CPS – Career Planning for Success

To receive Advisor Training credit for Advisor Awards, please answer the ten questions.

After completion, save the file as your name; then attach the file in an email to

Kimberly Benoit at .

  1. The Career Counseling Center and Career Services both help students with Career planning. Which Center would “Offer Help with Major Decisions?
  1. The Academic Success Center
  2. Career Services
  3. The Career Counseling Center
  4. The Learning Center
  1. Who are customers of Career Services?
  1. Students and Alumni
  2. Faculty and Staff
  3. Employers
  4. All of the above
  1. Which of these tests is not presently being offered at the Career Counseling Center?
  1. Choices by Bridges
  2. The Campbell Interest and Skill Survey
  3. SIGI 3 by Valpar
  4. FOCUS 2 by Career Dimensions
  1. Which of these resources on the Career Services website offers students short videos to help improve their job search?

a.  CollegRecruiter.com

b.  Career Services Online

c.  OptimalResume.com

d.  CareerSpots.com

  1. Which of these is not a step to a good Career Plan?
  1. Study Skills
  2. Self-Assessment
  3. Research and Exploration
  4. Career Planning
  1. Which would be a benefit of a CO-OP position?
  1. Earn 30 semester hours
  2. Retain full time student status while learning and earning
  3. Obtain degree sooner
  4. Free on campus parking when they return
  1. On average, today’s college student can change their major up to how many tiem over the course of their college career?
  1. 7 times
  2. 20 times
  3. 3 times
  4. 0 times
  1. Which is not a workshop or event offered by Career Services?
  1. Employer Panels
  2. Dining Etiquette Dinners
  3. Time Management Workshops
  4. Mock Interviews
  1. If you were sending students for career testing, where would you send them?
  1. Foster Hall
  2. The Conference Center
  3. Lee Hall
  4. Martin Hall
  1. If students wanted to search for a job, where would they go?
  1. Lee Hall
  2. The Conference Center
  3. Hamilton Hall
  4. Lee Hall

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