Recap of Week Four/Kino CC 101
Catechism of the Catholic Church #232-278: The Father/The Almighty
Catechism of the Catholic Church #279-324: The Creator
Catechism of the Catholic Church #325-354: Heaven and Earth
Name: ______Date: ______/______/______
This handout is meant to help you recall what has been covered in class. Please complete it in class, correct it at home on your own and return it corrected to the instructor at the beginning of the following class. Completing it will go towards your class participation grade.
The Father/The Almighty: CCC #232-278
1. Who are the Three Persons of the Trinity? (CCC #233)
2. Why is ‘Trinity’ the central mystery of the Christian faith and life? (CCC #234)
3. On our own power, could we know God is Trinity? (CCC #237)
4. Who revealed to us that God is ‘Father”? What does it mean to say that God is ‘Father’?
5. What does it mean to say the Son is ‘consubstantial’ with the Father? (CCC #242)
6. Who is the Third Person of the Trinity? When did He begin? (CCC #243-244)
7. Given the Church’s dogma of the Trinity:
- How may Gods are there? (CCC #253)
- Is there real distinction within the Trinity? How? (CCC #254-255)
8. What are the primary works of each person of the Trinity in God’s creation and plan of salvation? Does each Person of the Trinity does this work alone or with the other Persons of the Trinity? (CCC #257-260, 267)
9. What does it mean to say God is ‘omnipotent’? How does God display this? (CCC #268)
10. What puts faith in God’s omnipotence to the test? (CCC #272)
The Creator: CCC #279-324
1. How important is the Church’s catechesis on creation to understanding human and Christian life? Why? (CCC #282)
2. What Scriptural text gives us the foundation of this teaching? (CCC #289)
3. On Whom does the creation of the heavens and earth depend? (CCC #290)
4. Why was the world created? (CCC #293) What purpose does God have for us in His creation? (CCC #294)
5. With regards to creation:
- Does the world need to exist, that is, has it always existed? (CCC #295)
- Does the world exist because of blind faith or chance? (CCC #295)
- What did God use to create the world? (CCC #296)
- Who forced God to create? (CCC #296)
- What does it mean to say there is ‘order’ in creation? (CCC #299)
- Is creation good or evil? Why? (CCC #299)
- Is God present or absent today to his creation? (CCC #300-301)
- Did creation spring forth complete from the hands of God? (CCC #302)
- What is divine providence? (CCC #302) Can we really trust God? (CCC #305)
- Who is called to cooperate with God in carrying out His creation? (CCC #306)
- How does God answer the problem of evil? How pressing is the problem of evil to the Christian message? (CCC #309)
- What are the two different types of evil? What is the difference between them? (CCC #310-311)
6. Who are the angels? What is their purpose? (CCC #329) What makes them different from human beings? (CCC #330)
7. While we are on earth, how do angels help us? (CCC #336)
8. Who/what is the summit of God’s creation? (CCC #343) For who were all the material creatures created? (CCC #353)