Приложение 2
Text 1
Entry to Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
Jesus entered the holy city of Jerusalem with his disciples. He arrived on the back of a donkey. The people believed that God had sent them their leader. They threw palm leaves on the road in front of him. This was the kind of welcome for a king.
Text 2
The Last Supper (Maundy Thursday)
Jesus and his disciples were having their meal. Jesus blessed the bread and broke it, saying to them, “Take this and eat it, for it is my body.”
Then he blessed the wine and passed his cup. “Drink this, for this is my blood.”
Then Jesus looked at each man in turn , his face full of sorrow. “One of your sitting here will betray me.”
The disciples were horrified, they looked at each other and asked each other “Is it you? Is it him? Is it me?”
Then one of his disciples asked “Lord, which one do you mean?”
“The one to whom I shall give this bread,” replied Jesus. Then he took a piece from the loaf and handed it to Judas Iscaroit.
Judas got up from the table, left the room, and walked out into the night.
Text 3
Crucifixion (Good Friday)
To be crucified
Mount Golgotha
To be nailed to the cross
Text 4
The Resurrection
On Sunday morning Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb. She found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. The body was gone. She ran to Peter and John and told them the news. They all hurried to the tomb. There was no body there. Peter and John returned home, but Mary stayed by the tomb. Suddenly she saw the two angels, sitting where the body was lain and a man standing behind her in the shadows. Mary thought he was a gardener and asked him if he knew where the body had been taken. But the man said:”Mary, it is I. Go and tell my friends that you have seen me and that soon I’ll be with my Father in the Heaven”. Mary ran back to tell the news. “I have seen Jesus with my eyes”. Jesus resurrected from the dead.
Text 5
Easter traditions
Easter is the most important church festival. Easter day is always on Sunday, but it is different every year. It celebrates Jesus Christ’s return to life. And it also celebrates spring.
There are many traditions associated with Easter.
Eggs are an important part of Easter because they mean spring and new life. Usually Easter eggs in Russia are red, because this colour symbolizes blood of Christ. To decorate eggs red people use onion peels (шелуха). Russian people traditionally bake Easter cakes, known as “kulich”, and make curd paskha (творожнаяпасха).
On Easter Day Russian people play traditional Easter games. One of them is called “breaking eggs”. Two members of the family take hard-boiled eggs and hit the sharp ends of them with each other. The one with the unbroken end wins.
People send Easter cards.
When people meet on Easter Day they greet each other saying “Christ is risen”, and the answer is “He is risen indeed”.
The most important part of the festival for the religious people is the night church service. All churches are beautifully decorated for Easter and people sing special Easter hymns.