REGRETS: / Championship Review Committee Meeting
January 16, 2013 9:30 a.m.
Sport Alliance Building-Boardroom 4
Paul Pendakis
Ron Andrews
James Blair
Brian Meindl
Gary Robinson
David Schaffler
Colin Butler
Michael Suraci / CHAIR
1. Welcome / 1. Chair’s Remarks – Paul Pendakis
- Concern regarding if rugby will run this year with the political action and planning for how the rugby program can continue to ensure that students do not lose interest.
- Concern that rugby may be difficult to build back from if it doesn’t happen this year.
- James indicated that Andrew Hall is no longer with Rugby Ontario which is a loss as he was a proponent for high school rugby
- Ron agreed with Paul about the possibility of club rugby adjusting schedules to help capture those students that are interested in continuing playing rugby will have an opportunity without a high school season in place.
2. Adoption of Minutes
/ Adoption of Minutes of the Jan. 6, 2011 minutes
Motion to adopt made by Ron second by Paul
3. Business arising from Minutes / - None.
4. Reports / 2. Reports
a) 2011 Championships
- Dave spoke to the challenges that occurred with one school not bringing waiver forms and then having false parent signatures submitted.
- Discussion to help new coaches with all the paperwork as there is a lot of paperwork required and it can be challenging if you are familiar.
- Ron mentioned placing the waiver, photo release, behavior on one form. Parent signed that they have read it.
b) 2012 Championships
- Ron indicated that he was skeptical about the breakfast banquet but was wrong and felt that it was a better process and prevented coaches from trying to leave early.
- Paul spoke to the AAA/AAAA last year and felt that the tournament went great
- Some weather issues but nothing that could be controlled
- Seeding was done great
- Banquet went great and you can still find banquet costs below the $25
- The A/AA has challenges with banquet numbers and asked whether there should be a cap on the banquet.
- Feeling is that we should not cap the banquet as supervision becomes an issue and we don’t want to short change any of the students for the experience
c) Update on 2013 Championships
- Mike spoke on behalf of Rick Mellor, indicated it will be a similar set-up to the girls championship last year.
- There is a Canadian International Friendly taking place and the schedule has been modified to accommodate teams wanting to attend the match. This includes scheduling the banquet for 3:00pm on day 1.
- Committee approved of these changes and feel the opportunity to attend the match is a rare and positive experience for the students
5. Review of Playing Regulations / a) Any playing regulation changes
- Dave asked about the 90 min time restriction and if it still exists
- Ron indicated that the recommendation is still in place
- Ron asked about a trophy for Boys’ A/AA
- Mike indicated that there was a trophy made last year
- Discussion regarding re-submitting video citing motion and wanting to continue promoting the safety and respect of the game
- Ron indicated that there should be a identified playing enclosure as it becomes difficult to coach along the sidelines with spectators, athletes, etc. in the way.
Motion #1
Playing Regs
Page: Q-3
Section: 9(b) Coaching Zone
Whereas: there has been confusion regarding team personnel being allowed within the playing enclosure.
And whereas: this inconsistency results in frustration by coaches and officials
Be it resolved that: following the paragraph regarding the Coaching Zone in section 9(b) the following be added. “When a playing enclosure exists at the field; a coach, a water person and medical (if applicable) will be permitted within the playing enclosure. One coach must remain with the team outside of the playing enclosure (when it exists) at all times.
Mover: Ron Andrews Seconder: Paul Pendakis
School: Barrie Central School: Saltfleet HS
Association: GBSSA Association: SOSSA
Email: Email:
b) Age requirement of 16 (discussion)
- Paul indicated that there might not be a difference between rugby and hockey as far as contact
- Ron believed that the rule was put in place in the 1990s because there were 20 year olds who were eligible to play. However, with the end of grade 13 we don’t have the older students playing anymore.
- Group would like to see the age reduced to 15 years of age
Playing Regs
Page: Q-3
Section: 8(iii) Eligibility
Whereas: the 16 year old age requirement rule was put in place during a time when grade 13 existed and when students were eligible to return for a 14th year of school.
And Whereas: the elimination of grade 13 has reduced the number of older students participating in rugby
And whereas: reducing the age requirement by 1 year would not be changing the original age range/discrepancy that existed when the rule was put in place (since we have now eliminated the eligibility if older students)
And whereas: restricting the age to 16 or older has reduced the number of eligible players that can participate in rugby, which shortens the available substitutions for smaller schools attending OFSAA.
Be it resolved that: section 8(iii) be adjusted to reflect that the “...the individual’s birth certificate indicates that he has not reached his 19th birthday by January 1st of the year prior to the start of the school year and he is a minimum of 15 years of age minimum age on the starting date of the championship…”
Mover: Brian Meindl Seconder: Gary Robinson
School: Trenton DHS School: Erin DHS
Association: COSSA Association: CWOSSA
Email: Email:
Motion #3
Whereas: Game sheets are now required for all rugby games
And Whereas: to maintain safety there is a need to ensure properly trained players are in specific positions
Be it resolved: That rule 9(e): Game Sheet be added and include the following “The player/game roster sheet provided by the convenor prior to the start of each game must identify 22 players to compete in each game including identification of 5 players who are suitably trained and experienced to play in the front row. During the course of a game, if a team cannot replace a front row player with an identified front row sub from your game sheet then you must play with a 7 man scrum (number 8 removed) that is de-powered with a total of 14 players on the field. If a situation arises in which a 2nd front row player needs to be substituted, the de-powered scrum becomes a total of 6 players with both flankers removed from the field and a player returns to the number 8 position.”
Be it Further resolved that: the last sentence for section 9(d) Roster Limits be removed.
Be it Further Resolved that: section 9(e) Tie Situations become 9(f) and so on and so forth.
Mover: Ron Andrews Seconder: Jamie Hewitt
School: Barrie Central School: Stouffville
Association: GBSSA Association: YRAA
Email: Email:
Playing Regs
Page: Q-4
Section: (f) Suspension
Whereas: There have sometimes been incidents that occur behind the play involving serious foul play such as acts of intent to injure
And Whereas: Officials are focused on the play and may not witness the incident
And Whereas: The SAC would like to ensure mechanisms are put in place to deter this behaviour
Be It Resolved That: (f) ii) Video Citing, be added with the following explanation:
In the event of foul play (red card offenses only), video evidence may be submitted to the competition committee, within 60 minutes of the conclusion of the game. Full game footage must be provided along with a $50.00 fee (refunded if successful). Incidents dealt with by officials on the field may not be submitted for review.
Mover: Ron Andrews Seconder: David Schaffler
School: Barrie Central School: Oakville-Trafalgar
Association: GBSSA Association: GHAC
Email: Email:
6.Three Year Calendar / 2012-2013 A/AA- NCSSAA AAA/AAAA- NCSSAA
- 2013-2014 Both LOSSA
- 2014-2015 both open (GBSAA – A/AA SOSSA – AAA/AAAA)
7. Other Business / a) CS4L – Rugby Ontario
- did not attend
b) Rugby Officials certification – update (Rugby Ontario/Group)
- No update from Rugby Ontario
c) Discussion on ideas if classifications change
- Group felt that should stay as 2 championships
- Will review numbers once it is decides
- possible a/aa and aaa since most rugby occurs at larger schools
d) Cards
- Jamie spoke to the fact that he has seen many more cards occur at OFSAA because the officials are of higher caliber but often the students are not certain why they are getting a card for an action
- Jamie recommends that a memo go out to associations/officials/chief referee that officials should encourage officials at the local levels to not be afraid to hand out cards.
- We want our kids to know the rules and abide by them before getting called for the infraction at OFSAA
- Mike indicated that we have contacts for all the association convenors and we can use to send out
f) Seeding
- Jamie indicated that he has been asked to bring forward concerns about seeding and that some teams involved in the championships.
- recommendation that a document be created to assist seeding committees and that no teams involved in the
8. Adjournment / Motion made by Gary seconded by James Blair
Committee for Girls Activities