7th Grade Advanced Language Arts Syllabus

Advanced English Language Arts

Sonoran Foothills School

Syllabus 2016-2017

Teacher: Mrs. Mary Crouch E-mail:

Room:506 Voice Mail: (623)445-8473

Prep:1st Period Website:

Course Description

7th Grade Language Arts is designed for proficient, adolescent readers and writers, and involves reflecting on and responding to challenging, quality literature and authentic documents that correspond with students’ intellectual abilities. Students will be challenged and encouraged to think in new ways in order to broaden perspectives and to create a learning environment that constantly encourages students to enhance their critical thinking skills in relation to Language Arts. Students will be expected to read at least two examples of classical literature each semester from a recommended reading list.This course is aligned with the Common Core standards.

Course Objectives

Through integrated thematic units of study based on anEssential Question, students will be able to:

Effectively access and use information from reading in order to determine central ideas and themes or make connections to ideas between texts, considering a wide range of textural evidence

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Use critical thinking and creativity to solve problems as well as express and listen carefully to ideaswhile integrating and evaluating information (higher level thinking, varying points of view)


Text Book:Collections (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Online ResourcesStudents can, and are encouraged to access my.hrw.com from home, for additional practice. Passwords will be given out by teacher.

Required Supplies:

7th Grade Advanced Language Arts Syllabus

-loose leaf paper (college ruled)



-pocket folder

-Composition notebook

-pens (black/blue -ONLY)

-colored markers

7th Grade Advanced Language Arts Syllabus


The PowerSchools site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades, attendance, and other information. Progress reports are available on PowerSchools; please check weekly!Parents/Guardians who do not have a login code for their child can get one at the front office. Photo identification will be required to receive your password.

The web address is:

Grading Policy

Standards-based grading practices will be used to indicate academic performance solely related to the

7th Grade English Language Arts Common Core Standards. The goal of this class is to demonstrate mastery in English Language Arts by scoring a minimum of 70% on weekly assessments of learning.

Student Expectations

PowerSchools must be checked weekly.

English Language Arts is a rigorous course. As such, students are expected to work to the best of their ability to complete all assignments for class. All assignments will aide in demonstrating mastery. Students need to be motivated to put forth the effort required in order to complete such assignments; doing so will allow for students to spend more time engaging in critical and analytical discussions during class.

Make Up Policy

If a student falls below 70% on a weekly assessment, they must do the following:

Step 1: Check scores on PowerSchools weekly to check for grades below 70%

Step 2: Start a make-up contract, attach failed assignment, and turn in to teacher

Step 3: Complete assigned intervention and attach to completed make up contract

Step 4: Retake assessment

Timeframes for steps 1-4 are at teacher’s discretion

Quarterly performance tasks (finals)will be given and are not able to be retaken.

Additionally, students are expected to complete daily formative or practice assignments to reinforce skills and concepts learned in class, but will not always be factored into a student’s final grade. There will be no opportunities for extra credit.

Category Percentages

Formative 0% A90-100%



Reading Informational Text 25%D60-69%

Reading Literature25%F50-59%

Language 20% Incomplete49%

Missing 0%

Teacher Tutoring Times or Extra Opportunity

Teachers are available for extensions of learning. Please see teacher for availability.


Please contact the teacher for any student concerns. It is crucial that teachers, parents, and students maintain open lines of communication. Contact information is provided at the top of this page. Please refer to my website for all information needed for this course.

I look forward to working with you and your child. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


I have enclosed a letter for parents to fill out. I would love to know more about your child, and anything you feel I should know is greatly appreciated. I want to be able to support your child. I have also included some lines for your contact information, which will help me make positive contacts with you. Current email addresses are best!!!


What I want you to know most about my child’s performance in Language Arts is……




My contact information is:

Email ______

(this is the easiest way for me to contact you!)

Parent Name ______

Home Phone ______

Cell Phone ______

Student name______

Parent Name: ______


Parent Signature______

***********Please return this paper by Friday, August 12, 2016. ***************

Tutoring Permission Slip

As stated earlier, students will need to attend tutoring if they do not show mastery of content, or if they have a grade below 70%. Tutoring will also be an opportunity to extend/remediate learning.

______I will allow my student to attend after school tutoring. My child will get home by…

______walking ______parent pickup

______I will not allow my student to attend after school tutoring.

Student name______

Parent Signature______


Movie/Video Clips Permission Slip

During the school year DVMS teachers may show movies or video clips rated PG and PG-13. We would like your permission for your child to be able to watch these.

Please check two of the following, thank-you!

______I will allow my student to watch PG rated movies.

______I will not allow my student to watch PG rated movies

______I will allow my student to watch PG-13 rated movies.

______I will not allow my student to watch PG-13 rated movies.

Student name______

Parent Signature______

***********Please return this paper by Friday, August 12, 2016. ***************