Submit your report via email to and post a copy to the Committee webpage on the website.

CASFAA Committee Report

Executive Council Meeting Date / June 13-14, 2010
Executive Council Meeting Location / Hampton Inn – San Diego

Committee Information

Committee Name / Federal Issues Committee
Chair(s) (contact information) / Beryl Schantz
Committee Members (place an * by first-time volunteers) / Yvonne Gutierrez
Lynne Fox
Maureen Mason-Muyco
Melissa Moser
Kentiner David
Lindsay Crowell
Susan Murphy
Kevin Hoover
Sunshine Garcia
Ken Walsh
Natasha Kobrinsky

Committee Goals

Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)
Goal 1: Provide consistently high quality training and professional development opportunities that meet the needs of our diverse membership base
Goal 2: Play a leadership role in public policy at the state and federal levels / X
Goal 3: Increase membership and encourage balanced representation and support for all segments by CASFAA / X
Goal 4: Maintain and strengthen the fiscal stability of the Association / X
Goal 5: Provide opportunities for all interested members to participate actively in CASFAA activities and to serve in a leadership capacity within the Association / X
Goal 6: Provide members and other constituents with relevant, timely information about Association activities and other financial aid issues / X
Goal 7: Enhance and institutionalize effective governance and planning systems

Summary of Activities

Summary of Activities (provide a description of how your activities to date are meeting your goals)
Goal 2
Play a role in public policy at the federal level.
On March 8, 2010 we sent a letter to various Congress Members expressing our concern for the short transition timeframe to the Direct Loan program and the stress it would cause some of California’s schools and students.
We encouraged Congress to provide a temporary solution for schools thatare UNABLE to make the transition to DL prior to July 1, 2010 and provided two possible options for these schools to use.
Additionally, we expressed our concern that services previously provided by guarantors are not identified in the SAFRA legislation. We recommend amending the legislation to include provisions for select guaranty agencies to assist the Department of Education in providing support to schools Summary of Activities (continued)
and student borrowers in areas including
  • Loan education workshops (entrance, exit, financial literacy)
  • Development of financial literacy and debt management materials
  • Delinquency aversion and loan rehabilitation counseling
  • Successful loan repayment
Since this time federal issues that we could comment on were fairly quiet. I believe this is due to the preparation by the Department of the NPRM that is due in either June or July. This Notice is a result of the latest round of Negotiations that took place this past winter/spring.
Goal 3
The FIC has membership representing all segments of CASFAA and provides a vehicle for voicing support of the membership to Congress and the Department.
Goal 4
This Committee meets either by phone or email to accomplish our goals saving the Association money in meals, travel and lodging.
Goal 5
The FIC is interested in having any member who is interested in financial aid topics at the federal level participate actively on the Committee and encourage individuals to take leadership in developing the Association’s communications at this level.
Goal 6
We strive to provide members with relevant, timely information about Association’s federal activities on financial aid issues by using ‘Blasts’ and articles in the Newsletter.

Budget Information

Approved Budget / $
Budget Expenditures to Date / TOTAL = $0
Event Information (complete if applicable per location)
Event Name N/A
Number / Cost of Registration / Subtotal
Complimentary Registrations (if applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events. Include a summary of evaluations for each location.

Suggestions for Future Committee

Should your committee’s event be continued?
YES, with an additional coordinator

Calendar of Events/Timelines

Date / Committee Member Responsible (if applicable) / Description