Initial Request – Organic Certification

Note: In order to maintain confidentiality, this document will be destroyed if you decide to not proceed with your request.

Please fill-out Sections 1 to 9, as well as section A and/or B. Section A should be completed by processors distributors, as well as packaging operations, traders and brokers. Section B is for producers.
If you are a producer (crop/livestock) and you are also processing products to be certified (example: milling and packaging grain) you must fill-out Section A and B.

*If you require assistance, please contact our office at 855-246-9383 (Quebec, Maritimes) / 306-665-9072 (Ontario, Western provinces) or send an email to

1.  Contact Information

Name of company (or farm)
Person in charge of certification / Title
Postal address
City / Province
Postal Code / Email*
Primary phone number / Fax
2nd phone or cell / Website
2nd Contact person
(if applicable) / Telephone
Address for the location or site to be inspected if different from above postal address:
(example: your mailing address is in town but the location to be inspected is 50km away)

Communication method: to reduce paper waste, for the benefit of our planet and to increase efficiency, Ecocert Canada usually sends documents by email instead of by regular mail. Therefore, it is important to provide us with a valid email address.

2. Description: provide a description of your farm or company’s activities.
(example: growing corn and wheat, milling wheat into flour, processing olive oil, etc.)

3.  Products: which product(s) do you wish to certify? Please list products.
(example: wheat, corn, turtle beans, sheep, milk, cheese, etc.)

- For these products to be certified, you are (or will be) responsible for the following activities:

Production (crop/livestock) Preparation/Processing

Packaging Labelling

Distribution Brokerage


-  Are you conducting both organic and non-organic production at the same site?

Yes No

4.  Marketing

Where do you plan to sell your products?

In my province

In Canada


In Europe

Elsewhere: specify

5.  Trademark(s)

Which trademark will appear on the labels of your products?

Not applicable

Trademark / Trademark owner
Your business Other company
Your business Other company
Your business Other company

6.  Certification History

- Are you currently holding an organic certificate? / Yes* / No
*If yes, please provide the certification body’s name:
- Have you been certified in the last 5 years? / Yes* / No
*If yes, please provide the certification body’s name:
- In the last 5 years, has certification been refused, denied or withdrawn? Yes* No
*If yes, please provide the reasons and the products involved:

7. Subcontracting: using a subcontractor for some of your activities or acting as a subcontractor for another company (example: seed cleaning, trucking, labeling, bottling, screening, etc.)

7.1 Acting as a subcontractor for another company

- Will you be offering organic services to other operators? Yes* No

*If yes, please describe the service:

7.2 Using a subcontractor

- Will you be using the services of a subcontractor for the products you plan to certify as organic? Yes* No

*If yes, please fill-out this section:

Subcontractor name / Subcontractor activities / Certified organic?

8. Certification Document

- Do you wish to receive the following documents in paper instead of electronically? If yes, please indicate which ones: Certificate Decision letter Report

- Do you wish to receive the following documents in French (in addition to the English version)?
If yes, please indicate which ones:

Certificate Decision Letter Report

9. Survey

- How did you hear about us?

Ecocert website

I was referred by:

Other, specify:

Please sign and date this document, and make sure to fill-out section A and/or B on page 4 and 5.
Then return this document by email to:
or by fax at 418-838-9823

Ecocert will then review your request and send out the registration package.

Date / Signature

* * * *

A.  Fill-out this section if you are a processer/packaging company (including distributor, trader or broker)

When do you plan to start the organic production:

- Do the products you wish to certify contain more than 70% organic ingredients? Yes No

(excluding salt and water)

- Do all ingredients in the products to be certified come from Canada? Yes No
(excluding additives and processing aids)

-Will you sell your organic products as a food product only? Yes No*

*If no, please indicate your target product market (example: natural health product, cosmetics, etc.)

* * * *

B. Fill-out this section if you are a producer

- Are the fields you want to certify free from prohibited substances for more than 24 months?
Yes No

- Do you plan to sell organic products originating from other farms? Yes* No

* If yes, please specify:

Name of product / Intended Yearly Volume

- For processed products, do you plan to buy agricultural ingredients from other farms?
Yes* No

* If yes, please specify:

Name of product / Intended Yearly Volume


Internal use only

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Dernière MAJ: 2015-11-03

Ecocert Canada – 510 St-Onesime, Levis, Quebec, Canada, G6V 5Z4

Phone: 418-838-6941 Fax: 418-838-9823