Regular Meeting

February 9, 2015

Call to order

The meeting was called to order on Monday, February 9, 2015 by Mr. Sal Aloe at 5:05pm.

Roll Call

Present: Absent:

Mr. Rob Sacco Mr. Jerry Fleeson

Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen

Mrs. Marta Karwoski

Mr. Sal Aloe

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to Adopt Agenda

A motion was made by Dr. Rossi-Keen to adopt the agenda. Mrs. Karwoski seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Public Comment None

Approval and Signing of Minutes

Mr. Sacco motioned to approve the January 2, 2015 minutes and Mr. Aloe seconded the motion. It was passed with a unanimous decision.

CEO’s Report

Ms. Bensink reported that the school celebrated our 100th school day with activities and children dressing up like centenarians or characters from 100 years ago. The students and teachers had a wonderful day.

The faculty also attended a “meet and greet” hosted by the Sisters of St. Joseph staff. It was a very enjoyable day and we had almost the entire staff attend. We learned a great deal about the sister’s history.

The PTP just hosted a valentine social on February 7th; the students had a wonderful time.

Mrs. Ray informed the board that we received a $13,700 grant for an afterschool tutoring program, Ready to Learn. She has asked teachers if they would like to stay after to tutor students that needed it, they will receive a $25/hr stipend. The only drawback is that some of the students who really need it will not be able to attend because they won’t have a way home.

Mr. Swartzmiller explained 2 issues the school is facing with the activities building next year. He and Ms. Bensink met with the leadership team with our appraisal of the activities building, and presented them the offer of the appraisal to purchase activities building, which was $486,000. Because of the law we cannot legally pay more than Fair Market Value. The sisters said that their initial appraisal was $750,000 that they received in 2010, and they asked for $650,000.00. Mr. Swartzmiller asked the sisters to give us a copy of the appraisal; however, they didn’t have it readily available. They said it would take 3 weeks. So another option is that we could offer to lease to own it at $70,000 per year. Mr. Aloe suggested that we vote on allowing Mrs. Bensink and Mr. Swartzmiller to negotiate the right contract.

Mrs. Bensink introduced the 3 teachers at meeting. Anna Wagenhofer, 3rd grade, Raechelle Boy, 1st grade, and Dana DiBasilio, 4th grade, were observing a board meeting for their induction program that all new teachers must participate in.

Mr. Steve Catanzarite, former CEO and one of the founders of our school spoke to the board about a National Advisory Panel. In our charter application we have a piece called the National Advisory Panel. This panel is in place to make sure that the school retains its mission of an arts integrated school, and to stay in compliance with its charter. We asked the panel for the first 2 years not to engage the school too much because there is enough going on to start a school. We would now like to engage the panel and have them visit in May. We can have them come in for a day and do a presentation and then have a visit and then get their feedback. We would like to communicate with them before their visit and then after their visit to see how we are doing, particularly with arts integration. It would be good to have a “theme” connected to this visitation and Mr. Catanzarite suggested it would be about teaching. He also asked to have a board member or two to join him and Mrs. Bensink on the committee to organize this upcoming visitation. Mr. Catanzarite looks forward to working with whoever would like to help out with this.

Correspondence None

Solicitor’s Report None

Financial Report

A motion to approve a – c of the financial report was made by Mrs. Karwoski and Mr. Sacco seconded the motion. The decision was unanimously passed.

a. Recommend that the Board approve the attached financial statements as of January 31, 2015

b. Recommend the Board approve the list of invoices paid in January 2015 totaling $180,457.17 from the General Fund

c. Recommend the Board approve and sign checks for payment

Executive Session

Dr. Rossi-Keen motioned that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss legal and personnel matters, in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law, 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 701. Mr. Aloe seconded and it was passed with unanimous vote.

Mr. Sacco motioned to exit executive session and it was seconded by Mrs. Karwoski and passed with unanimous vote.

Building expansion

Mr. Sacco motioned to amend the agenda and add a motion to approve the option of remodeling the activities building and allowing Mr. Swartzmiller and Mrs. Bensink to negotiate a contract with the sisters. Dr. Rossi-Keen seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Mrs. Karwoski motioned to approve the option of remodeling the activities building and allowing Mr. Swartzmiller and Mrs. Bensink to negotiate a contract with the sisters, whether it be purchasing or leasing. Mr. Aloe seconded it and it was passed unanimously.

Bus Monitor

Mrs. Karwoski motioned that the Board hire a bus monitor for the Ambridge Highland bus and was seconded by Mr. Aloe. This was passed with a unanimous vote.

Copier Contract

Mr. Aloe motioned that the Board approve the copier maintenance supply agreement with Speerhas Business Machines; this was seconded by Mr. Sacco with unanimous approval.


Dr. Rossi-Keen motioned that the board approve the personnel report dated February 9, 2015. Mr. Sacco seconded the motion. The motion was passed with the remaining board members voting in favor.

Board Member Questions & Comments None


Mr. Sacco motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Mr. Aloe and it was approved by all.

Signed by:______

Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen

Board Secretary