OUR VISION ISNA is the recognized leader for nurses and professional nursing practice in Indiana.
OUR VALUES Advocacy, collaboration, education, facilitation, information, and leadership
OUR MISSION ISNA works through its members to promote and influence quality nursing and health care.
November 8, 2013
Present: Jennifer Embree, President; Diana Sullivan, Vice President, Ella Harmeyer, Treasurer; Emily Edwards, Director; Monica Weissling, Director; Gingy Harshey-Meade, Chief Executive Officer; Blayne Miley, Director Policy and Advocacy; and Marla Holbrook, Office Manager.
Absent with Notice: Michael Fights, Secretary; Angela Hickman, Director; Vicki Johnson, Director; and Heather Savage-Maierle, Graduate Director
CALL TO ORDER: President Embree called the meeting to order at 9:00 am
A quorum was established and the consent agenda was approved.
ACTIONS ITEMS: A. Treasurer’s Report – Ella Harmeyer
1. Review Financial Reports
We are currently running in the red since we have not been paid by the state since August. We are over budget $13,021. We knew we were going to be over budget due to the increase of Blayne to full-time. We are approved to be over budget by $30,000. Membership is still growing. We
are at 1301 for both instate and ANA members. We are budgeted for 1320 members.
2. Proposal from Sikich for 2014
The proposal came in last night. The proposal came in at $18,075 which we budgeted over this amount. This includes the audit, taxes and
3. Adopt the Budget for 2014
The 2014 Budget was presented and reviewed at the board orientation yesterday.
B. Membership Report – Gingy Harshey-Meade
1. We went up in membership again. We grew 11 members last month. We
are continuing to grow. We need your help to continue this growth. Make
sure you pick up recruitment brochures before you leave.
2. Nominating Committee
We have three people on the nominating committee: Kim Harper, Barb Kelly and Mary Cisco. We need to more members. We can make calls. Were there any members who ran for a position who did not get appointed? Merry Addison ran but did not get selected. Merry should be invited. Have we thought about going out to other nursing groups who are members, ie, emergency nursing. Linda Everett from IU should be asked and possibly pulled in. We need to look at our large organizations, too. Should we be looking at areas? Ann White from Ft. Wayne. We should maybe look at the COA members to see if they may be interested. Sara Beckman, or someone from IPFW. Do we put out a call in the ISNAbler? We should contact anyone on the ballot who did not get appointed. We will also put a call in the ISNAbler for the open positions.
3. Follow-Up on September 13th Meeting of the Members
Morning meeting was okay but the afternoon was not good. We need to make a change. Do we move the meeting to the morning? The students enjoy the meeting. We will flip the business meeting to the morning and the CE in the afternoon. Remembering from the past surveys, members want it on Friday. But people from out-of-town, bolt after lunch. We will do a late lunch to hold them longer. What about changing the location? We have not asked about changing the location on the survey. Gingy will ask when the Clarion hotel will be done with remodeling. We were at the Primo by Metropolis but was bumped and we had to move to the other location. We look for a location close to the highway. We will switch around the meeting. The evaluations all were good remarks. Most members enjoyed learning the history of ISNA. We don’t have a hot issue in nursing in this state. We will with the scope of practice coming. This may hit around next September. This would be coming 2015. We could do a meeting surrounding around this topic. We could get associate members to join in. We could get Sheryl Peterson from ANA to come speak about collaborative practices. This would be engaging to nurses. A lot of the subspecialties would be interested. Ernie felt like this issue should not be opened until Pat Miller retires. She should be getting close to retiring. We should follow what Glenna is telling us what to do. We need to talk to Glenna. Glenna will be at the meeting later today. Pat has not been practicing for years.
4. Membership Pilot – ANA Member Get a Member
ANA has a proposal for a pilot for membership programs. We only qualify for one. It is called “Member Get a Member” campaign. It requires us to put up $5,000 this year. We are a little in the red now. This is an investment in our future. ANA is putting in $45,000 to this program. They are going to track these members. They are going to have a way to
track who recruited what members. They are going to do training for members who want to participate. There are two ways of doing this program. One way is to give 6 months free or reducing their rate. They prefer you do the 6 months free and then go to paying. This is the more statistically more successful method. They see what they are getting before spending any money. Not only would we would have to get members to the training. We will also have to make sure to have our 2 year retention plan in place so we can get our members engaged about the program. Can we change the by-laws to work with the students? The other ANA program the association has to have a discounted rate for students and we don’t have one. We used to have one but this was removed at some point. Our discounted rate is for RN’s going back or continuing their education. No rate for nursing students. ANA information distributed. Don’t look at the amount of dues on this paperwork form ANA. Our membership is $137 so we would need to recruit more members. We would need to recruit 37 members to break even. Can they option to not pay after six months? Yes, they could drop us but we hope they see the value in their membership. In Ohio, we pay for our publication where ISNA is done for free by Arthur Davis. ISNA’s only cost would be to add them to our list for the website and deleting them if they do not continue. The deadline is November 27 and decision made on December 9. The program will start in May. We will not see any money until November, 2014. We hope this program would excite our members and get new members to join. They choose 6 months instead of 3 months because they didn’t want the new member to feel like they just joined and were being asked for money.
5. Continuing Education question about Ohio being our educational provider. Need to make sure the statement includes Ohio is a preferred provider of
Indiana State Nurses Association. Emily will check her institution to
make sure they are doing this on their certificates.
V. Appointments
1. Bylaws Committee
We need to reach out to past committee people. We need to get new people on this committee, too. Linda Webb would be a good person on this committee.
2. Indiana Nurses Foundation
We talked about 5 board members to be on the foundation. It would actually be Ella, will be treasurer, so we need 4 more. Mike Fights was the President last time. Emily, Ella, Jeni, Mike and Monica will be on this Board. We need a secretary. We should not look at the board members to be the secretary. We need to look at members who know people in their people in their area. Esther Acree, Sharon Isaac and Doreen Albright should be on the committee. The membership directory was reviewed to find other members to talk to about joining the foundation. Maybe some community members would be good. We need to have a dinner inviting people we feel we want to join the foundation. Can we couple this with the legislative conferences to get them to come? The advanced policy is on Thursday, February 20th so we can invite them to a dinner on Wednesday, February 19th. We can send out nice invitations and some of the other people to get some interest.
3. PAC Board of Trustees
All but one has asked to continue. We have one member wanting to join the PAC Board. Terri Moore, Pam Jahnke, Cindy Stone, and Lynn Devich, are currently on the PAC Board. Heather Anderson would like to be on the committee. Once we finalize this board, we will put on the website. We will check with Pam if she would like to continue as chair.
We need someone from the ISNA board on the PAC according to the PAC Bylaws. Cindy Stone was the board member on the PAC and at one time the chairman. Emily Edwards will be the ISNA board member on the PAC. The bylaws need to be updated to reflect our changes in staff and the addition of Blayne, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. Blayne will be the treasurer. We will have 8 members on the Board.
VI. Update on Operational Issues-Gingy Harshey-Meade
1. We have the contract for the Peer Assistance Program. One of our
subcontractors did not renew their license on time. They were contacted and have reapplied; therefore, the state will not sign the contract until this is fixed. The state is late paying us for the previous month, owes this month and we have submitted this months. They do pay us interest for being 35 days late. I have contacted Maureen and have not heard back. I will contact her again today and also Libby. We have the ANA money coming then we have payroll and health insurance.
2. IT Update
Gingy would like approval to bring in her son, Sean, to review our computer technology and let us know what we need to change or update to make our technology run better since we are having some issues.
3. Updating the Board Room
We are working on redecorating the board room. We will be removing the wallpaper and painting. We will have to keep the mauve chairs for now so will look for a color that will pull it all together. Can we raffle off some of the items in the room? No, some of the items which have been donated the items will be moved to another location in the office.
VII. Legislative Update – Blayne Miley
1. Ann White, Dean at USI, is working with her legislator to get the Nursing
Scholarship back in to the budget for 2015 since 2104 is not a budget year. Glenna will have more on this when she gets here. Our members feel we drop the ball on this issue. The schools did not help to keep this scholarship funding. Jeni notified the schools that they needed to get their lobbyists on board to work on this issue. Most of the Deans didn’t know about this funding. When looking at this funding, the Deans decided if they money was going to another school they would not get involved. The Deans didn’t understand the impact of losing this money. This money was being used at 80 to 90 percent for undergraduate nursing which are operating full and with waiting list. The theory is the nursing schools will be full without this funding. Moving the money to the Marion physician program was after the funding was already removed from Nursing. Another entity put out that it was removed from nursing to be given to Marion which was not true. We asked the entity to recant this statement. We do have a bottle neck with nurse training due to the lack of faculty.
2. Glenna Shelby from LegisGroup Affairs came and spoke at the meeting regarding bills in legislation. She spoke about some bills which may be
difficult to get passed. The legislators may bring back the three bills which did not pass last session. Health finance had 22 issues assigned to them. They had some marathon meetings but did not come out with many bills. Glenna did see two legislators are going to retire. Pat Miller is not on the list for retiring. Information about the Epi Pen, and CRNA past bills issues further explained. The use of state scholarships focusing on giving the money to a specific career is being reviewed. They are directing people to a better career path. We were told not begin to work on getting back the nursing scholarship until 2015. We were told possibly to focus on the need for nurse educators and to use the money to be able to recruit nurse faculty. The problem is we are going to be losing the diploma nurses and we have a lot of graduate nurses next to the beds. Most shifts are 12 hour shifts which are hard for the more experienced nurse.
Blayne explained how the ISNAbler works. It is published on Friday on with the bills which were in hearings during the prior week. The hearings are being watched by Glenna and Blayne. This session goes much faster than the longer sessions. Representative Blair has been trying to get traction for medical care coverage across all levels.
AHEC is hosting a rural care conference on May 7th.
VIII. Affiliate Reports
1. Indiana Center for Nursing – Jennifer Embree
They continue to meet and work on reaching out to minority nurses.
2. Indiana Action Coalition – Jennifer Embree
We had a visit by Robert Wood Johnson and did a survey. We do not have the results of the survey back yet.
3. Access to Care Meeting
Indiana Center for Nursing was the host of this meeting. Blayne and Jeni attended this meeting. Eventually, we want to bring Glenna to be involved. There were many of the nursing organizations around Indiana. They were randomly assigned to tables. Different conversations were taking place at different tables. Talked about critical care, scope of care, obstacles your organization and interpersonal representation. Next meeting will be December 2, 2013. We will have to write the legislation for the scope of practice.
REPORTS: A. President’s Report - President Embree
1. Will be attached to minutes
OTHER BUSINESS: Next meeting will be Friday, March 7th. Jeni will be speaking at conference in Orlando
and Diana will be chairing for Jeni. If we need to speak about anything, we will have a
conference call before March 7. Our meetings are to be attended in person. We are
having four meetings for the next two years and it would make it better if you would
come in person.
Insert Jeni’s Report