Supporting information

Appendix 1: Systematic Search strategy (Pubmed notation)

  1. “Vaccines”[Mesh word (mh)]
  2. "Vaccination” (mh)
  3. “Immunization” (mh)
  4. (((vaccin*) OR immuni*) OR inocul* )))
  5. OR/1- 4
  6. “Vasculitis” (mh)
  7. “Arteritis” (mh)
  8. “Churg-strauss syndrome” (mh)
  9. “Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease” (mh)
  10. “Aortitis” (mh)
  11. “Vasculitis, Central Nervous System” (mh)
  12. “Lupus Vasculitis, Central Nervous System” (mh)
  13. “Rheumatoid Vasculitis” (mh)
  14. “AIDS Arteritis, Central Nervous System” (mh)
  15. “Phlebitis” (mh)
  16. “Retinal Vasculitis” (mh)
  17. ((((((((((((((((sarcoid vasculit*) OR vasculit*) OR arterit*) OR schoen*) OR churg-strauss*) OR angiitis*) OR wegener*) OR cryoglobuli*) OR hypocomplemente*) OR polyarterit*) OR kawasaki*) OR anti-glomerul*) OR behcet*) OR cogan*) OR giant cell*) OR takayasu*) OR aortit*
  18. OR/6- 17
  19. 5 AND 18

Table S1: Summary of the literature review (n=75)

Author / Year / Type of vasculitis / Study type / Title / Journal / Vaccine type / Association yes/no/possible according to author / Age range or mean / No of reported cases / Country / Skin biopsy for histological evaluation/confirmation
Abrams et al / 2012 / KD / Observational study / Childhood vaccines and Kawasaki disease, Vaccine Safety Datalink, 1996-2006. / Vaccine / General vaccination / Possible / average of 2.3 years / 1,721,186 children / USA / no
Bani-Sadr et al / 1996 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis / Case report / Vasculitis related to hepatitis A vaccination. / Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America / HAV / yes / healthy 24-year-old man / 1 / France / yes
Barbaud et al / 2013 / Vasculitides / Review / Hypersensitivity and vaccines: an update / European journal of dermatology: EJD / General Vaccination / yes / children / not specified / France / no
Begier et al / 2004 / PAN / Case series / Polyarteritis nodosa reports to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS): implications for assessment of suspected vaccine-provoked vasculitis. / The Journal of rheumatology / HBV / Possible / 18-64 yr old / 10 / USA / yes
Bellet et al / 2005 / Cutaneous vasculitis / Review / Skin complications of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunization. / Current opinion in infectious diseases / BCG / yes / < 5 yr old / 9 / USA / no
Birck et al / 2009 / AAV / Case series / ANCA-associated vasculitis following influenza vaccination: causal association or mere coincidence? / Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases / Influenza vaccination / Possible / mean age 55 yr old / 4 / Germany / yes
Catania et al / 2010 / Vasculitides / Case report / Vasculitis in a boy with ESRD following influenza vaccination / Vaccine / Influenza vaccination / possible / 16-year-old boy. / 1 / Italy / no
Chater et al / 2010 / Reumathoid Vasc. / Case report / Suspicion of rheumatoid purpura post influenza vaccination (H1N1) complicated by acute intussusception in a child of four years / The Pan African Medical Journal / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 4 year old / 1 / France / no
Chaudhari et al / 2012 / Urticarial vasculitis / Case report / Urticarial vasculitis secondary to HPV vaccination in a 13-year-old girl / Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology / HPV / Possible / 13-year-old female / 1 / USA / yes
Chave et al / 2003 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schönlein purpura following hepatitis B vaccination / The Journal of dermatological treatment / HBV / yes / 28-year-old / 1 / UK / yes
Chen et al / 2014 / Panuveitis / Case report / Panuveitis following administration of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine / Tzu Chi Medical Journal / HPV / yes / 27-year-old female / 1 / Taiwan / yes
Courtney et al / 2001 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schönlein purpura following meningitis C vaccination / Rheumatology (Oxford) / Meningococcal vaccination / Possible / 17-yr-old female. / 1 / UK / yes
De Carvalho et al / 2008 / PAN / Review / Systemic polyarteritis nodosa following hepatitis B vaccination / European journal of internal medicine / HBV / Possible / 14-year-old boy / 1 / Brazil/Israel / no
Drucker et al / 1997 / Lymphocytic vasculitis / Case report / Lymphocytic vasculitis presenting as diffuse subcutaneous edema after hepatitis B virus vaccine. / Journal of Clinical Rheumatology / HBV / no / 26-year-old female / 1 / USA / no
Duggal et al / 2013 / AAV / Case series / Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody vasculitis associated with influenza vaccination / American journal of nephrology / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 75-year-old and 50-year-old / 2 / USA / yes
Durand et al / 1998 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis was associated with
cryoglobulinemia / Case report / Cryoglobulinemia after intravesical administration of Bacille Calmette-Guérin. / Clinical Infectious Diseases / BCG / Possible / 51-year-old man / 1 / France / no
Famularo et al / 2006 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis / Case report / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis after influenza vaccination. / J Clin Rheumatol / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 71-year-old man / 1 / Italy / yes
Fox et al / 1998 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis / Case report / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis after pneumococcal vaccination / American journal of infection control / Influenza vaccination / possible / 57-year-old man / 1 / USA / yes
Gatto et al / 2013 / SLE / Case series / Human papillomavirus vaccine and systemic lupus erythematosus / Clinical Rheumatology / HPV / Possible / from 13 to 32 yr old / 6 / Italy / yes
Ghattaura et al / 2009 / Cutaneous vasculitis / Case report / A case of extensive ulcerating vasculitis following a BCG vaccination / Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery / BCG / yes / 12-year-old girl / 1 / UK / yes
Gil et al / 2011 / GPA / Case report / Systemic vasculitis: a dual diagnosis? / BMJ Case Rep. / HBV / possible / 25-year-old male / 1 / UK / yes
Goodman et al / 2010 / HSP / Retrospective study / Henoch-Schölein purpura and polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine. / Pediatrics / Meningococcal vaccination / no / population 16 to 20 years of age / > 49 000 vaccinations / USA / yes
Granel et al / 2004 / Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis / Case report / Cryoglobulinemia vasculitis following intravesical instillations of bacillus Calmette-Guerin / Clinical and experimental rheumatology / BCG / Possible / 80-year-old man / 1 / France / yes
Hehn et al / 2003 / Cutaneous Vasc. and SLE / Review / Influenza vaccination and skin disease--coincidence or causal association? / JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology / Influenza vaccination / possible / 5 - 92 year old / 29 / Germany / no
Holvast et al / 2009 / GPA / Randomized controlled trial / Wegener's granulomatosis patients show an adequate antibody response to influenza vaccination / Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases / Influenza vaccination / not specified / mean 60 years vs 52 years / Vaccinated WG patients
n = 49
Non-vaccinated WG patients
n = 23 / Netherlands / no
Hua et al / 2009 / KD / Review / Kawasaki disease after vaccination: reports to the vaccine adverse event reporting system 1990-2007. / The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal / Rotavirus vaccination / possible / < 5 years old / 97 / USA / no
Hughes et al / 2010 / Urticarial Vasculitis / Case report / Urticarial Vasculitis Secondary to H1N1 Vaccination / Acta Dermato-Venereologica / Influenza vaccination / not specified / 21-year-old woman / 1 / France / yes
Hull et al / 2004 / Involvement of skin and peripheral nerves / Case report / Severe vasculitic neuropathy following influenza vaccination. / Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 72 year old woman / 1 / UK / yes
Iyngkaran et al / 2003 / Cutaneous vasculitis / Case report / Rheumatoid vasculitis following influenza vaccination. / Rheumatology (Oxford, England) / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 29‐yr‐old female smoker / 1 / Australia / no
Jariwala et al / 2011 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schönlein purpura after hepatitis A vaccination / Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. / HAV / Possible / 22-month-old / 1 / USA / no
Kutlucan et al / 2012 / GN / Case report / Can influenza H1N1 vaccination lead to the membranous glomerulonephritis? / Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 56-year-old man / 1 / Turkey / yes
Lai CC et al / 2013 / KD / Retrospective study / Reaction at the bacillus Calmette--Guérin inoculation site in patients with Kawasaki disease. / Pediatrics and Neonatology / BCG / not specified / before 1 month of age / 145 / Taiwan / no
Lambert et al / 2003 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schonlein purpura following a meningococcal vaccine / Pediatrics / Meningococcal vaccination / yes / 17-year-old girl / 1 / USA / yes
Le Hello et al / 1999 / Cutaneous vasculitis and cerebral vasculitis / Case series / Suspected hepatitis B vaccination related vasculitis. / The Journal of rheumatology / HBV / yes / 16-year-old girl,19-year-old, 16-year-old girl / 3 / France / yes
Lohse et al / 1999 / Vascular purpura and cryoglobulinemia / Case report / Vascular purpura and cryoglobulinemia after influenza vaccination. Case-report and literature review. / Revue du rhumatisme (English ed.) / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 68 year old man / 1 / France / yes
Lorenzoni et al / 2012 / Vasculitic neuropathy / Case report / Vasculitic neuropathy following influenza seasonal vaccination / Arquivos De Neuro-Psiquiatria / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 24-year-old woman / 1 / Brazil / yes
Mathieu et al / 1996 / Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis / Case series / Cryoglobulinemia after hepatitis B vaccination / The New England journal of medicine / HBV / possible / 18-year-old woman and 36-year-old nurse / 2 / France / yes
Melo Gomes et al / 2013 / HSP / Case series / Vasculitis following HPV immunization / Rheumatology (Oxford) / HPV / yes / Case 1, a 15-year-old girl, Case 2 13 years old / 2 / UK / yes
Miron et al / 2003 / KD / Case report / Kawasaki disease in an infant following immunisation with hepatitis B vaccine. / Clinical rheumatology / HBV / Possible / 35-day-old infant / 1 / Israel / no
Molloy et al / 2004 / BD / Case report / An unusual case of Behçet's syndrome: triggered by typhoid vaccination? / Clinical and experimental rheumatology / Typhoid fever vaccination / Possible / 32-year-old woman / 1 / Ireland / yes
Morihara et al / 2011 / SLE / Case report / Systemic lupus erythematosus following vaccination against 2009 influenza A (H1N1) / Lupus / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 77-year-old woman / 1 / Japan / no
Mormile et al / 2004 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schonlein purpura with antiphospholipid antibodies after influenza vaccination: how fearful is it in children? / Vaccine / Influenza vaccination / yes / 5-year-old girl / 1 / Italy / no
Muñiz et al / 2003 / Lymphocytic vasculitis / Case report / Lymphocytic vasculitis associated with the anthrax vaccine: case report and review of anthrax vaccination. / The Journal of emergency medicine / Anthrax vaccination / Possible / healthy 53-year-old male / 1 / USA / yes
Nan et al / 2005 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schönlein purpura after intravesical administration of bacillus Calmette-Guérin / Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases / BCG / possible / 70-y-old male / 1 / Spain / yes
Natalie G Martin and
Matthew D Snape / 2013 / Vasculitides / Review / A multicomponent serogroup B meningococcal vaccine is licensed for use in Europe: what do we know, and what are we yet to learn? / Expert Rev Vaccines. / General vaccination / Possible / adults / not specified / UK / no
Oberle et al / 2010 / KD / Observational study / Vaccination against gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus: Association with Kawasaki disease? / Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde / Rotavirus vaccination / no / 2.5 - 5 months / 4 / Germany / no
Oka et al / 2012 / KD / Case report / Kawasaki disease after diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT)
vaccination: a case report / Pediatrics International / DPT / Possible / infant / 1 / Japan / no
Ortigado et al / 2010 / KD / Case report / Kawasaki disease and H1N1 influenza A virus: a case report / not specified / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 11-month-old boy / 1 / Spain / no
Paranavithana et al / 2003 / KD / Case report / A case of Kawasaki disease with reaction at a DPT vaccination scar site. / The Ceylon medical journal / DPT / Possible / 11-month old boy / 1 / Sri-lanka / no
Park et al / 2011 / HSP / Comment / Henoch-Schonlein purpura after hepatitis a vaccination: the role of interleukin 10? / Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol / HAV / Possible / not specified / not specified / Korea / no
Perez et al / 2000 / GCA / Case report / Giant cell arteritis after influenza vaccination / Archives of internal medicine / Influenza vaccination / Possible / healthy 76-year-old woman / 1 / Spain / yes
Pimentel et al / 2011 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schönlein purpura following influenza A H1N1 vaccination / Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 39-year-old female / 1 / Brasil / yes
Po-Yu Liu et al / 2010 / Cutaneous vasculitis / Case report / Cutaneous vasculitis following influenza vaccination / Intern. Med. / Influenza vaccination / not specified / 17-year-old girl / 1 / Taiwan / yes
Schmöeller et al / 2009 / KD / Case report / Yellow fever vaccination and Kawasaki disease / Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. / Yellow fever vaccination / Possible / 12 years old / 1 / Brazil / no
Sedaghat et al / 2007 / Cutaneous vasculitis / Case report / Panuveitis and dermal vasculitis following MMR vaccination. / East Mediterr Health J / MMR / Possible / 17-year-old girl / 1 / Iran / yes
Seo et al / 2012 / KD / Randomized controlled trial / Diagnosis of incomplete kawasaki disease in infants based on an inflammation at the bacille calmette-guérin inoculation site / Korean Circulation Journal / BCG / not specified / infants at the time of admission / 83 / Korea / no
Sexton et al / 2009 / HSP / Observational study / Henoch-Schönlein purpura and meningococcal B vaccination / Archives of disease in childhood / Meningococcal vaccination / possible / aged 6 weeks to under
10 years old / not specified / New Zealand / no
Soldevilla et al / 2010 / SLE / Case series / Systemic lupus erythematosus following HPV vaccination in two Filipinos / International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases / HPV / Possible / 45 year old, 17 year old female / 2 / Philippines / yes
Soldevilla et al / 2012 / SLE / Case series / Systemic lupus erythematosus following HPV immunization or infection? / Lupus / HPV / Possible / 17, 45,58-
year-old / 3 / Philippines / yes
Soriano et al / 2012 / GCA / Review / Giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica after influenza vaccination: report of 10 cases and review of the literature. / Lupus / Influenza vaccination / possible / 64
and 80 years, with a median of 73.5. / 95 / Italy / yes
Soriano et al / 2012 / GCA / Comment / Giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica after influenza vaccination: comparing different experiences. / Journal of Dermatology / Influenza vaccination / possible / 70-year-old woman / 1 / Italy / no
Spaetgens et al / 2009 / AAV / Case report / Influenza vaccination in ANCA-associated vasculitis / Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. / Influenza vaccination / possible / 25 year old / 1 / Netherlands / yes
Stassen et al / 2008 / AAV / Retrospective study / Influenza vaccination does not result in an increase in relapses in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis. / Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation / Influenza vaccination / Possible / mean age 52 (14–86) / 230 / Netherlands / no
Tavadia et al / 2003 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis / Case series / Leucocytoclastic vasculitis and influenza vaccination. / Clinical and experimental dermatology / Influenza vaccination / possible / mean age 75 yr old / 4 / UK / yes
Ulm et al / 2006 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis / Case report / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis and acute renal failure after influenza vaccination in an elderly patient with myelodysplastic syndrome. / Onkologie / Influenza vaccination / yes / 70-year-old male / 1 / Germany / yes
Urso et al / 2011 / HSP / Case report / Pandemic 2009 H1N1 virus infection associated with purpuric skin lesions: A case report / Journal of Medical Case Reports / Pandemic influenza vaccination / yes / 23-year-old Caucasian woman / 1 / Italy / no
Vanoli et al / 1998 / CSS / Case report / A case of Churg-Strauss vasculitis after hepatitis B vaccination / Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases / HBV / possible / 20 years old / 1 / Italy / yes
Ventura et al / 2009 / PAN / Case report / Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa in a child following hepatitis B vaccination / European journal of dermatology: EJD / HBV / Possible / 11-year-old boy / 1 / Portugal / yes
Wada et al / 2011 / GCA / Case report / Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica associated with influenza vaccination. / The Journal of Dermatology / Influenza vaccination / possible / healthy 70-year-old woman / 1 / Japan / yes
Wada et al / 2008 / Peripheral neuropathy vasculitis / Case report / Hepatitis B virus-related vasculitis manifesting as severe peripheral neuropathy following influenza vaccination. / Clinical neurology and neurosurgery / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 68-year-old man / 1 / Japan / yes
Walker et al / 2004 / Leukocytoclastic vasculitis / Case report / Leucocytoclastic vasculitis and influenza immunization. / Clinical and experimental dermatology / Influenza vaccination / possible / 64-year-old woman / 1 / UK / yes
Watanabe et al / 2001 / HSP / Case report / Henoch-Schonlein purpura with antiphospholipid antibodies following an influenza vaccination. / Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany) / Influenza vaccination / yes / 5-year-old Japanese boy / 1 / Japan / no
Yanai-Berar et al / 2002 / GN / Case report / Influenza vaccination induced leukocytoclastic vasculitis and pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis. / Clinical nephrology / Influenza vaccination / Possible / 63-year old man / 1 / Israel / yes
Zaas et al / 2001 / Takayasu arteritis / Case series / Large artery vasculitis following recombinant hepatitis B vaccination: 2 cases. / The Journal of rheumatology / HBV / Possible / 19-year-old, 61-year-old normotensive woman / 2 / USA / yes
Zafrir et al / 2009 / Vasculitides / Comment / Post-Influenza Vaccination Vasculitides / Journal of Clinical Rheumatology: Practical Reports on Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Diseases / Influenza vaccination / possible / not specified / not specified / Israel / no


Systematic literature review of vasculitis as an AEFI