5241 N. Maple, M/S TA 43

Fresno, California 93740-8027

Office of the Academic Senate

Ext. 8-2743

Sept 6, 2012

Members Present:M. Caldwell,V. Hernandez,N.P. Mahalik, A. Radford, M. Rawat (Chair), Y. Takahashi

Member Absent: A. Cowgill


The meeting was called to order by Chair Rawat at8:05 a.m. in Thomas #117.

1.Minutes.MSC to approve the Minutes of 8/30/12 with the following amendments.

2.Agenda.MSC to approve the Agenda amended to show:

4.Addition of the impact of new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) onAPM 322a.

3.Communications and Announcements.

  1. Memo regarding APM 327
  2. New Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) ratified by faculty members
  1. Impact of new CBA on APM 322

In the new CBA, every class for every faculty member must be evaluated (Article 15) which differs from APM 322a. APM 322a specifies that each faculty member shall have a minimum of two sections rated by students annually. The Personnel Committee recommends that the Campus Senate retain the current APM322a as evaluating each course will result in a significant increase in workload and expense. In addition, APM 322a indicates that the ratings for each course should not be considered individually but rather as part of a trend. Thus, obtaining student ratings for each course will not improve evaluation of teaching effectiveness.

  1. APM 320

Review of APM 320 was competed. Chair Rawat will send a memo to Executive Committee with amended policy.

  1. APM 309 and APM 309a

APM 309 and APM 309a were reviewed. M. Caldwell suggested that Betsy Mosher, the Deputy Director of Athletics, and Dawn Lewis, FacultyAthletic Advisory Council Representative be contacted regarding amendment to the policy.

Personnel Committee Meeting

September 6, 2012

Page 2

  1. APM 332

Discussion postponed.

Adjourned at 10:55.

Agenda for Sept. 13

  1. Approval of Minutes of Sept. 6, 2012
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Communications and Announcements
  4. Response to letter from ASI President regarding APM 322a to Academic Senate
  5. APM 332