Names of Group Members (Only provide these names if your instructor requires you to complete this assignment in groups):

1. Jessica Flint

2. Lisa Herron

3. Tanya Hutkowski

4. Antonio Babun

5. Judith Ann Franco


Using the data set provided, answer the following questions. Please place your answers in appropriate locations in the table below. You do not need to submit the spreadsheet itself. Save this document as<lastname_data_interp.doc>.

Review the supplied data sheet before attempting to answer the questions for this assignment. As you review, identify the strengths and weaknesses of both students and individual test items. Look at overall class performance. Identify any outliers that may exist. After reviewing the data, please answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

  1. For which overall component of the Unit is the class average (%) the highest?
/ Teamwork performance
  1. Based on the data in the gradebook, how would you describe the class’ performance with respect to Content Mastery?
  2. Consider content mastery scores on both the Multimedia Portfolio and the Quiz
  3. List recommendations in bullets
/ a. Based on the data in the gradebook, the students seem to have mastered the material. The multiple choice grades were naturally higher because the students had the opportunity to guess. The essay portion was lower because some of the students were unable to explain the concepts learned.
- The multiple-choice portion of the test may be too easy, or the answers may very obvious.
- The groups are homogeneous. The placement of students in each group may have not been conducive to learning the material.
- The students need more practice expressing the information learned in an essay format.
  1. What are your key observations about Group 5’s performance on the Multimedia Portfolio? (bullet list)
/ Based on the scores for Group 5:
-The students worked well as a team.
-The students had good technology skills.
-The students have not mastered the content. This shows in their content and mastery of understanding score and their quiz grades.
-The scores are all the same (with the exception of the quiz grades). The grades make it hard to distinguish which student mastered the material and which student didn’t (if any).
  1. Identify two of the lowest performing students in the class. For each:
  2. Name the student
  3. Review their assessment data
  4. Briefly list your recommendations for addressing their performance difficulties. (bullet list)
  1. Mark and Sue
-Mark scored poorly in the Teamwork category but highly in the other areas
-Sue scored poorly in every area except for Design Mastery
-Mark clearly has a problem working in a group. He may need some counseling. (Perhaps he is autistic?)
-Sue is a below average student who have been placed in a group that wasn’t able to help her understand the content. She may need extra one on one attention to master the concepts.
-Sue had a higher essay score than multiple-choice score. This indicates that Sue has mastered some of the content but may need additional help taking multiple-choice tests.
  1. Review class and individual performance on the Multiple Choice and Essay components of the Quizzes. What conclusions can you draw about performance on this quiz? (bullet list)
/ -The multiple-choice scores are significantly higher than the essay scores for most students. This indicates that the multiple-choice portion of the test may be too easy, or the answers may very obvious.
-The essay portion is lower indicating the students need more practice expression their knowledge in essay format.
-Frank and David scored a 19, 20 on the MC and an 11, 12 on the essay. These boys must either be good guessers, or needs significant help in the essay department.
-Ronnette scored poorly in both categories. She did not master the material.
-Sue and Wanda were the exceptions. They scored higher on the essay than the MC. This means they did not understand the MC format or need additional help taking MC type assessments.
  1. Based on your conclusions, what are the three most important recommendations you can make to adjust instructional practice for this topic? (bullet list)
/ -The teacher should place high level and low level students together when forming the groups.
-The multimedia rubric needs to be revised so the grade reflects student understanding of concepts.
-The weights of each portion need to be adjusted to reflect student understanding. The test grade should have a higher weight.
-The students need additional help taking essay type assessments.