At least every three years, every special education student must be reevaluated to determine continued eligibility. This process is referred to as reevaluation and requires several steps:
- Planning for reevaluation; and
- Evaluating the student, if needed; and
- Conducting an eligibility meeting; and
- Reviewing and/or revising the IEP.
The reevaluation process assists in determining the most appropriate services for a student and continued eligibility as a student with a disability under IDEA and Policy 2419. If a student is no longer eligible for services as a student with a disability, the team may consider developing a 504 plan or a modified education plan to support the student as he/she transitions from special education supports to general education services only.
Notice of Eligibility Committee and/or Individualized Education Program Team Meeting
Parent Input for Reevaluations
Reevaluation Determination Plan
Eligibility Committee Report
Eligibility Determination Checklist
Specific Learning Disabilities Team Report
Prior Written Notice of District’s Proposal/Refusal
Meeting Summary
Notice of Individual Evaluation/Reevaluation Request
Psychological Report (if newly completed)
Achievement Testing Report (if newly completed)
Classroom Teacher Report(s)
Any other evaluation information utilized in Eligibility Determination
WVEIS (green) form
***Contact the county office if you need copies of any of the following forms: Parent Input for Reevaluations, Meeting Summary, or WVEIS form.
***For any of the other forms required in this section, copies are available through the WVDE OSP website [ Forms are also available on the Teach IEP site under the RESOURCES tab on the left.
Reevaluation Plan –
1)Case manager or IEP coordinator at the school sendsNotice of Eligibility Committee and/or Individualized Education Program Team Meeting form to parent/guardian. Indicate Plan for Reevaluation as purpose on the form. Additionally, check the box beside Eligibility Committee (EC) Meeting and handwrite beside it If Applicable. This ensures that if the reevaluation determination meeting goes directly to eligibility, the parent has been provided notice of that option. EncloseParent Input for Three Year Re-Evaluationform with the meeting notice to obtain updated information. The meeting to plan for re-evaluation can be held anytime prior to the re-evaluation due date, but must be completed at least two months prior to due date.
2)At the planning meeting, complete the Reevaluation Determination Plan to determine what further information and/or assessments are needed(if any) to plan for services and/or to reestablish eligibility. This is determined by:
- First, look at the previous evaluations (existing information) available in the student’s file. Document the review and summarize the information and evaluations in the first column of the Reevaluation Determination Plan. If an area was previously assessed, put the date of the most recent assessment in the second column.
- Next, document current levels/informationavailable through informal assessments, current formative and summative assessments, parent information for the reevaluation form, and teacher/administrative input on the Reevaluation Determination Plan. This information goes in the third column.
- Typically, the “Existing Data” column is completed prior to the meeting and the “Current Status” is begun prior to the meeting, but may be added to during the meeting. Copies of most recent Westest scores, Writing Assessment scores, Acuity, Dibels, current grades, attendance reports, discipline referrals, etc., should be available at the meeting for discussion and review.
- Discuss all dataand information documented on the Reevaluation Determination Plan to determine if further assessments are needed. Record the decision of YES, NO, or NA for each area.
3)Obtain signatures of team members in attendance at the meeting.
Eligibility -
1)Based on the decisions of the team, one of two scenarios will take place:
- Scenario 1: No further evaluations or information needed – The team may immediately determine eligibility using the following forms:
- Eligibility Committee Report; AND
- Eligibility Determination Checklist OR Specific Learning Disabilities Team Report; AND
- Prior Written Notice; AND
- Meeting Summary
- Scenario 2: Further evaluations or information requested - The team will:
- Obtain permission to evaluate (at the meeting if the parent is present) on the Notice of Individual Evaluation/Reevaluation Request form. On this form, obtain permission to evaluate all areas marked YES on the reevaluation plan.
- Indicate on the bottom of this form the date and person who received the permission at the school.
- Once permission is obtained, send copy of: the reevaluation determination plan; the meeting summary; and the permission to evaluate to the county office ATTN. Kim Scott, in a red interagency envelope, if any evaluations require a school psychologist. Please do this ASAP to ensure adequate time is allowed for evaluations to occur.
- Conduct all evaluations required at the school level.
- An eligibility meeting is scheduled by the county office (Trish). You will receive notice of the date and time that eligibility will be held.
- Conduct the eligibility meeting using the following forms:
- Eligibility Committee Report; AND
- Eligibility Determination Checklist OR Specific Learning Disabilities Team Report; AND
- Prior Written Notice; AND
- Meeting Summary
2)Send a copy of the ENTIRE packet to the county office. Attach a revised WVEIS page to the front of the packet. The WVEIS page will be green.
IEP Reviews and/or Revisions –
The team should review the IEP to determine if any changes are necessary.
1)If no changes or revisions are needed, document this on the meeting summary and the IEP date is not changed .
2)If revisions are made to the IEP, the date on the IEP is changed. A copy of the revised IEP should be sent to the county office with the eligibility packet.
Pleasants County Schools Procedures Handbook - REEVALUATIONSPage 1