samoa Food Security Summit in Pago Pago in February 2009.
  41. Invited by Rajasthan University in India to speak on Swaraj against Hunger in Kota on July 27, 2009 and Jaipur on July 28, 2009.
  42. Invited to speak on Swaraj Against Hunger on August 2, 2009 to Global Conference on Meeting Nutritional Challenges with Sustainability and Equity in New Delhi, India.
  43. Invited to speak on The Hunger Holocaust as the Harry James Cargas Human Rights Memorial Lecture for conference on The Human Right to Food and Water at Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri, February 12-13, 2010,
  44. Invited to speak on Global Hunger to Hawaii District Mission Festival of United Methodist Church in Honolulu on March 13, 2010.
  45. Invited to speak on “Making the Global Local” at Pacific Rim International Forum on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities, April 10, 2010.
  46. Invited to give plenary presentation on Ending Hunger Worldwide at conference of International Peace Research Association in Sydney, Australia, July 2010. Video excerpt at
  47. Member, Board of Directors, International Peace Research Foundation (July 2011 - ). Member of IPRAF Development Committee (2012 - ).
  48. Invited to speak on “Building Nutritional Self-reliance” at International Symposium on Food and Nutrition-based Approaches for Improving Diets and Raising Levels of Nutrition,” at headquarters of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy, December 7-9, 2010.
  49. Invited to speak on “Ending Hunger Worldwide” by FAO’s Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition, December 10, 2010. Report at
  50. Interviewed in film, “Growing the Future: Farm to School in Hawaii.” 2011.
  51. Presented online lecture on “Regulating Infant Formula” through the Global Online Lactation Discussion, GOLD on April 29, 2011. Recording may be accessed at
  52. Keynote Speaker, 12th Annual UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights Conference on Food Security and Human Rights, University of Connecticut, October 18, 2011.
  53. Presented video lecture on Ending Hunger Worldwide for United Nations University’s Asia Pacific Initiative on November 3, 2011.
  54. Recognized in Saybrook University blog, “Saybrook Professor George Kent publishes 2 new books.”
  55. Recognized in Saybrook University blog, “Saybrook Professor George Kent lectures widely on human rights.”
  56. Ending Hunger Worldwide book featuredin Ending Hunger program of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. February 2012. (
  57. Interviewed on Hawai'i's Food Future: Model for the World (?) for Hawai‘i Public Radio. March 2013.
  58. Invited by United Nations Institute for Training and Research to serve as a resource person in a training workshop on Food and Nutrition Security in Jeju, South Korea, March 20-22, 2013.
  59. CIFAL Jeju interviews Prof. George Kent on food security in Asia for new training series. February 2013.
  60. Invited to serve as keynote speaker at Nutrition Research Symposium at University of Alberta, Canada on April 3, 2013.
  61. Invited to give the inaugural Dr. R. O. Ball Award Lecture on Controversies in Food and Agriculture at University of Alberta, Canada on April 4, 2013.
  62. Invited to speak on Food Security at the Asia-Pacific Region for the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Fort DeRussy, Hawai'i. June 5, 2013.
  63. Invited to participate in Strategy Planning Workshop of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition, December 12-13, 2013.
  64. Invited to serve as Convenor on Infant and Young Child Feeding for the journal, World Nutrition, December 2014.
  65. Invited by Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust to give talks in several cities in India (Mumbai, Pune, Lonaval, Ahmedabad, Udaipur, New Delhi, Vrindavan) in February-March 2015.
  66. Invited participant in meeting onIntroducing the Right to Food in University Curricula in Berlin, sponsored by the Heinrich-Böll Foundation, May 2015.
  67. Presented lectures on Caring About Hunger in Canberra and Sydney, Australia, February 2016. See report on Sydney event at