
January 6, 2014

Members present: Mike Barros, Keala Chock, Sterling Foster, Monir Hodges, Karadeen Kam-Kalani, Emily Kukulies, Femar Lee, Billie Lueder, Alapaki Luke, Irene Mesina, Mike Meyer, Lianne Nagao, James Niino, Jim Poole, Marcia Roberts-Deutsch, Bert Shimabukuro, Jeff Stearns, Wayne Sunahara, Russell Uyeno.

Members absent/excused: Gleniss (Ka`iulani) Akamine, Erica Balbag-Gerard, Jon Blumhardt, Douglas Boettner, Kayla Fox, Katy Ho, Elton Ogoso, Kristy Ringor, Jolene Suda, Lara Sugimoto.

Approval of Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the CLT meeting on December 16, 2013, taken by Femar Lee, were approved and will be posted.

Updates and Announcements:

  1. Emily Kukulies said that student ID cards are now being prepared by the Student Life Office; students must have met their financial obligations in order to get the card.
  2. Emily also noted that Student Life will be focusing on healthy lifestyle resolutions (e.g., fitness, nutrition, training for the Great Aloha Run) and will be sponsoring an exercise “boot camp” that will be free for students but for which faculty can opt in for a small fee; a flyer with details is forthcoming.
  3. Welcome Week (2nd week of instruction) will again be sponsored by ASUH-HCC. First week activities are not clear at this time, but Wayne Sunahara will check.
  4. Irene Mesina asked that campus signage be reviewed (e.g., directing students to 72B for classes; other signage identifying specific buildings)
  5. Billie Lueder said that she and the staff of the Design Shop have developed a signage plan that will include:

a)signage how to get to modulars and the new Security office in 72B;

b)signage for new dust barrier near 72B that will enhance the area;

c)additional signage and displays around 72B.

  1. Billie also indicated that the Design Shop is updating campus maps to include the modulars and the blue emergency phones. Wayne suggested they also include handicap access routes. Billie asked that anyone with other recommendations contact her as soon as possible.
  2. Alapaki Luke also said that clear labeling for Fire Exits in 72A and 72B be put up as soon as possible, as that is something that faculty usually go over with students on the first day of class. Irene also asked whether there would be fire extinguishers in the classrooms in 72B.
  3. Lianne Nagano announced that the College Skills Center is now back on the 3rd floor of Building 7, and that the testing services resume on Tuesday, January 7,for COMPASS testing.
  4. Irene asked about when budget information would be shared with the campus. This will be part of the General College Meeting on Friday, January 10.

Construction Updates: Billie indicated that VCAS Doug Boettner will make a presentation on this at the General College Meeting on Friday, January 10. He intends to revive the website page that previously provided these updates so that the campus has better communication about this. Doug will also provide regular updates at the CLT. His plans include a visual timeline with pictures of work in progress.

ITC Update: Mike Meyer thanked his crew, who worked intensively over the holiday break to get equipment installed in the classrooms. They also helped restore IT equipment and services to the 3rd and 4th floors of Building 7, and remove equipment from the 5th and 6th floors.He noted that the 3rd and 4th floors were in process, because he and his crew needed to consult with faculty as to where they wanted things put.

Billie also noted that folks from the Construction Academy deserved major thanks for completing the task of putting up white boards in the classrooms in 72B. Use of the open lobby area in that building is under review, but will likely be used as a quiet study area for students.

Submitted by Marcia Roberts-Deutsch, Recorder