Devon Early Help
Right For Children Terms and Conditions
1. Right For Children System
1.1 Right For Children is a file sharing, storage and collaboration system, which Devon County Council has chosen to use, to facilitate the secure sharing of information contained in the Devon Early Help Assessment, Plan and Review, between authorised partners. The system has been assessed and approved by QMS International PLC to the ISO 27001: 2005 standard.
2. Your Personal Information
2.1 When you agree to accessing the Right For Children system, the details that are held about you, for example your name, email address and phone number, will be seen by other system users.
2.2 There is a full audit trail on all user accounts which records the actions of individual users, for example, what information they have accessed and when. The audit trail information can only be viewed by authorised personnel.
3. Legislation
3.1 All Users of the Right For Children system are bound by UK law. As a User you agree to act in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, Human Rights Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000, Common Law Duty of Confidentiality and your own organisation’s policies regarding this legislation (and any other relevant legislation).
3.2 Inappropriate use or inappropriate disclosure of information from the Right For Children system may constitute a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. The system is monitored for security and audit purposes and any suspected misuse or failure to observe required security measures set out in this agreement will be investigated and may result in access being withdrawn, disciplinary or legal action under the User’s organisation’s employment policies and codes of conduct.
4. Access and Permissions
4.1 All individuals who wish to obtain access to the system to record and share Early Help information must tick the box provided to say that they have read and understood these terms and conditions. Users who attempt to gain access to this system who do not have a legitimate and lawful purpose for doing so, may be reported to the Police and the organisation they work for.
4.2 Users are only permitted access to relevant designated cases. Users are not permitted to view or access information other than the cases they are working with, without approval from the child/family and Early Help assessment author/ Lead Practitioner for the case.
4.3 Users are only permitted access to the Right For Children system, to obtain and share relevant information for the sole purpose of the Early Help support to families. Use for any other purpose is strictly prohibited (unless required or permitted by law or permission has been obtained from Devon County Council).
4.4 All individuals must complete Data Protection and Information Sharing training as required by their employer.
5. Using and Sharing Information on the Right For Children system
5.1 Users agree to view and share information on this system in a professional, sensible, proportionate and lawful way. Any Information sharing must be in accordance with the policies and guidance of their employers. Users must be aware that they have a personal responsibility to ensure that any personal data they share and use on this system, is in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998; Human Rights Act 1998 (in particular Article 8 – Right to a Private Life) and the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality. If in doubt, Users should seek advice from their organisation.
5.2 Users agree to follow the standards set out in the Early Help Working Practice Agreement and their organisation’s protocols, agreements, policies and codes of practice for sharing information.
5.3 Users must not use this system in replacement of their own organisation’s document storage and case handling systems. Users should continue to follow their own organisation’s protocols and procedures for recording information.
5.4 Users are reminded not to share comments, opinions or information on this system, that they do not want other Users who have access to the case to view, use or share with others, in connection with the Early Help Processes.
5.5 It may not be appropriate to share information provided in confidence on this system, due to the number of Users from other organisations who can view this information. Users can view the names of other Users who have access to the case and the organisation they represent under the child or young person’s details
5.6 Users agree not to use this system as a sole means of sharing or communicating information in relation to the Early Help processes. Existing practices for sharing information; for example by telephone, face to face meetings and discussions, use of secure email etc; should continue to be used as appropriate. Users must decide the most the appropriate means of communicating important information, especially in cases when it needs to be shared quickly.
5.7 Users must not use the Right For Children system to report safeguarding concerns for children or young people. Users must follow the South West Child Protection Procedures and their own organisations policies for reporting such concerns.
5.8 When sharing information on this system, Users agree to check the accuracy of the information beforehand. Any out of date, inaccurate or irrelevant information must not be uploaded and must be corrected if found later to be inaccurate.
5.9 When posting comments, Users must keep these professional, concise and relevant. Fact must clearly be distinguished from opinion. Opinions must only be recorded on this system if it is appropriate and necessary to do so.
6. Information Security
6.1 Users have a personal responsibility to protect the data they have access to as part of the Early Help process. Users must only log into the system using their own account credentials. They must ensure they choose complex passwords when accessing the system. Passwords should be a minimum of 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase and one numeric character.
6.2 Users must keep their passwords safe. They are expressly forbidden from sharing their password with someone else or allowing another person to access information on this system using their log-on and password details.
6.3 All Users must have appropriate anti-virus software installed on their computer and must act in accordance with their own organisations policies with regard to security. Users are expressly prohibited from creating and or distributing malicious programs onto the system, such as viruses, email-bombs, worms, Trojans etc.
6.4 Users are only permitted to access the Right For Children system from a secure environment, for example an office with restricted access.
6.5 Users must not allow screens to be viewed by unauthorised personnel particularly when logging in and when viewing sensitive data.
6.6 Users must lock their screens or log out before leaving their desktop unattended.
6.7 Users are prohibited from copying, recording or printing information from the system, without the express permission from Devon County Council and/or the originating organisation (as appropriate), unless they are required or permitted to do so by law.
6.8 Users must report all security incidents and Data Protection Act breaches involving information held on the system, to their organisation in accordance with their own policies and procedures. These incidents and breaches must also be reported to Devon County Council’s Information Governance Team at or telephone 01392 380100.
7. Acceptable Behaviour
7.1 All Users are expected to behave with professionalism and integrity when viewing, using and sharing information on this system. Users must comply with their own organisation’s policies and standards, particularly in relation to acceptable behaviour and employee codes of conduct.
7.2 Users must ensure that any comments or opinions they make on this system are professional, appropriate and relevant.
7.3 Users are prohibited from making false, offensive, libellous comments (or any other types of inappropriate comments) on the system.
8. Data Subject’s Rights
8.1 Any personal and identifiable data held on the Right For Children system is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998. Data Subjects (i.e. individuals who can be identified from the data) have the right to request a copy of their personal data held on the system.
8.2 Devon County Council is the main ‘data controller’ (as defined under the Data Protection Act 1998) for the personal data held on this system (although it is recognised that there may be circumstances when partners are considered as a joint data controller or a Data Controller in common). Therefore, requests from Data Subjects for a copy of their personal data held on the system should be sent to Devon County Council’s Information Governance Team, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD or email . If a partner receives such a request they should handle it in accordance with their own procedures and advise the Data Subject to request the information from Devon County Council, as appropriate.
8.3 Complaints from Data Subjects regarding the use, sharing or recording of their data on the system must be handled in accordance with agencies own policies and procedures. Devon County Council’s Information Governance Team should also be notified of any complaints relating to data sharing on this system.
8.4 Requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) for information held about the Devon Early Help process, should be handled by the relevant agency’s own procedures, in accordance with their statutory obligations.
APPLICANT DECLARATIONI agree to comply with all of the conditions and standards set out in this User Agreement. I understand that failure to do so could result in my access to the Right For Children system being revoked; my employer or organisation I represent being notified; and if I am suspected of committing a criminal or other offence, Devon County Council will notify the Police.
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HolistiX User Agreement Form