Appendix 4– Standardized measures identified in the studies

Name / Used to assess / Number of studies in which measure was used
Abbreviated Conner’s Teacher Rating Scale / ADHD symptoms in school / 1
ADD-H Comprehensive Teacher’s Rating Scale / ADHD symptoms / 2
ADHD Rating Scale / ADHD symptoms / 7
ADHD Rating Scale (DuPaul) / ADHD symptoms / 1
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale screener / ADHD symptoms / 2
Adult Functioning Interview / Psychosocial adjustment / 3
Aggression and Conduct Problem Scale-Parent Version / Conduct Disorder symptoms and delinquency / 1
Attention Network Test / Attentional networks / 2
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale / Impulsiveness / 1
Beck Anxiety Inventory / Anxiety levels / 2
Beck Depression Inventory / Depressive symptoms / 1
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration / Visual-motor integration / 1
Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult Version / Executive functioning / 1
Birleson Depression Inventory / Depression / 1
Brief Symptom Inventory-Youth Version / Symptomatic psychological distress / 1
California Achievement Test / Reading achievement / 1
Cancel Underline / Inhibitory control and visual discrimination / 1
Child ADHD Teacher Telephone Interview / ADHD symptoms in school / 1
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment / ADHD symptoms / 1
Child Behaviour Checklist/-Teacher Rating Form/-Youth Self Report / Behavioural and emotional problems / 8
Child Health and Illness Profile-Child Edition / Health-related quality of life / 1
Child Health Questionnaire PF-50 / Health-related quality of life / 3
Children’s Attributional Style Questionnaire-Revised / Attributional style / 1
Children’s Checking Test / Sustained attention / 1
Children’s Depression Inventory / Depressive symptoms / 2
Children’s Global Assessment Scale / Global health status / 1
Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale-Revised / Anxiety levels / 1
Clinical Global Impression / Global health status / 2
Columbia Impairment Scale / Global impairment / 3
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale / Cognitive reasoning skills / 1
Conner’s Parent Rating Scale / ADHD symptoms / 2
Conner’s Teacher Rating Scale / ADHD symptoms / 4
Continuous Performance Test / Attention-related problems / 4
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System / Executive functioning / 1
Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude / Mental abilities / 1
Deutscher Mathematiktest-1+ / Mathematical abilities / 1
Deutscher Rechtschreibtest-1/2+ / Spelling abilities / 1
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-IV / Psychological and psychiatric disorders / 4
DISABKIDS-CGM37 / Health-related quality of life / 1
Dishion Social Preference Scale / Peer status / 1
Disruptive Behaviour Disorder Rating Scale / Disruptive behaviour disorder symptoms / 3
Durell Analysis of Reading Difficulty / Reading achievement / 1
Draw-A-Line-Slow / Impulsivity / 1
Driver Anger Scale / Driving-related anger/road rage / 1
Drug Use Inventory / Illegal drug use / 1
Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised / Temperament / 1
Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability Temperament Survey / Temperament / 1
EuroQoL (EQ-5D) / Health-related quality of life / 1
Friendship Qualities Measure / Friendship features / 2
Future Orientation Questionnaire / Future orientation/expectation / 1
Gilmore Oral Reading Test / Reading achievement / 1
Global Assessment of Functioning / Adaptive functioning / 1
Gough Socialization Scale / Social functioning / 1
Gray Oral Reading Test / Oral reading ability / 1
Hahnemann Elementary School Behaviour Rating Scale / Academic performance and achievement / 1
Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children / Five Factor personality / 1
Hillside Behaviour Rating Scale / Medication effects on various behaviours in children with ADHD / 1
Home Hyperactivity Scale / Activity level at home / 1
Homework Problems Checklist / Problems with homework management and completion / 1
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale / Levels of anxiety and depression / 2
Impairment Rating Scale / Impairment in various domains / 1
Kiese-Himmel Vocabulary Test / Language performance / 1
Letter Cancellation Test / Selective attention / 1
Life Events Checklist / Number and impact of life events / 1
Matching Familiar Figures Test-Revised / Impulsivity / 3
Miller Assessment for Pre-schoolers / Developmental delay / 1
Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children / Anxiety symptoms / 2
Munich Observation of Attention Inventory / Students’ attentional behaviour in the classroom / 1
Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale / Locus of control / 1
Peabody Individual Achievement Test / Academic achievement / 1
Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 / Health-related quality of life / 1
Perceived Stress Scale / Perception of stress / 1
Permanent Product Measure of Performance / Effortful performance / 1
Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale / Self-concept / 1
Raven’s Progressive Matrices / Intelligence / 1
Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test / Memory and learning / 1
Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure / Executive functioning / 2
Reynell Developmental Language Scale / Expressive and receptive language skills / 1
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale / Self-esteem / 1
Rutter Questionnaire / Behaviour problems / 1
Safe Driving Behaviour Rating Scale / Driving behaviour and skills / 1
Satisfaction With Life Scale / Global life satisfaction / 1
School Performance Rating Scale / Academic performance / 1
Self-Reported Antisocial Behaviour Questionnaire / Delinquent behaviour / 1
Self-Reported Delinquency Questionnaire / Delinquent behaviour / 1
Sensory Profile / Sensory processing patterns / 1
SNAP-IV rating scale / Symptoms of ADHD and ODD / 2
Social Self-Esteem Inventory / Self-esteem / 1
Social Skills Rating System / Social behaviour and skills / 2
Social Performance Survey Schedule / Social behaviour and skills / 1
Stanford Achievement Test / Academic achievement / 1
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, 4th ed-Short Form / Intelligence / 1
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory / Intensity of dispositional anger dimensions / 1
Stony Brook Child Psychiatric Checklist / Psychiatric disorders / 1
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire / Behavioural and emotional problems / 1
Stroop Colour and Word Test / Distractibility / 3
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders / ADHD symptoms and other lifetime disorders / 1
Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire / Overall adjustment to college / 1
Substance Use Questionnaire / Cigarette smoking, alcohol and marijuana use / 1
Symptom Checklist-90 / Psychological problems and distress / 1
Temperament and Character Inventory Scale / Personality dimensions / 1
Test of Word-Reading Efficiency / Reading proficiency / 1
TOVA-Visual Test / Attention / 2
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales / Adaptive behaviour / 1
Vineland Social Maturity Scale / Social competence / 1
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence / Intelligence / 1
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale / Intelligence / 6
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test / Academic achievement / 3
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children / Intelligence / 5
Wide Range Achievement Test / Academic achievement / 8
Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery / Academic achievement / 1
Würzbürger Leise Leseprobe-Revision / Reading achievement / 1
Young ADHD Questionnaire / ADHD symptoms and emotional and behavioural problems / 1